Interface DisableFlushBeforeFind

  • public interface DisableFlushBeforeFind
    Marker interface to indicate that an entity bean that implements it, should not cause other entity bean state to be flushed to the persistent store prior to "custom" finder operations on this bean's home.

    Note: Enabling this option results in behavior not compliant with the official EJB specification.

    For entity beans packaged in a J2EE 1.3 or later module, prior to the execution of any application-specific "custom" finder methods (that is, any finder method other than findByPrimaryKey), the EJB Container automatically flushes to storage the persistent state of those beans modified by the current transaction, to ensure that those modifications are reflected in the finder method results. For applications that are coded to ensure that any such modifications will not affect the query results, or that otherwise account for the modifications, a performance improvement may be obtained by avoiding the flush behavior. This may be achieved by declaring the entity bean implementation (or a parent class of the bean implementation) to implement this interface.

    Implementing this interface on an entity bean causes equivalent behavior as setting the disableFlushBeforeFind field for that bean in the IBM deployment descriptor extensions (ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi) to "true", or as setting that bean's com/ibm/websphere/ejbcontainer/disableFlushBeforeFind EJB environment variable to "true". For scenarios where many beans extend a single root class, it can be more convenient to have that class implement this marker interface than to individually set the environment variable or deployment descriptor extension field on each of the beans. Setting either the deployment descriptor extension or the environment variable to a value of "false" has no effect; a "false" value does not override the presence of the marker interface.

    For applications that require entity bean modifications to be flushed to persistent storage at specific times or for specific methods, this interface may be used in conjunction with the EJBContextExtension.flushCache() method.

    Note: the DisableFlushBeforeFind interface may be used for entity beans with either container managed or bean managed persistence; however, it has no effect on entity beans packaged in a J2EE 1.2 or earlier module.

    WAS 6.0.2
    See Also:
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5