
Set of classes and interfaces to store log records on disk Both HPELRepositoryExporter and HPELZipRepositoryExporter implementations export records in the HPEL format.

See: Description

Package Description

Set of classes and interfaces to store log records on disk

Both HPELRepositoryExporter and HPELZipRepositoryExporter implementations export records in the HPEL format. The former one exports packages into a directory maintaining file structure required by HPEL where as the latter - into a zip file containing such file structure.

The and are the implementation to write records in the Basic or Advanced text format. The latter one additionally put it into a zip file.

The following is a sample of code that uses the APIs in this package (and the package) to read from an existing repository and create a new repository with a subSet of the records. Note the use of the RepositoryExporter for creating the new repository, and the use of the LogQueryBean to create a subSet repository based on filter criteria. This technique is recommended for copying repositories, but not for replacing logging.

        public static void main(String[] args) {
                WriterSample ws = new WriterSample() ;
                ws.createFromExistingQuery(args[0], args[1]) ;                  // This shows how to do it by copying an existing directory

                // Idea here is that a repository has been created. This extracts from that repository and creates a new one using the write API
        private void createFromExistingQuery(String sourceRepositoryLocation, String targetRepository) {
                File archiveDir = createRootDirectory(targetRepository) ;               // Create a directory to store the repository
                RepositoryExporter archiver = new HPELRepositoryExporter(archiveDir);           // Repository Exporter for writing
                                // Note the LogQueryBean has many filtering options.
                LogQueryBean logQueryBean = new LogQueryBean() ;                                // Bean with filter criteria
                logQueryBean.setLevels(Level.WARNING, Level.SEVERE) ;                   // We will only capture warning and severe msgs
                                // Open a reader to read in the repository created in first step (or any HPEL repository)
                RepositoryReader browser = new RepositoryReaderImpl(sourceRepositoryLocation);
                // This will capture all records and copy to new location
                try {
                        for(ServerInstanceLogRecordList list: browser.getLogLists(logQueryBean)) {
                                for (RepositoryLogRecord actual: list) {
                } catch (LogRepositoryException lre) {
                        System.out.println("Exception reading initial repository to copy it: "+lre);

        private File createRootDirectory(String targetRepository) {
                File archiveDir = null ;
                archiveDir = new File(targetRepository) ;
                return archiveDir ;
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5