Extending the maximum number of characters in tracked performance data

By default, the maximum number of characters that is allowed in performance data (variable fields that are tracked to the Performance Data Warehouse for reporting purposes) is 64. You can extend this limit by making the following changes to the property file for your IBM® Business Process Manager Performance Data Warehouse. The changes that you make to this property affect the column sizes in the tracking group tables.


  1. Open the PROFILE_HOME\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\node_name\servers\server_name\performance-data-warehouse\config\system\00Static.xml file with a text editor.
  2. Copy the following property: <max-length-of-string-columns>64</max-length-of-string-columns>
  3. Open the 100Custom.xml file in a text editor. For information about the individual 100Custom.xml files that need to be updated and their locations, see the topic "The 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files."
  4. Paste the following property into the 100Custom.xml file from the 00Static.xml and make the indicated edits.
    <performance-server merge="mergeChildren">
    <max-length-of-string-columns merge="replace">200</max-length-of-string-columns>
    Note: You need to make this change globally in the Performance Data Warehouse because the server does not have field- or group-level specificity for the maximum string length setting. Although you can use a larger string length for a field, you should be somewhat conservative and apply this setting across the board.
  5. In the performance database, change the size of the following fields depending on the value of the max-length-of-string-columns property. The size varies depending on the database management system and the encoding. For some database management systems, the fields can have the same value as the max-length-of-string-columns property. However, for DB2 and UTF-8 encoding, multiply the string size by 4 to get the size of the fields in the performance database.
    1. Change the column width of all tracking group fields in the TG_* tables that are VARCHAR parameters.
    2. Change the column width of the STRING_VALUE column in the LSW_OPTIMIZER_DATA table.
    Important: If you change the size of the tracking group fields, you still need to apply the change for the maximum string length to the Performance Data Warehouse configuration in order for IBM BPM to write data larger than the default maximum string length. Anything larger than the default maximum string length value will go into the errors list in the Performance Admin Console. If you increase the maximum string length value but do not increase the size of the other string fields, the amount of data written could exceed the capacity of these fields.
  6. After changing the TG_* tables, update the tracking definitions to re-create the corresponding views.
  7. Restart the Performance Data Warehouse.


If you attempt to send data to the Performance Data Warehouse that is larger than the maximum allowed number of characters, the SystemOut.log file contains errors. For example:
2007-08-08 18:05:26,156 [DataTransfer Thread #2] ERROR com.lombardisoftware.server.ejb.tracking.APIServicesBean - Exception in EJB call com.lombardisoftware.core.TeamWorksException: (PFS-0062) The tracked field with external ID t193b943b74411 has a value that is 96 characters long. The maximum is 64. ...
You will only see these errors in the log file and Performance Admin console. No indication of an error is displayed in the Process Server. These errors are stored in the error queue where you can reprocess them using the Performance Admin Console.