DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Frequently asked questions about DB2 database product purchasing and licensing

There are some questions that commonly arise when you purchase and license DB2® database products.

Where can I get information about what's new for DB2 Version 9.7?
Refer to the "What's New" documentation for information about new features and changed, deprecated or discontinued functionality.
Where can I purchase a DB2 database products?
You can purchase DB2 database products through the IBM Passport Advantage® Web site.
Where can I find the list prices for DB2 database products?
The list prices vary from country to country and are adjusted for local currency. You can find details on local pricing in the IBM Software online catalog. All prices quoted online include the first year of support and service.
Where can I find the license terms for all of the DB2 database products?
You can find all of the licenses for DB2 database products at http://www.ibm.com/software/sla.
Will the DB2 database product work before I install a DB2 Electronic Certificate File (license key)?
To comply with your license agreement, you must register the Electronic Certificate File (also referred to as a license key). The Electronic Certificate File is on the activation CD provided with your product. However, even without a registered Electronic Certificate File, products that you download from Passport Advantage or fix packs that you install over an existing product acquired from Passport Advantage will operate without interruption or restriction. Trial images and fix pack installation images that you do not install over an existing product acquired from Passport Advantage will both stop working after a 90-day trial period.
Where do I download DB2 Trial images?
You can download DB2 Trial images from the trials and demos Web site.
What are the license restrictions for Trial images?
DB2 Trial images are full-featured products whose usage is limited to 90 days from the date of installation. All of the separately priced features available for a specific edition are supported during the try and buy period.

Once you purchase a DB2 license, you do not need to uninstall the DB2 trial image; you just need to register the license key (Electronic Certificate File) that is provided on the activation DVD for your product. The DB2 database product will continue to operate without interruption.