* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007 All rights reserved.
* The following sample of source code ("Sample") is owned by International 
* Business Machines Corporation or one of its subsidiaries ("IBM") and is 
* copyrighted and licensed, not sold. You may use, copy, modify, and 
* distribute the Sample in any form without payment to IBM, for the purpose of 
* assisting you in the development of your applications.
* The Sample code is provided to you on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of 
* not allow for the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so the above 
* limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. IBM shall not be liable for 
* any damages you suffer as a result of using, copying, modifying or 
* distributing the Sample, even if IBM has been advised of the possibility of 
* such damages.
*                       README for Perl Samples
* The <install path>sqllib\samples\perl directory contains this README file
* where <install_path> is the location of DB2 9.7 on your hard drive. The
* default location for <install_path> is C:\Program Files\IBM on Windows and
* $HOME on unix
* This README describes how to run Perl sample code for DB2 9.7.
* The DB2 9.7 sample code and build files for Perl are located
* in the following directory:
*  Windows:
*    <install_path>\sqllib\samples\perl
*  Unix:
*    <install_path>/sqllib/samples/perl
* Copy the sample files from this directory to a working directory prior to
* running the sample programs. The sample program directories are typically
* read-only on most platforms and some samples produce output files that
* require write perimssions on the directory.
* WARNING: Some of these samples may change your database or database manager
*          configuration.  Execute the samples against a test database
*          only, such as the DB2 SAMPLE database.
*               Prepare your DB2 sample development environment
*   On Windows all samples should be run and built in a DB2 Command Window.
*   The DB2 Command Window is needed to execute the db2 specific commands.
*   Listed below is how to opening the DB2 Command Window:
*   o From the Start Menu click Start --> Programs --> IBM DB2 -->
*    <DB2 copy name> --> Command Line Tools --> Command Window
*  1) Copy the files in <install path>sqllib\samples\perl\* (windows),
*     <install path>sqllib/samples/perl/* (unix) to a working directory and
*     ensure that directory has write permission.
*  2) Start the Database Manager with the following command:
*       db2start
*  3) Create the sample database with the following command:
*       db2sampl
*  5) Test that you can connect to the database with the following command:
*       db2 connect to sample
*  6) cd to the directory containing the files copied in Step 1.
*              Common file Descriptions
* The following are the common files for Perl samples. For more
* information on these files, refer to the program source files.
* Common files
* README        - this file!
* Script files
* tbselinit.bat (Windows)
* tbselinit     (UNIX)    - A script file used to set up some databases for
*                           tbsel.pl
* Common Utility Perl Module
* DB2SampUtil.pm - Defines common functions like command line argument
*                  checking. Also, functions to prepare and execute an SQL
*                  statement, and roll back if an error occurs.
* DB2WlmHist.pm  - Defines common functions like prepare and execute SQL
*                  statements and roll back if an error occurs that will be
*                  used for the WLM Historical Generator and the WLM
*                  Historical Reports tools.
*                          Perl Samples Design
* The Perl sample programs form an object-based design reflecting the
* component nature of DB2. Related samples demonstrate a specific level of
* database programming. Each level is identified by the first two characters
* of the sample name. Here are the database levels represented by the
* samples:
* Identifier     DB2 Level
*     db        Database Level.
*     tb        Table Level.
*     dt        Data Type Level.
*     sp        Stored Procedure client program.
*               Perl Sample Descriptions
* The following are the Perl sample files included with DB2.
* For more information on the sample programs, refer to the program source
* files.
* Database Level
* dbauth.pl      - How to grant/display/revoke authorities at database level.
* dbuse.pl       - How to use database objects.
* Table Level
* tbconstr.pl     - How to work with table constraints.
* tbinfo.pl       - How to get and set information at a table level.
* tbpriv.pl       - How to grant/display/revoke privileges at a table level.
* tbsel.pl        - How to select from each of: insert, update, delete.
*                   Please run 'tbselinit.bat' (on Windows) or
*                   'tbselinit' (on UNIX) prior to running this sample.
*                   Refer to the sample header for detailed instructions.
* tbselcreate.db2 - How to create the tables for the tbsel program.
* tbseldrop.db2   - How to drop the tables for the tbsel program.
* tbtrig.pl       - How to use a trigger on a table.
* tbuse.pl        - How to manipulate table data.
* Data Type Level
* dtlob.pl        - How to read and write LOB data.
* Stored Procedure Level
* spclient.pl     - Client application that calls the stored procedures in
*                   the spserver or SpServer shared library (which must be
*                   built in another supported language).
* WLM Historical Analysis sample tool
* wlmhist.pl    - Generates historical data for activities that are captured
*                 in the event_activity and event_activitystmt logical data
*                 groups.  The data that is generated is put into the
*                 wlmhist table.  This table will be created if it does not    
*                 already exist.
* wlmhistrep.pl - Generates historical analysis reports based on user input
*                 and input from the wlmhist table.