Class MQProcess

    • Constructor Detail

      • MQProcess

        public MQProcess(MQQueueManager qMgr,
                 java.lang.String processName,
                 int openOptions)
                  throws MQException
        Establishes access to a WebSphere MQ process on the specified queue manager in order to inquire about the process attributes. The default user authority is used for connection to the queue manager.
        qMgr - the queue manager that is running the process.
        processName - the name of process to open.
        openOptions - options that control the opening of the process. As inquire is automatically added to the options specified there is no need to specify it explicitly. Valid options are: If more than one option is required, the values can be combined using either the '+' or '|' operator.
        MQException - if the open fails.
      • MQProcess

        public MQProcess(MQQueueManager qMgr,
                 java.lang.String processName,
                 int openOptionsP,
                 java.lang.String queueManagerName,
                 java.lang.String alternateUserId)
                  throws MQException
        Establishes access to a WebSphere MQ process on the specified queue manager in order to inquire about the process attributes.
        qMgr - the queue manager that is running the process.
        processName - the name of process to open.
        openOptionsP - options that control the opening of the process. As inquire is automatically added to the options specified there is no need to specify it explicitly. Valid options are: If more than one option is required, the values can be combined using either the '+' or '|' operator.
        queueManagerName - the name of queue manager qMgr.
        alternateUserId - if CMQC.MQOO_ALTERNATE_USER_AUTHORITY is specified in the openOptions parameter, this parameter specifies the alternative user ID to be used to check the authorization for the open. Otherwise this parameter can be blank or null.
        MQException - if the open fails.
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