Testing the integration

Test the completed inbound integration using the Inspector.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM® Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

After you build and link the input and output of the required components as instructed in the preceding procedures, you can test the completed inbound integration using the Inspector in IBM Process Designer and a utility such as soapUI.


  1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
  2. Open a process application that contains the simple BPD that you created per the instructions in Adding a message event to a BPD.
  3. Open the BPD and click the Run icon in the upper right corner of the BPD diagram. (If you need detailed instructions for using the Inspector, see Stepping through a process.)
  4. When IBM Business Process Manager prompts you to change to the Inspector interface, click Yes.
    Note: Click the check box if you want IBM Process Designer to change interfaces without prompting for approval.
  5. From the Process Instances tab, click the received task for Step 1 and then click the run icon (The run icon is an arrow enclosed in a circle.). The coach for the activity, which is the default Human service, opens in a browser.
  6. Click the Done button in the Coach to complete the first step.
  7. Click the refresh icon (The refresh icon is two arrows pointing in opposite directions.) in the toolbar. You can see that the process instance is waiting for the incoming message event.
  8. Using your SOAP utility, such as soapUI, point to the WSDL URI for the KickTheBPD inbound web service that you created per the instructions in Creating an inbound web service.
  9. In your SOAP utility, initiate a request to the doKick method. In the someString parameter for the method, provide the Instance ID for the currently active instance, which you can see in the Process Instances tab in the Inspector. For example, in the preceding image, the instance ID of the active instance is 4.
  10. Click the Refresh icon in the Inspector toolbar. You should see that Step 2 has been received, meaning that the message event was successfully processed and the instance is able to move to the next step.
  11. Click the Step 2 task to select it and then click the Run task icon. The value is used in the business process definition correlation mapping that is created in the initial task. If this value and the value of the BPD mapped variable are equal, the message intermediate start event runs. If not, the message intermediate start event continues to wait until a match is found.
  12. The Coach for the activity, which is the default Human service, opens in a browser. Click the Done button in the Coach to complete the second step.
  13. Click the Refresh icon in the Inspector toolbar. You should see that the task for Step 2 is closed and the process instance has a status of Complete, indicating that the BPD instance has completed successfully.