
  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    The UserActivitySession interface is used to begin and end ActivitySessions and to query various attributes of the ActivitySession associated with the calling thread.
  • Exception Summary 
    Exception Description
    An ActivitySessionAlreadyActiveException is thrown by the ActivitySession service if an attempt is made to associate an ActivitySession with a thread with which an ActivitySession is already associated.
    ActivitySessionException is the superclass of all of the ActivitySession-specific exceptions that can be thrown by the ActivitySession service.
    An ActivitySessionPendingException is thrown by the ActivitySession service when an attempt is made to checkpoint or end an ActivitySession which is currently associated with outstanding asynchronous work.
    An ActivitySessionResetException is thrown by the ActivitySession service if a request to checkpoint an ActivitySession results in all of its enlisted resources being reset.
    A ContextPendingException is thrown by the ActivitySession service if an attempt is made to end an ActivitySession in checkpoint when a transaction contained by the ActivitySession is still active.
    A MixedOutcomeException is thrown by the ActivitySession service to indicate that all of the resources enlisted in an ActivitySession did not complete in the same direction.
    A NoActivitySessionException is thrown by the ActivitySession service if an attempt is made to manipulate an ActivitySession when there is no ActivitySession active on the calling thread.
    A NotOriginatorException is thrown by the ActivitySession service if an attempt is made to end an ActivitySession in an execution environment other than the one in which it originated.
    A NotProcessedException is thrown by the ActivitySession service to indicate that a request to checkpoint or reset a resource was not processed successfully.
    A NotSupportedException is thrown by the ActivitySession service if an attempt is made to perform an operation which is not supported in the calling environment.
    A SystemException is thrown by the ActivitySession service if it encouters an unexpected internal error.
    A TimeoutOutOfRangeException is thrown by the ActivitySession service when a supplied timeout value is outwith the permitted range.
    A TransactionPendingException is thrown by the ActivitySession service if an attempt is made to associate an ActivitySession with a thread with which a transaction is already associated: an ActivitySession may not be nested within a transaction.
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5