IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2.1            

Extracting a service half map

After you define an environment, you can extract its service data to create a service half map.

You can extract service information from the following sources:

  • Deployment data sets: Any deployment data set can contain service data. If you attempt to extract service data from a set of objects, but none of the objects contain service information, the service half map remains empty. However, because it is not necessary to have entries in the service data map to perform a successful deployment, you can still proceed through the convert, analyze, and import steps. For more information about the supported service types, see the 'Service half map format' section in the Deployment configuration files help topic.
  • Service half map for the source FileNet® Deployment Manager environment: The service half map data that is gathered from the source environment provides a starting point for creating a service half map to use for the destination environment. For more information, see Create a destination service half map.

To extract service data to a service half map:

  1. In the FileNet Deployment Manager Tree View pane, expand the Environments node and double-click an environment.
  2. On the Overview tab, click the Retrieve Data radio button for Service Data.
  3. In the Update Service Half Map dialog box, choose the service data source:
    Option Description
    From the Deploy Dataset

    Select this data source when you want to map service data from content objects for deployment of these objects (or similar objects) to the destination environment. This data source option requires the fully qualified path to a deployment data set. See Exporting assets to a deployment data set for instructions on how to export to a data set from the Content Platform Engine.

    In the Select Deploy Dataset File field, enter the fully qualified path of the deployment data set from which the service data is to be extracted.

    From an Environment's Service Half Map

    Select this data source if you have an existing FileNet Deployment Manager source environment for which you extracted the service data for the service half map. Selecting this data source causes the service half map to be copied from the source environment for use as an initial half map for the destination environment. For more information, see Create a destination service half map.

    In the Source Environment field, select the source environment that contains the service data to use.

  4. For the chosen service data source, if you are updating an existing service half map, select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Merge Adds new data such as types, names, servers, and URLs to the service half map. Existing data is updated with any changes. This option does not delete any data from the service half map.
    Overwrite Replaces the contents of the service half map with the new data.
  5. Click Finish.

    FileNet Deployment Manager processes the specified file, extracts the service data, and creates a half map that contains this data (HalfMap_Service.xml) in the DeploymentTreeRootFolder\Environments subfolder for the specified environment.

Last updated: March 2016

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