Upgrading the server on the same system

You can upgrade your Cloud APM server from V8.1.3 to V8.1.4 on the same system. The advantage with this method is that a second system is not required for the upgrade. Customers with small to medium environments usually choose this method.

Before you begin

  • When you perform the Cloud APM server upgrade, the Db2® server for the Cloud APM server V8.1.4.0 must be at the same version as the Db2 server used by the Cloud APM server V8.1.3. Check the Db2 version that is in use by the Cloud APM server V8.1.3:
    • If Db2 is installed on the same system as the Cloud APM server, enter the following command to check the Db2 version:
      where install_dir is the directory where Db2 is installed.
    • If Db2 is installed on a remote system, ask the Db2 administrator to check the Db2 server version.

    The Db2 server for your V8.1.4 Cloud APM server must be at the same version as your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server during the Cloud APM server upgrade.

    If the Db2 version for your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server is Db2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition V10.5 fix pack 9 (or later), complete the steps in this technote Upgrading your Cloud APM server from V8.1.3 to V8.1.4 when your Db2 server is running V10.5 fix pack 9 or a later fix pack now to continue your Cloud APM server upgrade from V8.1.3 to V8.1.4.

    If you want to use Db2 V11.1 for your V8.1.4 Cloud APM server, you can upgrade your Db2 server to a supported version of Db2 V11.1 after the Cloud APM server upgrade completes. Follow the procedure in Upgrading the Db2 server to Db2 version 11.5.x.

  • If your Cloud APM server is connected to a remote Db2 server, Db2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition V11.1 is supported when you are upgrading your Cloud APM server from V8.1.3 to V8.1.4.
  • If your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server is connected to a remote MongoDB, install MongoDB V3.2.12. For instructions, see Installing MongoDB V3.2.12 on your remote system.

  • If LDAP is enabled on your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server to authenticate Cloud APM console users, complete the following steps on your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server before you back up your V8.1.3 data:
    1. Retrieve the value of the realm attribute from the install_dir/wlp/usr/shared/config/ldapRegistry.xml file.
    2. Check the value of the oauthRealm attribute in the install_dir/wlp/usr/shared/config/oauthVariables-onprem.xml file. If the value of oauthRealm attribute does not match the value of the realm attribute in the ldapRegistry.xml file, update the value of the oauthRealm attribute to match the value of the realm attribute.
    3. Complete the following steps to update the install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/apmui/server-oauth2-tai.xml file to add the user from the install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/server1/cscs/conf/cscsRoleAdmin.conf file:
      1. Find the properties line <properties, and identify the systemUser parameter, if it does not exist you will need to add it in the next step. Identify the closing tag /> for the properties line.
      2. Add a new line or edit the existing line before the /> closing tag as follows:
        systemUser="testuser LDAP distinguished name"
        where testuser matches the user string from the cscsRoleAdmin.conf file, for example:
        Note: Do not include the user:prefix or realm name that was specified in cscsRoleAdmin.conf.
      3. Confirm that the /> closing tag was not deleted, then save and close the file.
  • If you modified the trust store password for your Cloud APM server V8.1.3, change the password back to the default password before performing the server upgrade. After the upgrade completes, you can change the password back to your custom trust store password. For details, Changing the password for the shared truststore.
  • If a custom password is configured for MongoDB on your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server, you must set the MongoDB password back to the default value before running backup.sh. After the upgrade to version is complete, you can set the MongoDB password back to a custom password. For more information, see Default users and passwords.

About this task

The procedure for upgrading the Cloud APM server from V8.1.3 to V8.1.4 on the same system involves these general steps:
  • Install the Cloud APM V8.1.3 interim fix 16 ( or later on your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server.
  • Back up your V8.1.3 interim fix 16 or later server data and configuration files with the backup script that is part of the V8.1.3 interim fix 16 server installation.
  • Uninstall your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server. After the uninstall is finished, delete any install_dir/wlp-backup* directories; for example: wlp-backup-02.
  • If your Cloud APM server is connected to a remote Db2 server, back up the DATAMART, WAREHOUS, and SCR32 databases if these databases were not backed up recently. The backup.sh script can be used to complete this backup. Then, run commands to update the SCR database on the remote Db2 server.
  • Install the V8.1.4 Cloud APM server and indicate that you are upgrading. The installation script restores the server data and configuration files from the V8.1.3 Cloud APM server backup file.


While logged in as the root user on the system where your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server is installed, complete these steps to upgrade your server to V8.1.4 on the same system:

Download and extract the V8.1.4 Cloud APM server installation image

  1. Download the V8.1.4 Cloud APM server installation image from the download site to a staging location of your choosing.
  2. If you plan to configure the agent images, the Hybrid Gateway image, or both during the server upgrade, download the images.
    For more information, see Download instructions.
  3. Extract the server installation files for your offering.
    In V8.1.4, two offerings are supported instead of four offerings that were supported in the V8.1.3 release. These offerings are:
    IBM Cloud Application Performance Management, Advanced Private
    IBM Cloud Application Performance Management, Base Private
    The IBM Cloud Application Performance Management, Base Private offering now includes the V8.1.3 IBM Monitoring offering capability and the IBM Cloud Application Performance Management, Advanced Private offering now includes the capability of the other three V8.1.3 offerings. You must use the V8.1.4 offering file that matches the offering that was installed on the V8.1.3 Cloud APM server for the upgrade.
    For example, if IBM Monitoring was installed in the V8.1.3 Cloud APM server, you must use the V8.1.4 IBM Cloud Application Performance Management, Base Private offering file to complete the upgrade.

Download and install the V8.1.3 patch on your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server

  1. Install the V8.1.3 patch on your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server:
    1. Download the V8.1.3 interim fix 16 ( or later patch from IBM Fix Central on the IBM support site.
    2. Copy the file to your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server and complete these steps on the V8.1.3 Cloud APM server.
      1. Extract the patch package:
        tar xvf
      2. Run the following script to apply the patch:
  2. Verify that the default permissions are set correctly. Open a command prompt and enter umask.
    A value of 0022 is returned if the permissions are set correctly. If any other value is returned, set the permissions by entering the following command:
    umask 0022

Back up your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server and then uninstall the server

  1. Run the following command as user root to back up your V8.1.3 interim fix 16 or later Cloud APM server installation.
    install_dir/ccm/backup.sh [-f ~/backup813.tar]
    where install_dir is the directory where you installed the V8.1.3 interim fix 16 Cloud APM server. Include the -f option when you want to specify the path and file name for the server backup. For example, ~/backup813.tar saves to /root/backup813.tar. The default path is /opt/ibm/backups/backup_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.tar, such as /opt/ibm/backups/backup_20160826_155605.tar.
    If your existing V8.1.3 server is configured with a non-default user name for the Cloud APM user interface administrator account, you must run the following backup.sh script as user root:
    install_dir/ccm/backup.sh [-f ~/backup813.tar] 
    -u uiadmin_username -p uiadmin_password
    For example, if the Cloud APM UI administrator user name is uiadmin and the non-default password for this user is uiadminpwd, enter the following command:
    install_dir/ccm/backup.sh -u uiadmin -p uiadminpwd
    • If you do not want the password to be visible by other users, you can use environment variables to provide the password and the user name by entering the following commands:
      export APMADMIN_USERNAME=uiadmin
      export APMADMIN_PASSWORD=uiadminpwd
      Then, run the backup.sh script as user root by entering the following command:
      install_dir/ccm/backup.sh [-f ~/backup813.tar]
      The Cloud APM UI administrator's user name and password is read from the backup during the restore phase.
    • If your Cloud APM server is connected to a remote Db2 server, you can ignore the warning to run the backup script on the remote Db2 server server.

    Output messages inform you of the backup progress, backup path, and file name upon completion.

  2. Uninstall your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server:
    1. Run the following command in the /opt/ibm/ccm directory (or /custom_path/ccm if you installed the server in a different path):
    2. Review the list of installed Cloud APM offerings and enter the number that uninstalls all the offerings (the whole product) or enter q (quit) to cancel the uninstall operation.

If your Cloud APM server connects to a remote Db2 server, back up databases and update the SCR database

  1. If your Cloud APM server is connected to a remote Db2 server, complete these steps as root user:
    1. As Db2 instance user db2apm on the system where Db2 is installed, back up the DATAMART, WAREHOUS, and SCR32 databases.

      If the database administrator who is managing the remote Db2 server does not have procedures for backing up the database, run the Cloud APM server backup script:

      1. Copy /tools/backup.sh from the V8.1.4 Cloud APM server installation image to the remote Db2 server.
      2. As user root and Db2 instance user db2apm, enter the following commands on the remote Db2 server:
        chmod 755 backup.sh
        ./backup.sh [-f ~/backup814.tar]

        AIXIf your Db2 server is running on AIX, you must run the backup.sh script in the bash shell. If the bash shell is not installed on your Db2 server, download the rpm for bash from the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications.

    2. Copy the setup-dbconfig-platform_64.bin script from the packages/SCR directory of the V8.1.4 Cloud APM server installation image to the remote Db2 server system.
    3. If you are not already logged in as db2apm, enter:
      su - db2apm
    4. Run the setup_dbconfig-platform_64.bin script to set up the SCR32 database where platform is either AIX or Linux.
      Run the script as the same Db2 instance user db2apm who ran the script during the creation of the V8.1.3. SCR database. Do not run the script as user root.
      /path/setup-dbconfig-linux_64.bin -i console
      Follow the console prompts:
      1. When you are prompted to choose a locale, enter 2 to select English.
      2. Enter 1 to accept the license agreement.
      3. Enter the absolute path to the installation folder or press Enter to accept the default path. The default path is the setup-dbconfig installation path for V8.1.3. Do not change this path, unless the path is incorrect. In this procedure, this path is referred to as /opt/ibm/db2/tbsmdb.

        The Cloud APM SCR database configuration tools installed by the setup_dbconfig-platform_64.bin script should not be installed into the same directory as the Tivoli Business Service Manager database configuration tools if the databases for both products reside on the same remote Db2 server.

      4. Enter 1 to select IBM Cloud Application Performance Management(APM) as the product that uses the database.
      5. Enter 1 to select Simple as the type of installation to run.
      6. Enter 2 to instruct the installer not to create the database schema, including the tables, table spaces, and views.
      7. Enter the following database configuration details when you are prompted:
        • Database Name (maximum 8 characters) (DEFAULT: SCR32): SCR32
        • Database host name or IP address (DEFAULT): hostname_or_IP_address
        • Database Port (DEFAULT: 50000): port
        • Database Path (Default: <default>): default_path
      8. Create an encrypted database (only applicable on Db2 for Cloud V10.5 fix pack 3 or later). Press Enter and accept the default selection that is displayed.
    5. Upgrade the database schema and Java UDF routines in the Db2 SCR database.
      cd install_path/tbsmdb/tools/XMLtoolkit/bin
      ./scr_restore.sh -U db2apm -P passw0rd -n
      where install_path is the path that you entered when you set up setup-dbconfig.
      If you do not want the password visible on the command line, you can omit the -P flag and the script prompts for the password. For example:
      ./scr_restore.sh -n
      Enter the database password:
    6. Enter the following command as the db2apm user for each database to adjust the buffer pool after you determine the size of your environment.
      db2 connect to WAREHOUS
      db2 disconnect WAREHOUS
      db2 connect to DATAMART
      db2 disconnect DATAMART
      db2 connect to SCR32
      db2 alter bufferpool IBMDEFAULTBP IMMEDIATE size 5000
      db2 alter bufferpool TBSMCFG16KBP IMMEDIATE size 1000
      db2 alter bufferpool TBSM4KBP IMMEDIATE size 1000
      db2 alter bufferpool TBSM32KBP IMMEDIATE size 1000
      db2 alter bufferpool TBSMSCR16KBP IMMEDIATE size SCR32_PAGE_COUNT
      db2 disconnect SCR32
      • WAREHOUS_PAGE_COUNT is the page count (8 K page size) for the WAREHOUS database IBMDEFAULTBP bufferpool: 50000 for small; 100000 for medium; or 200000 for large
      • DATAMART_PAGE_COUNT is the page count (8 K page size) for the DATAMART database IBMDEFAULTBP bufferpool: 100000 for small; 200000 for medium; or 300000 for large
      • SCR32_PAGE_COUNT is the page count (16 K page size) for the SCR32 database TBSMSCR16KBP bufferpool: 30000 for small; 50000 for large; or 100000 for large
      Estimate the size of your environment (small, medium, or large) from the server requirements table in Cloud APM server hardware requirements.

Install the V8.1.4 Cloud APM server

  1. Install the new version of the Cloud APM server and restore the data and configuration from the backup. Complete these sub-steps as the root user.
    1. If the computer system or virtual machine where you are installing the Cloud APM server with a local Db2 server is using LDAP to authenticate the root user or Db2 users for your Cloud APM server, you must create local Db2 users before installing the V8.1.4. Cloud APM server. Complete steps 1 to 7 in Installing on a system using an external directory service.
    2. If your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server has a local Db2 server with custom passwords set for Db2 users itmuser and db2apm, you must change the values of the database passwords in Cloud APM install.properties before running install.sh:
    3. When you are upgrading your Cloud APM server from V8.1.3 to V8.1.4, you must install V8.1.4 in the same directory where the V8.1.3 server was previously installed. This installation path was either the default /opt/ibm directory or a directory that you chose. Run the ./install.sh command to start the installation script.
    4. When you are asked if you want to upgrade from an existing installation of the Cloud APM server, enter 1 (Yes).
    5. When you are asked if you want to migrate the server data and configuration automatically or manually, enter 2 for manual migration.
    6. When you are asked for the backup file location, enter the path and file name that you created in Step 6 (such as /opt/ibm/backups/backup_20160826_155605.tar).
    7. When you are asked whether you accept the license agreement, enter 1 to accept the agreement and continue, or enter 2 to decline.
    8. After you are asked whether you want to configure your agent installation images and Hybrid Gateway installation image (if used) to connect to the server, enter either 1 (yes) to configure the images now or 2 (no) to defer configuration of the agent and Hybrid Gateway images.
      If you entered 1 (yes), you are prompted to confirm the following information:
      • The path to the directory on the server where the agent images and Hybrid Gateway (if used) are stored.
        The agent images and Hybrid Gateway images can be mounted on an NFS partition but must be accessible using the file system.
      • Enter the path to the directory for the configured agent installation images or accept the default install_dir/ccm/depot directory.
      • If you accepted the default directory for storing the configured agent and Hybrid Gateway images, the installer creates the directory install_dir/ccm/depot for storing the configured agent and Hybrid Gateway images. However, if you chose to change the directory, or if the installer fails to create the directory, or the directory is not writable, you are prompted to specify the output directory.

      If you entered 2 (no), this step is skipped.

    9. When you are prompted to enter the host name and IP address of the server that will be used in a web browser to log into the Cloud APM console, accept the default values or enter your own values.
      This is the address that users enter to start the Cloud APM console from their web browsers, for example: https://myserver:9443 or http://myserver:8080. You can change the IP address and host name later. See Changing the server IP address and host name.
    10. If your Cloud APM server is connected to a remote Db2 server, respond to the prompts to connect to the remote Db2 database:
      Enter configuration parameters to establish connection to the  existing DB2 database.
      Enter the hostname/IP address to the DB2 host or accept the default  []:
      Enter the port number of the DB2 instance 
      or accept the default [50000]:
      Enter the password for the user "itmuser":
      Enter the remote DB2 instance name or accept the default [db2apm]:
      Enter the password for the instance user "db2apm":
      If you get a message that the Db2 database names must match, accept the default values to use the V8.1.3 names:
      Enter the name of Metric Cache database or accept the default [WAREHOUS]:
      Enter the name of Topology database or accept the default [SCR32]:
      Enter the name of Datamart database or accept the default [DATAMART]:
    Note: After this step is completed, do not restore the remote Db2 server.

    If the installer detects any agent configuration packages in install_dir/ccm/depot from a previous installation of the Cloud APM server, it warns you that it renamed the old packages and created new agent packages. The old packages are named install_dir/ccm/depot.old.

    If the installer detects a keyfiles directory in install_dir from a previous installation of the Cloud APM server, it warns you that it renamed the old keyfiles directory and created a new directory. The old keyfiles directory is named install_dir/keyfiles.old.

    A prerequisite scan of your environment starts and takes a few moments to complete. If any requirements are missing, a message directs you to a log file with the reason for the failure, such as insufficient disk space. You must address the failure and start the installation again. A soft prerequisite such as low available memory does not stop the installation but you must enter 1 to continue installing or 2 to stop.

If the Hybrid Gateway is installed, migrate your configuration

  1. Migrate your Hybrid Gateway configuration:
    • To migrate the Hybrid Gateway immediately after a restore, run these commands on the Cloud APM server as the root user:
      1. Copy the restored config.properties file to the ccm directory:
        cp install_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties.restored install_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties
      2. Update the date and time of the config.properties file so that any Hybrid Gateways already running will reload their configuration:
        touch config.properties
      3. Copy the updated config.properties file to the Central Configuration Services component:
        cp install_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/min/dropins/CentralConfigurationServer.war/common/config.properties
    • If any configurations were done on the upgraded system after the restore, complete these steps:
      1. Copy these two lines from theinstall_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties.restored file:
      2. Replace the same lines in install_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties with the lines that you just copied.
      3. Copy config.properties to the Central Configuration Services component:
        cp install_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/min/dropins/CentralConfigurationServer.war/common/config.properties
    To verify that the config.properties file in install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/min/dropins/CentralConfigurationServer.war/common/ was replaced, check that the modified date and time are current.


The installer upgrades to the new version of the Cloud APM server and restores the data and configuration from the server backup. This upgrade procedure can take up to 1 hour or longer depending on the size of your backup.

What to do next

  • If you are using the default out of the box certificates for accessing the Cloud APM console, you must complete the steps in this technote V8.1.4 Application Performance Management UI certificates are expiring in upgraded environments to update the default certificates to prevent them from expiring in April 2019.
  • Before you use the Cloud APM console that you upgraded, clear your web browser cache and restart your browser. Clearing the cache avoids display issues that new capabilities in this update introduced to some of the user interfaces.
  • Hybrid Gateway users: During the upgrade, the server restore script adds the V8.1.4 encryption key and gaiandb credential to the restored config.properties file. The Hybrid Gateway then downloads the config.properties file and attempts to use the new encryption key to decrypt the ITM password. Since this key was not used to encrypt the password, the decryption attempt fails and the connection with the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal Server fails. The workaround for this problem follows:
    1. After a restore, the install_dir/ccm/properties directory contains config.properties and config.properties.restored.
    2. To recover the Hybrid Gateway immediately after a restore, run these commands on the Cloud APM server as the root user:
      cp install_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties.restored install_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties
      Update the date and time of the config.properties file so that any Hybrid Gateways already running will reload their configuration:
      # touch config.properties
      cp install_dir/ccm/properties/config.properties install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/min/dropins/CentralConfigurationServer.war/common/config.properties
  • If you want to use the old agent configuration packages from a previous installation for agent installations, complete these steps:
    1. Go to the install_dir/ccm directory.
    2. Delete the agentconfig file.
    3. Change the name of the agentconfig.old file to agentconfig.
  • If you configured HTTPS communication between the Cloud APM server and agents in your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server, you must change clientAuthentication to true. Copy the <ssl> xml element that contains the enabledCiphers attribute from the install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/min/server.xml file to the install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/min/user-exit.xml file if it does not already exist in the user-exit.xml file. Then add this clientAuthentication="true" line after the enabledCiphers line in the user-exit.xml file. Remove the <ssl> xml element from the server.xml file. The following code example shows you where to add the clientAuthentication="true" line in the user-exit.xml.
  • If you configured HTTPS communication between the Cloud APM server and agents in your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server and used the default certificates, change the communication protocol that the Cloud APM server agents use to HTTPS. For instructions, see Configuring the communications protocol for server agents.
  • If you configured HTTPS communication between the Cloud APM server and agents in your V8.1.3 Cloud APM server and did not use the default certificates, complete these steps:
    1. Encode the (xor) server keystore password that you used when you created certificates for the V8.1.3 Cloud APM server:
      /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/securityUtility encode
    2. Copy the <keyStore> xml element from the install_dir/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/min/server.xml to the install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/min/user-exit.xml file if it does not already exist in the user-exit.xml file. Then in the user-exit.xml file, replace the value of the password attribute with the newly encoded password from the step 1. Remove the <keyStore> xml element from the server.xml file.
    3. Go to the install_dir directory.
    4. Delete the keyfiles directory.
    5. Change the name of the keyfiles.old directory to keyfiles.
    6. Update the certificates that are used by the monitoring agents to connect to the Cloud APM server to use the new keystore. For instructions, see Configuring certificates between the server and agents for HTTPS communication.
    7. Update the communication protocol and certificates that are used by the Cloud APM server agents. For instructions, see Configuring the communications protocol for server agents.
  • If the system where you installed the Cloud APM server is using LDAP to authenticate the root user or Db2 users, and you updated the passwords for the itmuser and the Db2 instances users when following the procedure referenced in step 9.a, then complete step 9 in the Installing on a system using an external directory service topic.
  • Reconfigure and reinstall the reports by completing the steps in Configuring the reports installation image and Installing reports.
  • If you change the host name or IP address of the Cloud APM server and Db2 is installed locally and previously integrated with other products (such as Tivoli Common Reporting), complete these steps:
    1. Complete steps 6, 7, and 8 in Enabling single sign-on between Cloud APM and Tivoli Common Reporting.
    2. Uncatalog the old server node and databases for Tivoli Common Reporting:
      db2 list db|node directory
      (db2 list db2 directory or db2 list node directory)
      db2 uncatalog node node_alias
      db2 uncatalog db db_alias
    3. Recatalog the server node and databases for Tivoli Common Reporting by completing the steps in Configuring an ODBC connection.
  • Review the WAREHOUS database settings that were applied by the restore process.
    update database config for warehous using DFT_DEGREE any
    update database config for warehous using LOGBUFSZ 1024
    update database config for warehous using LOCKLIST AUTOMATIC
    update database config for warehous using SORTHEAP AUTOMATIC
    update database config for warehous using SHEAPTHRES_SHR AUTOMATIC
    update database config for warehous using NUM_IOCLEANERS AUTOMATIC
    update database config for warehous using NUM_IOSERVERS AUTOMATIC
    update database config for warehous using LOGFILSIZ 4096
    update database config for warehous using LOGPRIMARY 10
    update database config for warehous using DBHEAP AUTOMATIC
    update database config for warehous using LOGSECOND 40
    update database config for warehous using AVG_APPLS AUTOMATIC
    update database config for warehous using logarchmeth1 OFF
    update database config for warehous using logarchmeth2 OFF
    update database config for warehous using DATABASE_MEMORY 250000 AUTOMATIC
    Because Cloud APM does not support pruning of database logs, the logarchmeth1 and logarchmeth2 settings are set to OFF. If you back up your Warehouse database and you support log pruning in your environment, modify these settings.
  • Most V8.1.3 Cloud APM agents are compatible with the V8.1.4 Cloud APM server. However, you must upgrade the following agents after you upgrade the Cloud APM server to version
    • If you are using the Synthetic Playback agent, you must upgrade the agent by using the latest agent package on Passport Advantage. To view the Passport Advantage part numbers for the agent packages, see: Part numbers. Then, you must apply the latest Cloud APM server interim fix that is available from Fix Central.
    • The Monitoring Agent for WebSphere Applications must be upgraded by using the latest agent package on Passport Advantage. To view the Passport Advantage part numbers for the agent packages, see: Part numbers.
    • The Monitoring Agent for MongoDB must be upgraded by using the latest agent package on Passport Advantage. To view the Passport Advantage part numbers for the agent packages, see: Part numbers.