Configuring IBM Business Monitor to receive events from IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.0 and earlier

The Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) is now deprecated. By default IBM® Business Monitor no longer monitors events from CEI. However, you can configure previous versions of IBM Business Process Manager (IBM BPM) to emit events to CEI so that monitor models that were generated in previous releases of Business Monitor that rely on CEI event emission can still be used.

Before you begin

Use this procedure if you are monitoring events from a process application running on WebSphere® Process Server or IBM BPM earlier than V8.5.5, but you are using Business Monitor V8.5.5 or later.
To configure IBM Business Monitor V8.5.5 to work with remote CEI from a release of IBM BPM or WebSphere Process Server earlier than V8.5.5, you must install interim fix JR49490 on your earlier release of IBM BPM or WebSphere Process Server:
Before you begin the steps in the procedure, you must
  1. Stop the IBM BPM cell.
  2. Copy the following files from Business Monitor to the IBM BPM installation (preserving the structure of the WAS_HOME directory).
  3. After you copy the files, run the osgiCfgInit.bat or command on the server to which the files were copied:
    Linux Unix server_name/profiles/profile_name/bin/
  4. Start the IBM BPM deployment manager.

About this task

Business Monitor V 8.5.5 runs in a separate cell from IBM BPM. Completing the steps in this procedure ensures that when a process application is run on IBM BPM, its events are emitted to CEI in the IBM BPM cell and then routed to the Business Monitor cell where they are delivered to the monitor model. To work with Business Monitor V 8.5.5 or later, previous versions of IBM BPM must be configured to emit events to a remote Business Monitor cell by way of table-based event delivery, as described in step 3.


  1. For IBM BPM Standard V8.0.1.2 and V8.5.0.1, and for IBM BPM Advanced V8.5.0.1, configure CEI in the IBM BPM cell, as described in Configuring Common Event Infrastructure (deprecated). After the configuration, a CEI event service is deployed.
  2. Configure cross-cell security.
    1. Exchange SSL signer certificates.
      1. In the WebSphere Application Server administrative console for the remote event source, click Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > CellDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates > Retrieve from port.
      2. Enter the Host name, secure SOAP Port of the event source server or deployment manager profile (the IBM BPM server or the remote Business Monitor cell), and Alias, and click Retrieve signer information and OK.
      3. Click Apply and save your changes.
      4. In the Business Monitor server WebSphere Application Server administrative console, click Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates > CellDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates > Retrieve from port.
      5. Enter the Host name, secure SOAP Port of the Business Monitor server or deployment manager profile, and Alias, and click Retrieve signer information.
      6. Click Apply and save your changes.
    2. Share LTPA keys, as described in Sharing LTPA keys.
    3. Enable identity assertion on the IBM BPM cell, as described in Enabling identity assertion.
  3. Enable BPMN event emission.
    1. Create a J2C authentication alias on the IBM BPM cell named MonitorBusAuth. Make sure that Prefix new alias names with the node name of the cell (for compatibility with earlier releases) is cleared.
    2. Create a J2C authentication alias on the IBM BPM cell named EventEmitterAlias. Make sure that Prefix new alias names with the node name of the cell (for compatibility with earlier releases) is cleared.
    3. Run the wbmDeployMessagingEngine administrative command in the deployment manager profile to install and configure the bus and messaging engine.
      AdminTask.wbmDeployMessagingEngine('[-server server1 
      -node Node01 -dataStore -createDefaultDatasource false 
      -datasourceJndiName jdbc/ 
      -datasourceAuthAlias PROCSVRME_Node01.server1_Auth_Alias_XAR 
      -databaseSchema CEI -createTables true]')
      That command creates a MONITOR bus in the IBM BPM cell. For additional information about the command and its parameters, see IBM Business Monitor messaging engine and bus (wbmDeployMessagingEngine command).
    4. After restarting the deployment manager, run the following administrative commands in the deployment manager profile.
      AdminTask.wbmConfigureEventEmitterFactory('[-cluster support_cluster_name]') 
      AdminTask.wbmDeployBPMEmitterService('[-cluster support_cluster_name]')
  4. Define the Business Monitor data source in the BPM cell.

    To configure the remote data source, open the Dmgr_profile/bin directory on the remote event source server and run the wbmConfigureQueueBypassDatasource command. Run the command on each IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.5 cell that sends events to Business Monitor.

    The wbmConfigureQueueBypassDatasource command creates the data source that enables the remote server to send information to the Business Monitor database. You must run the command on the remote deployment manager. For an explanation of the parameters for the wbmConfigureQueueBypassDatasource command, see Table-based bus configuration across multiple cells for IBM Business Monitor (wbmConfigureQueueBypassDatasource command).

    The following example uses Jython to create a DB2® data source:

    AdminTask.wbmConfigureQueueBypassDatasource('[-monitorCell hostNameCell01 
    -databaseType db2 -jdbcProvider "DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA)" -driverType 4 
    -databaseName MONITOR -databaseServerName 
    -databaseServerPort 50000 -user db2user -password db2user_password]') 
  5. Enable event emission.
    • Run the administrative script to enable the emission of events from the Business Flow Manager and the Human Task Manager. The administrative script is located under the install_root/ProcessChoreographer directory. Perform a search for the script to locate the correct subdirectory for the version of Business Process Choreographer you are using.
      • Linux Unix Dmgr_profile/bin/ -f -cluster clusterName -enable CEI
      • Windows Dmgr_profile/bin/wsadmin.bat -f -cluster clusterName -enable CEI
    • To monitor SCA events, follow the instructions for Enabling SCA events to be emitted.
  6. Restart the IBM BPM topology.
  7. Register the Business Monitor remote event source in the Business Monitor cell.
    1. Define an authentication alias with the credentials for the BPM cell administrator.
    2. In the administrative console panel of the Business Monitor server, register the remote event source. Click Applications > Monitor Services > Event Sources > Add remote event sources. Provide the host name, SOAP port number, and a local authentication alias of the remote cell deployment manager.