IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3         

Document {0} contains {1} drafts. Cannot perform operation {2}. Multiple drafts are not supported. You must cancel checkout to delete the draft and start over from the last published copy. All drafts created by the current user that are readable are listed.


The services system does not allow multiple drafts and reports errors when creating new drafts if a draft already exists. However, if the permissions change on the draft through a different application using a different API, the user can create another draft because the other draft is no longer accessible or known. If permissions change again and the user is given access to the original draft again, two drafts may appear.

User response

Cancel checkout to delete all your drafts for the document and then start over by checking out as a draft again. Or change the permissions on the draft items to hide the other drafts so only one appears. If the document is not locked, a normal checkout request should lock the item without creating a draft. Then, cancel checkout so that all drafts are detected and deleted.