Class MQDestination

  1. java.lang.Object
  2. extended
  3. extended
  4. extended
Direct known subclasses:
MQQueue, MQTopic

  1. public abstract class MQDestination
  2. extends MQManagedObject
MQDestination is an abstract class designed to contain the common functionality for any WebSphere MQ messaging destination. The current concrete implementations are MQQueue and MQTopic.
See Also:
MQQueue, MQTopic

Field Summary

Fields inherited from class
alternateUserId, closeOptions, connectionReference, isOpen, name, openOptions
Fields inherited from class

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
  1. void
get(MQMessage message)
Retrieves a message from the queue or topic.
  1. void
get(MQMessage message,MQGetMessageOptions getMessageOptions)
Retrieves a message from the queue or topic.
  1. void
get(MQMessage message,MQGetMessageOptions getMessageOptions,int maxMsgSize)
Retrieves a message from the queue or topic up to the maximum specified message size.
  1. java.util.GregorianCalendar
Gets the date and time that this destination was created.
  1. int
Gets the type of destination this object represents.
  1. int
  1. void
put(MQMessage message)
Places a message onto a queue or publishes a message to a topic.
  1. void
put(MQMessage message,MQPutMessageOptions putMessageOptions)
Places a message onto a queue or publishes a message to a topic.
  1. void
setQueueManagerCmdLevel(int queueManagerCmdLevel)
Methods inherited from class
close, getAlternateUserId, getAttributeString, getCloseOptions, getConnectionReference, getDescription, getName, getOpenOptions, getResolvedObjectString, getResolvedQName, getResolvedType, inquire, inquire, isOpen, set, setAttributeString, setCloseOptions
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


  1. public void get(MQMessage message)
  2. throws MQException
Retrieves a message from the queue or topic. This method takes an MQMessage object as a parameter. It uses some of the fields in the object as input parameters, in particular the messageId and correlationId, so it is important to ensure that these are set as required. If the get fails, the MQMessage object is unchanged. If it succeeds, the message descriptor (member variables) and message data portions of the MQMessage are completely replaced with the message descriptor and message data from the incoming message. This method uses a default instance of MQGetMessageOptions to do the get. The message option used is CMQC.MQGMO_NO_WAIT.
message - An input / output parameter containing the message descriptor information and the returned message data.
MQException - If the call fails.


  1. public void get(MQMessage message,
  2. MQGetMessageOptions getMessageOptions)
  3. throws MQException
Retrieves a message from the queue or topic. This method takes an MQMessage object as a parameter. It uses some of the fields in the object as input parameters, in particular the messageId and correlationId, so it is important to ensure that these are set as required. If the get fails, the MQMessage object is unchanged. If it succeeds, the message descriptor (member variables) and message data portions of the MQMessage are completely replaced with the message descriptor and message data from the incoming message.
message - An input / output parameter containing the message descriptor information and the returned message data.
getMessageOptions - Options controlling the action of the get.
MQException - If the call fails.


  1. public void get(MQMessage message,
  2. MQGetMessageOptions getMessageOptions,
  3. int maxMsgSize)
  4. throws MQException
Retrieves a message from the queue or topic up to the maximum specified message size. This method takes an MQMessage object as a parameter. It uses some of the fields in the object as input parameters, in particular the messageId and correlationId, so it is important to ensure that these are set as required. If the get fails, the MQMessage object is unchanged. If it succeeds, the message descriptor (member variables) and message data portions of the MQMessage are completely replaced with the message descriptor and message data from the incoming message.
message - An input / output parameter containing the message descriptor information and the returned message data.
getMessageOptions - Options controlling the action of the get.
maxMsgSize - The largest message this method can receive. If the message on the queue is larger than this size, once of two things occurs;
MQException - If the call fails.


  1. public void put(MQMessage message)
  2. throws MQException
Places a message onto a queue or publishes a message to a topic. This method uses a default instance of MQPutMessageOptions to perform the put or publish. The default MQPutMessageOptions instance may differ depending upon the destination type.
message - An MQMessage object containing the Message Descriptor data ( MQMD ) and message to be sent. The Message Descriptor properties of this object can be altered as a result of this method. The values that they have immediately after the completion of this method are the values that were put to the queue or published to the topic.
MQException - If the call fails.


  1. public void put(MQMessage message,
  2. MQPutMessageOptions putMessageOptions)
  3. throws MQException
Places a message onto a queue or publishes a message to a topic.

Modifications to the MQMessage object after the put has completed do not affect the actual message on the destination.

If you use the same MQMessage object to make further calls, then performing a put updates MQMD.messageId and MQMD.correlationId.

Note also that calling put(MQMessage, MQPutMessageOptions) does not clear the message data. For example:

  msg.writeString("a"); destination.put(msg, pmo);
 msg.writeString("b"); destination.put(msg, pmo); 
This results in "ab" being put by the second call.
message - An MQMessage object containing the Message Descriptor data ( MQMD) and message to be sent. The Message Descriptor properties of this object can be altered as a result of this method. The values that they have immediately after the completion of this method are the values that were put to the queue or published to the topic.
putMessageOptions - Options controlling the action of the put.
MQException - If the call fails.


  1. public int getDestinationType()
Gets the type of destination this object represents. May be either CMQC.MQOT_Q or CMQC.MQOT_TOPIC.
The destination type.


  1. public java.util.GregorianCalendar getCreationDateTime( )
  2. throws MQException
Gets the date and time that this destination was created.
the date and time.
MQException - if you call this method after you have closed the destination, to indicate that the destination is no longer accessible.


  1. public int getQueueManagerCmdLevel( )
cmd level


  1. public void setQueueManagerCmdLevel( int queueManagerCmdLevel)
queueManagerCmdLevel -