IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3         

Logging errors

If you have configured logging, the server will log a short message for errors such as invalid user input and security errors.

The anticipated errors do not indicate problems with the application. Unexpected errors, which include severe operational problems (for example, if Content Platform Engine is down) or code bugs generate a full diagnostic stack trace. If debug logging is enabled, all exceptions generate a full stack trace.

Some applications perform operations that cause the server to log anticipated errors, even if no error appears to the user. For example, when the user adds a document to a library using the Lotus® Quickr® desktop connectors, the connectors first attempt to retrieve the document by name (a getDocument Web services call), to see if it is a duplicate. This call will normally generate an error. The application catches the error and continues to create the document.

The following are some examples of errors that are logged under normal operation:

[12/3/08 15:42:03:740 PST] 00000025 ClbAtomAction 2 
writeError enter-> error =$ClbAtomError@723c723c, 
The given path %{[}].txt contains invalid characters.  
The following characters are not allowed in paths:  |*?<>"\/[]:.

Unexpected repository-level errors, which may indicate a severe operational problem or code bug, have some additional detail. The message returned to the caller, which may be displayed to the end user, contains an incident ID based on the current server time. This ID may be used by administrators to easily find the log entries for the error.

Below is an example of the message format:

The P8 Content Platform Engine server cannot be accessed.  
Please provide the following information to your administrator.
Incident ID:  {0}.  Error code:  {1}.