Interface MediatorAdapter

  • public interface MediatorAdapter
    Implemented by a user class to customize the processing of graph changes. The adapter can be used in situations when there are create methods other than create(PrimaryKey) or when business methods must be called instead of cmp setter methods or when special optimistic caching logic is needed.

    Three passes are made over DataGraph Log passing changed DataObjects to the applyChange method.

    In pass 1 new DataObjects are passed. Adapter should create the EJB instance and set the cmp fields. CMRs that reference EJBs that have not been created yet must be deferred to pass 2.

    In pass 2 new and updated DataObjects are passed. CMRs deferred from pass 1 can be set at this time.

    In pass 3 deleted DataObjects are passed.

    Adapter return true if it has processed the change and return false to have the mediator process the change.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int CREATE
      Pass 1 to handle creation of new EJBs.
      static int REMOVE
      Pass 3 to handle EJB removal.
      static int UPDATE
      Pass 2 to handle update of cmp fields and ejb relationships.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      boolean applyChange(commonj.sdo.DataObject object, int phase)
      A changed DataObject is passed to the adapter.
      void end()
      Called after pass 3 to clean up any resources.
      void init(commonj.sdo.ChangeSummary log)
      Called before pass 1 to allow adapter class to initialize itself.
    • Method Detail

      • applyChange

        boolean applyChange(commonj.sdo.DataObject object,
                          int phase)
                            throws QueryException
        A changed DataObject is passed to the adapter.
        object - The changed DataObject from the graph log.
        phase - Processing phase.
        True if adapter has handled the changed object, false if the mediator should process the change.
        QueryException - The adapter throwing an excption will cause the mediator to abort processing.
      • end

        void end()
        Called after pass 3 to clean up any resources.
      • init

        void init(commonj.sdo.ChangeSummary log)
        Called before pass 1 to allow adapter class to initialize itself.
        log - The graph log.
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5