Class ServerStatus

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ServerStatus
    extends ServerControl
    The wsServerStatus task enables you to get status on a server instance or all server instances. The structure of the wsServerStatus task is shown below: <wsServerStatus server="name of the server to get status on" profileName="the profile name of the desired server" quiet="true | false" trace="true | false" all="true | false" cell="name of the WebSphere Cell containing the server" node="name of the WebSphere Node containing the server" timeout="amount of time to wait for the server status" statusPort="port for the server to send status messages to" wasHome="WebSphere Installation directory" failonerror="true | false" fileEncoding="UTF8"/> The server attribute is required and contains the name of the server you wish to get status on
    The profileName attribute is optional and it contains the name of the server profile to be used
    The quiet attribute is optional. If true, the task will not print any status information (default is false).
    The trace attribute is optional. If true, the task with print trace information (default is false).
    The all attribute is optional. If true, the task will print the status of all servers (default is false).
    The cell attribute is optional and contains the name of the cell containing the server. If not set, the default cell is used.
    The node attribute is optional and contains the name of the node containing the server. If not set, the default node is used.
    The timeout attribute is optional and specified the amount of time to wait for the server to successfully retrieve status.
    The statusPort attribute is optional and specifies the TCP Port the server should send status messages to.
    The wasHome attribute is optional and it specifies the WebSphere installation directory
    The failonerror attribute is optional and if set to true causes the build to stop if the task has an error (default is false).
    The fileEncoding attribute is optional and sets the file.encoding System Property for the underlying VM.

    To use this task, add the following to your Ant build.xml <taskdef name="wsServerStatus" classname=""/>
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

        target, taskName, taskType, wrapper
      • Fields inherited from class

        description, location, project
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5