Migration step 16: IPL z/OS

When you migrate to DB2® 10 conversion mode (from Version 8 or Version 9), you should complete the z/OS® initial program load (IPL) before you start the DB2 subsystem.

Before you begin

Start of changeAlternatively, you can use the SETSSI, SETPROG APF, and SETPROG LNKLST commands to define the subsystem to z/OS until the next IPL.End of change

You should complete the IPL before or during migration, but IPLs are not necessary for fallback or remigration. Before you begin the IPL for z/OS, ensure that job DSNTIJMV was run.

Job DSNTIJMV makes the following changes to the SYS1.PARMLIB library:

  • Creates new subsystem definitions in the IEFSSNxx member
  • Creates new APF libraries in the IEAAPFxx member
  • Creates new load module libraries in the LNKLSTxx member

About this task

The load module library SDSNLINK contains the early code. If all of the required maintenance has been applied to your system, the early code is upward compatible with DB2 10. Ensure that the early code pre-conditioning PTFs have been installed on your system before you migrate. Start of changeThe DB2 10 early code is downward compatible with Version 8 or DB2 9. The DB2 10 early code is incompatible with DB2 Version 7.End of change


To IPL z/OS:

If you are at the appropriate service level for Version 8 or DB2 9, you can plan ahead, do PARMLIB updates (which are necessary at least to update the APF authorization list), and complete the IPL for z/OS whenever convenient, before you begin your migration. Otherwise, IPL z/OS before you start DB2 10.


After you complete the IPL for z/OS, message DSN3100I is displayed on the z/OS console, stating that DB2 is ready for the START command.