Interface WMQSecurityExit

  1. public interface WMQSecurityExit
The security exit interface allows you to customize the security flows that occur when an atttempt is made to connect to a queue manager.

Note: This interface does not apply when connecting directly to WebSphere MQ in bindings mode.

To provide your own security exit, define a class that implements this interface.

For example,

   // in
   package acme.exits;
   class MySecurityExit implements WMQSecurityExit 
       // you must provide an implementation of the channelSecurityExit method
       public ByteBuffer channelSecurityExit(MQCXP      channelExitParms,
                                  MQCD       channelDefinition,
                                  ByteBuffer agentBuffer)
           // your exit code goes here...

To use your security exit with WebSphere MQ Classes for Java, create a new instance of your class and assign it to the MQEnvironment.channelSecurityExit field before constructing your MQQueueManager object.

For example,

   // in your main program...
   MQEnvironment.channelSecurityExit = new acme.exits.MySecurityExit();
   ...    // other initialisation
   MQQueueManager qMgr        = new MQQueueManager("");

To use your security exit with WebSphere MQ Classes for JMS, specify the name of the class using before getting a connection.

For example,

   // in your main program...
   MQQueueConnectionFactory mqcf = new MQQueueConnectionFactory();
   // set the other parameters in the MQQueueConnectionFactory here...
   MQQueueConnection mqqc =(MQQueueConnection)mqcf.createQueueConnection();

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
  1. java.nio.ByteBuffer
channelSecurityExit(MQCXP channelExitParms,MQCD channelDefinition,java.nio.ByteBuffer agentBuffer)
The security exit method that your class must provide.

Method Detail


  1. java.nio.ByteBuffer channelSecurityExit( MQCXP channelExitParms,
  2. MQCD channelDefinition,
  3. java.nio.ByteBuffer agentBuffer)
The security exit method that your class must provide.
channelExitParms - contains information about the context in which the exit is being invoked. channelExitParms.setExitResponse(int) sets a parameter which you use to tell the WebSphere MQ Client for Java what action to take next.
channelDefinition - contains details of the channel through which all communications with the queue manager take place.
agentBuffer - contains the data received from the queue manager if channelExitParms.getExitReason() is CMQXC.MQXR_XMIT.
pExitBuffer contains either a new or the original agentBuffer. This buffer will be passed on to subsequent exits in the exit chain.