IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3         

Viewing the log information

Entry/exit trace logging can be useful for understanding system usage patterns and load.

The following examples are sample log entries from a Web services method invocation. All "entry" entries contain a summary of the request parameters. All "exit" entries contain error information, if applicable, and the duration of the service request in milliseconds.

[11/25/08 16:26:27:213 PST] 00000028 DocumentServi 2 getDocument entry - 
id=null, path=/ClbTeamSpaces/FVTTestLibrary/
1226869605710TestFolder/1226869626741document.doc, downloadOption=null, 
IncludePropertySheets,IncludeApproveDrafts,IncludeReferences] en
[11/25/08 16:26:27:790 PST] 00000028 DocumentServi 2 
getDocument  PERF 576 ms exit - response=[error=null,document=...]

Debug logging is verbose and complex, and is not intended for on-site analysis. Debug logs, if requested, should be given to IBM® Technical Support for analysis.