Interface SubsystemMonitorEvents

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface SubsystemMonitorEvents
    extends EventSourceEvents
    These are the events which can be fired by a SubsystemMonitor. Applications interested in getting these events should implement this interface and the add the object implementing it to the SubsystemMonitor.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • subsystemIsFresh

        void subsystemIsFresh(SubsystemMonitor ssm)
        The subsystem is now fresh. This means operating normally.
        ssm - The subsystem monitor which generated this event.
      • subsystemIsStale

        void subsystemIsStale(SubsystemMonitor ssm)
        The subsystem is now stale. This means the subsystem is late generating heart beats.
        ssm - The subsystem monitor which generated this event.
      • subsystemIsDead

        void subsystemIsDead(SubsystemMonitor ssm)
        The subsystem is now dead. This means the subsystem is not available according to the heart beat mechanism.
        ssm - The subsystem monitor which generated this event.
      • destroyed

        void destroyed(SubsystemMonitor ssm)
        The subsystem is it-self being destroyed. This doesn't mean the subsystem is being destroyed, it simply means we are not going to monitor it anymore.
        ssm - The subsystem monitor which generated this event.
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5