IBM Business Monitor messaging engine

IBM® Business Monitor requires its own service integration bus and messaging engine, even if you plan to use table-based event delivery. Use the wbmDeployMessagingEngine command to install and configure the bus and messaging engine. You must already have a common event infrastructure (CEI event service). (Otherwise, run the wbmDeployCEIEventService command to create one.) In the four-cluster topology, the messaging engine is installed on the messaging engine cluster.


The wbmDeployMessagingEngine command installs and configures the messaging engine and service integration bus required for IBM Business Monitor. A service integration bus is a group of one or more application servers or server clusters in a cell that cooperate to provide asynchronous messaging services. The application servers or server clusters in a bus are known as bus members. The server component that enables a bus to send and receive messages is a messaging engine. The messaging engine provides a connection point that applications use to connect to the bus.

Specifically, this command performs the following tasks:
  • Installs and configures the messaging engine.
  • Creates a messaging bus if one does not already exist. The bus is named MONITOR.<cell_name>.Bus and the name cannot be changed.


The following example uses Jacl to install and configure the messaging engine on a server, using a data store.
$AdminTask wbmDeployMessagingEngine {-server server1 -node xyzNode01 -dataStore -createDefaultDatasource false -datasourceJndiName jdbc/wbm/MonitorDatabase -datasourceAuthAlias Monitor_JDBC_Alias -databaseSchema XYZ -createTables false}


The wbmDeployMessagingEngine command accepts the parameters listed in the following table.
Parameter and Value Required? Description Comments
-cluster cluster_name | -server server_name -node node_name Either cluster or server and node is required The cluster to install the messaging engine on, or the server and node to install the messaging engine on. If you specify a cluster, do not specify the server or node.

If you specify the server, you must also specify the node.

-fileStore Optional Use a file store for the message store. A file store is a message store that uses files in a file system through the operating system. You cannot specify this parameter if you specified a cluster for the messaging engine.
-dataStore Required if you specified a cluster Use a database for the message store. A data store contains a set of tables that are accessible to all members of the cluster that hosts the messaging engine. If you specified a cluster for the messaging engine, this parameter must be specified
-createDefaultDatasource true | false Optional If this parameter is true, a default Derby-based data source is created. You cannot set this parameter to true if you specified a cluster for the messaging engine. The command is only valid when the target is a server.
-datasourceJndiName JNDI_name Required if you specified dataStore and createDefaultDatasource is false The JNDI name of an existing data source to be referenced from the messaging engine data store. You can use the administrative console to get a list of data sources. Click Resources > JDBC > Data sources.
-datasourceAuthAlias authentication_alias_name Required if you specified dataStore and createDefaultDatasource is false The name of the authentication alias used to authenticate the messaging engine to the datasource.  
-databaseSchema schema_name Optional. The name of the database schema used to contain the tables for the messaging engine data store. Do not specify this parameter if you specifed fileStore or dataStore and createDefaultDatasource is true.
- createTables true | false Optional If this parameter is true, the command uses the authentication alias provided in datasourceAuthAlias to create the messaging engine data store tables. Otherwise, the database administrator must create the tables. Do not specify this parameter if you specifed fileStore or dataStore and createDefaultDatasource is true.
If you did not choose to create the messaging engine tables, or did not have permission to create them, the tables must be created manually by a database administrator. See "Creating messaging engine tables manually" in the related links.