Class WL.BusyIndicator



Display an indication that the application is busy.
Use the WL.BusyIndicator object to display a modal, dynamic graphical image when the application is temporarily "busy", that is, not responsive to user input.

WL.BusyIndicator is implemented natively in the following environments: iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8. For a list of available options, review the Constructor Details section below.
WL.BusyIndicator is implemented using JavaScript in the remaining environments: Mobile Web, Desktop Browser, BlackBerry 6/7/10 and preview.
To change the appearance of the busy indicator in these environments, override the following CSS selectors: #WLbusyOverlay, #WLbusy, and #WLbusyTitle.

Showing and Hiding the Busy Indicator
Methods of WL.BusyIndicator
After the indicator is instantiated with a constructor:
var busyInd = new WL.BusyIndicator ("content", {text: "Please wait..."});

You can use the following functions to show and hide the busy indicator:;

Constructor Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
WL.BusyIndicator(containerId, options)
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
To hide the busy indicator:
To show the busy indicator.
Constructor Detail
WL.BusyIndicator(containerId, options)
containerId - - Optional string. The name of the HTML element in which the indicator is displayed. The indicator is centered horizontally and vertically within the element. If not provided or null, the element with ID 'body' is used.
Not relevant where the busy indicator is implemented natively, that is, on iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8; however, even if not relevant, you must add this parameter if you also use the options parameter.
options - Optional. A JSON hash object. See details in the following section.

Options for iPhone

text: String
bounceAnimation: Boolean. Show a bounce animation when the busy indicator is displayed. Default: false.
opacity: Float. Number in the range 0 - 1.
textColor: String. Color name or color notation, such as "00FF00" or "green". Default: white.
strokeOpacity: Float.
fullScreen: Boolean. Show the overlay over the entire screen. Default: false.
boxLength: Float. Height and width of the overlay, when fullScreen is false.
duration: Double. Duration in seconds.
minDuration: Integer. Minimum duration in seconds.

Options for Windows Phone 8


Options for Other Environments

text: String.
Method Detail
To hide the busy indicator:
   var busyInd=WL.BusyIndicator();

To show the busy indicator.
	  var busyInd=WL.BusyIndicator();;

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