Class RASMessageEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    RASConstants, RASIEvent, RASIMessageEvent,

    As of WAS 6.0, recommend using java.util.logging

    public class RASMessageEvent
    extends RASEvent
    implements RASIMessageEvent
    RASMessageEvent encapsulates all of the information generated by a RASMessageLogger. It is not necessary to create a RASMessageEvent directly, as the message logger handles this task. However, the methods of this class are public, should it be necessary to extend RASMessageEvent.

    A RASMessageEvent contains the following components:

    • A flag which identifies this event as a message event.
    • A time stamp, generated when the message is created.
    • A message type, such as informational, warning or error.
    • The message text. If a message file is specified, this text is a "key" which selects the message text from the message file. (Separating the text from the classes which use it allows the text to be translated into different national languages.)
    • A set of Strings which can be displayed with the message text. These parameters are required only if the message expects them.
    • A message file, which can be used to translate the message key to a text string. If this value is null, the text is displayed directly. (That is, it is not a key to be used with a message file.)
    • A set of additional attributes that may be part of the event data. The following attributes may be set. Unless otherwise noted, all Objects associated with the attributes are Strings.

      The name of the Java class which generated the message.
      The name of the Java method which generated the message.
      The name of the organization which owns the application that created the message.
      The name of the product that created the message.
      The name of the component within the product that created the message.
      A server associated with the creation of the message.
      The client on whose behalf the message was created.
      A Throwable object.

      Constants for these attributes are defined in the RASConstants class.

    The RASMessageEvent type is defined by the set of RASIMessageEvent TYPE_XXXX constants. Values 0x0000L up to, but not including, 0x01000L are reserved. Extensions to the RASMessageEvent class may use values outside this range for additional types. The constant RASIMessageEvent.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_MASK contains the message types that the handlers log by default. It includes all message types.

    See Also:
    RASEvent, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RASMessageEvent

        public RASMessageEvent()
        Creates a RASMessageEvent.
      • RASMessageEvent

        protected RASMessageEvent(long type,
                       java.lang.String text,
                       java.lang.Object[] parms,
                       java.lang.String messageFile)
        Creates a RASMessageEvent.
        type - The message type.
        text - The message text, or a message key if the message file is not null.
        parms - An array of Objects to be displayed with the message.
        messageFile - The base message file name.
      • RASMessageEvent

        protected RASMessageEvent(long type,
                       java.lang.String text,
                       java.lang.String[] parms,
                       java.lang.String messageFile)
        Deprecated. Use RASMessageEvent instead.
        Creates a RASMessageEvent.
        type - The message type.
        text - The message text, or a message key if the message file is not null.
        parms - An array of Strings to be displayed with the message.
        messageFile - The base message file name.
      • RASMessageEvent

        public RASMessageEvent(long type,
                       java.lang.String text,
                       java.lang.Object[] parms,
                       java.lang.String messageFile,
                       java.lang.String loggingClass,
                       java.lang.String loggingMethod,
                       java.lang.String org,
                       java.lang.String prod,
                       java.lang.String comp,
                       java.lang.String server,
                       java.lang.String client,
                       java.lang.Throwable exception)
        Creates a RASMessageEvent. The caller is expected to provide a message type, key and, if needed, any Object parameters for the message text. If any of the other parameters are not needed, they must be set to an empty string ("") or null.
        type - The message type.
        text - The message text, or a message key if the message file is not null.
        parms - An array of Objects to be displayed with the message.
        messageFile - The base message file name.
        loggingClass - The class.
        loggingMethod - The method.
        org - The organization.
        prod - The product.
        comp - The component.
        server - The server.
        client - The client.
        exception - A Throwable object.
      • RASMessageEvent

        public RASMessageEvent(long type,
                       java.lang.String text,
                       java.lang.String[] parms,
                       java.lang.String messageFile,
                       java.lang.String loggingClass,
                       java.lang.String loggingMethod,
                       java.lang.String org,
                       java.lang.String prod,
                       java.lang.String comp,
                       java.lang.String server,
                       java.lang.String client,
                       java.lang.Throwable exception)
        Deprecated. Use RASMessageEvent instead.
        Creates a RASMessageEvent. The caller is expected to provide a message type, key and, if needed, any Object parameters for the message text. If any of the other parameters are not needed, they must be set to an empty string ("") or null.
        type - The message type.
        text - The message text, or a message key if the message file is not null.
        parms - An array of Strings to be displayed with the message.
        messageFile - The base message file name.
        loggingClass - The class.
        loggingMethod - The method.
        org - The organization.
        prod - The product.
        comp - The component.
        server - The server.
        client - The client.
        exception - A Throwable object.
    • Method Detail

      • getMessageFile

        public java.lang.String getMessageFile()
        Gets the base message file name used to format a message.
        A message file name.
      • setMessageFile

        public void setMessageFile(java.lang.String messageFile)
        Sets the base message file name used to format a message.
        messageFile - The message file name.
      • getSupportedTypes

        public java.util.Hashtable getSupportedTypes()
        Gets the complete set of event types supported by this class.

        This method can be used by a graphical log manager to display the set of types and allow a user to select those to be monitored. Every extending class should override this method to add the types it supports to the Hashtable returned by its parent.

        Specified by:
        getSupportedTypes in interface RASIEvent
        getSupportedTypes in class RASEvent
        A Hashtable containing the values of all of the event types. The names of the types are used as keys and are returned in the current locale. The type values, normally kept as longs, are returned as Longs because of the Hashtable requirement that all elements be Objects.
      • maskLongValue

        public long maskLongValue(java.lang.String types)
        Converts a String representation of a message or trace mask to its long equivalent. The string must have the following format:
         String types = "TYPE_INFO TYPE_WARN";
        Unknown values in the String are ignored.
        Specified by:
        maskLongValue in interface RASIEvent
        maskLongValue in class RASEvent
        types - The blank-delimited String to be converted.
        The long equivalent of the String, formed by the logical OR of each element in the String.
      • maskToString

        public java.lang.String maskToString(long types)
        Converts a long containing the logical OR of one or more event types to its String equivalent. The string will have the following format:
         String types = "TYPE_INFO TYPE_WARN";
        Every extending class should override this method to add the types it supports to the value returned by its parent.

        Unknown values in the long are ignored.

        Specified by:
        maskToString in interface RASIEvent
        maskToString in class RASEvent
        types - The message or trace mask.
        The String equivalent of the mask.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a String representation of this object.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A representation of this object.
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5