Reinstalling MongoDB V3.2.12 on the existing remote system

To install MongoDB V3.2.12 on the existing remote system, uninstall MongoDB V3.x and reinstall V3.2.12 on the same remote system. This procedure requires you to stop the Cloud APM server.


Complete the following steps as a root user:

  1. Complete one set of the following steps depending on the type of server upgrade that you are completing:
    • If you are planning to upgrade the server side-by-side, see steps 1 to 4 in Upgrading the server side-by-side.
    • If you are planning to upgrade the server on a single system, see steps 1 to 4 in Upgrading the server on the same system.
  2. Run the script without parameters from the tools directory on the system where the V8.1.3 Cloud APM server is installed. The script outputs the name of the backup file.
    For example:
    [root]# /root/min/tools/
    The server is configured with a remote DB2. This script must additionally be run on the DB2 machine to backup the database.
    The log file was created at "/opt/ibm/ccm/logs/backup_20160424_005922.log".
    Starting components of the IBM Performance Management server and verifying the passwords...
    Performing a backup...
    Processing the "install" component...
    Processing the "oslc" component...
    Processing the "ccs" component...
    Processing the "apmui" component...
    Processing the "spark" component...
    Processing the "min" component...
    Processing the "min_config" component...
    Processing the "cscs" component...
    Processing the "oidc" component...
    Processing the "oauth2" component...
    Processing the "scr" component...
    Processing the "mongodb" component...
    Processing the "itmcdp" component...
    Processing the "supports" component...
    Processing the "biagent" component...
    Backup operation completed.
    Starting the components...
    Creating the backup file...
    All tasks finished successfully. Your backup is available in the following file:
    For more information about running the backup script when a non-default user name is configured for the Cloud APM UI administrator user name, see step 6 of Upgrading the server on the same system.
  3. Stop the Cloud APM server.
    From the command line, enter:
    apm stop_all
  4. Copy the backup file to the system where you plan to install the V8.1.4 Cloud APM server.
  5. Uninstall MongoDB V3.x from the remote system.
    From the command line, enter:
  6. Install MongoDB V3.2.12 on the same system where the previous version of the MongoDB was installed.
    For instructions, see steps 1 to 2 in Installing a remote MongoDB.


The MongoDB on the remote system is running V3.2.12.

What to do next

Upgrade the Cloud APM server: