Syntax and options of the LOAD control statement

The LOAD utility control statement, with its multiple options, defines the function that the utility job performs.

You can create a control statement with the ISPF/PDF edit function. After creating it, save it in a sequential or partitioned data set. When you create the JCL for running the job, use the SYSIN DD statement to specify the name of the data set that contains the utility control statement.

Syntax diagram

         .-DATA-.  .-INDDN--SYSREC---------.                  
                   +-INDDN--ddname---------+  '-PREFORMAT-'   

   |                 .-1-------. |  '-PRESORTED--YES-'   

>--+--------------------+--| resume-spec |---------------------->

>--| flashcopy-spec |--+----------------+--+-------+------------>
                       '-KEEPDICTIONARY-'  '-REUSE-'   

>--+-------------------------+--| workddn-spec |---------------->

   .-SORTKEYS--0-------.                   .-FLOAT(S390)-.   
>--+-------------------+--| format-spec |--+-------------+------>
   +-SORTKEYS--NO------+                   '-FLOAT(IEEE)-'   

   +-ASCII---+  |        .-,-------.   |  '-NOSUBS-'   
   '-UNICODE-'  |        V         |   |               

   '-ENFORCE--NO----------'  '-ERRDDN--ddname-'   

   '-MAPDDN--ddname-'  '-DISCARDDN--ddname--'   

   '-DISCARDS--integer-'  '-SORTDEVT--device-type-'   


                      '-:end-'    '-'character-string'-'     




                 '-ALL-'  '-NONUNIQUE-'     


   V                     |   
>----| INTO-TABLE-spec |-+-------------------------------------><

  1. The default is 0 if the input is on tape, a cursor, a PDS member or for SYSREC DD *. For sequential data sets on disk, LOAD computes the default based on the input data set size.


     .-RESUME--NO-----.  .-SHRLEVEL--NONE-.                                                              
   |                                         '-REPLACE-'  '-| copy-spec |-'  '-| statistics-spec |-' |   
   |              .-BACKOUT--NO------.  .-SHRLEVEL--NONE---.                                         |   
                  |          .-YES-. |  '-SHRLEVEL--CHANGE-'                                             

  1. The value specified in the INTO TABLE for RESUME or REPLACE overrides the default value for LOAD RESUME.


              |          .-,SORTOUT-.   |     
              |   .-SYSUT1-.            |     


   |         .-(SYSCOPY)---------------. |   
             |          '-,ddname2-'   |     



                '-CONSISTENT-'  '-FCCOPYDDN--(--template-name--)-'     


               '-| stat-table-spec |-'  '-| stat-index-spec |-'   

   .-REPORT--NO--.  .-UPDATE--ALL------------.   

   '-HISTORY--+-ALL--------+-'  '-FORCEROLLUP--+-YES-+-'   
              +-ACCESSPATH-+                   '-NO--'     


Read syntax diagram
   |                       '-SAMPLE--integer-'             |   
   | .---------------------------------------------------. |   
   | V                                                   | |   
                                '-| table-stats-spec |-'       


Read syntax diagram
   '-SAMPLE--integer-'  |            .-,-----------.    |   
                        |            V             |    |   

Read syntax diagram


Read syntax diagram
>>-+-+------------------+--| correlation-stats-spec |--------+-><
   |           .-,--------------------------------------.    |   
   |           V                                        |    |   
   '-INDEX--(----index-name--| correlation-stats-spec |-+--)-'   

Start of changecorrelation-stats-spec:End of change

Read syntax diagram

   | .-------------------------------------------. |   
   | V                                           | |   

  1. The KEYCARD option is deprecated. The KEYCARD functionality is now built into the default execution of the inline statistics for indexes and cannot be disabled.


            |            .-COLDEL--','----.  .-CHARDEL--'"'-----.  .-DECPT--'.'---. |     
            |            '-COLDEL--coldel-'  '-CHARDEL--chardel-'  '-DECPT--decpt-' |     


For the syntax diagram and the option descriptions of the into-table specification, see INTO-TABLE-spec.

Option descriptions

Specifies that data is to be loaded. This keyword is optional and is used for clarity only.
INDDN ddname
Specifies the data definition (DD) statement or template that identifies the input data set for the partition. The record format for the input data set must be fixed-length or variable-length. The data set must be readable by the basic sequential access method (BSAM).

Start of changeIf the input file is an HFS or zFS file, use a template with the PATH option. End of change

The ddname is the name of the input data set.

The default value is SYSREC.

INCURSOR cursor-name
Specifies the cursor for the input data set. You must declare the cursor before it is used by the LOAD utility. Use the EXEC SQL utility control statement to define the cursor. You cannot load data into the same table on which you defined the cursor. You cannot load data into a table that is a parent in a RI relationship with the dependent table on which the cursor is defined.

The specified cursor can be used with the DB2® family cross-loader function, which enables you to load data from any DRDA-compliant remote server. For more information about using the cross-loader function, see Loading data by using the cross-loader function.

cursor-name is the cursor name. Cursor names that are specified with the LOAD utility cannot be longer than eight characters.

You cannot use the INCURSOR option with the following options:

  • Start of changeFORMAT INTERNALEnd of change
  • WHEN
  • Start of changeSPANNED YESEnd of change

In addition, you cannot specify field specifications or use discard processing with the INCURSOR option.

Specifies that the remaining pages are preformatted up to the high-allocated RBA in the table space and index spaces that are associated with the table that is specified in table-name. The preformatting occurs after the data has been loaded and the indexes are built.

PREFORMAT can operate on an entire table space and its index spaces, or on a partition of a partitioned table space and on the corresponding partitions of partitioned indexes, if any exist. Specifying LOAD PREFORMAT (rather than PART integer PREFORMAT) tells LOAD to serialize at the table space level, which can inhibit concurrent processing of separate partitions. If you want to serialize at the partition level, specify PART integer PREFORMAT.

Start of changeThe PREFORMAT keyword also applies to LOB table spaces and auxiliary indexes that are associated with the base table or partitions that LOAD serialized. XML objects are not preformatted. End of change

Allows the LOAD utility to copy an existing compression dictionary from a partition to other partitions of a partitioned table space. LOAD copies the current compression dictionary from the partition whose partition number is integer, and uses that compression dictionary to compress the input data for partitions that are being replaced. The default value of integer is 1.

COPYDICTIONARY provides a method for copying a compression dictionary to an empty partition. The partition that is being copied must have a valid compression dictionary.

COPYDICTIONARY causes LOAD to copy the compression dictionary only to partitions that have the COMPRESS YES attribute.

Use of the COPYDICTIONARY keyword has these restrictions:

Start of change
  • COPYDICTIONARY can be used only when the target of the LOAD statement is a partitioned or range-partitioned table space.
  • PART integer REPLACE must also be specified in the LOAD statement.
  • RESUME YES cannot be specified with COPYDICTIONARY.
  • KEEPDICTIONARY cannot also be specified in the LOAD statement.
End of change
Start of changePRESORTEDEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies whether the input data set has already been sorted in clustering key order. If the input data set is in clustering key order, the LOAD utility can execute the RELOAD and BUILD phases in parallel, and can skip the sorting of the clustering index.
Specifies that the input data set has not already been sorted. The LOAD utility must sort the clustering index.
Specifies that the input data set has already been sorted. The LOAD utility does not sort the clustering index, and executes the RELOAD and BUILD phases in parallel.

The following requirements must be satisfied when PRESORTED YES is specified:

  • All data sets that are needed for parallel index build need to be available.
  • For partitioned table spaces with a clustering partitioned index, the presorted order of the data rows must be:
    1. By partition number
    2. By key ordering of clustering index within each partition
  • For partitioned table spaces with a clustering nonpartitioned index, or nonpartitioned table space with a single table, the presorted order of the data rows must be by key ordering of the clustering index.
  • For simple and segmented table spaces:
    • The presorted order of the data rows must be by key ordering of the clustering index within the table.
    • The LOAD statement can contain only one INTO TABLE clause.
  • Under the following conditions, LOAD issues a warning message, and continues with processing as if PRESORTED NO were specified:
    • When SHRLEVEL CHANGE is also specified
    • When partition parallelism is used
    • When the target tables have no indexes
    • When SORTKEYS NO is specified
  • Only LOAD with REPLACE and with PRESORTED YES can be restarted in the RELOAD phase. If LOAD with RESUME and PRESORTED YES is restarted in the RELOAD phase, utility processing abnormally terminates, and LOAD issues an error message.
  • If PRESORTED YES is specified, and LOAD determines that the input data set is not sorted in clustering key order, LOAD tolerates the keys that are not in order. However, for the clustering index, inline statistics are not collected and real-time statistics are invalidated. LOAD issues a warning message.
End of change
Specifies the output row format in the affected table space or partition. This keyword overrides the existing RRF subsystem parameter setting. This keyword has no effect on LOB, catalog, directory, XML, or universal table spaces participating in a CLONE relationship.
Specifies that the table space or partition being reorganized or replaced will be converted to or remain in basic row format.
Specifies that the table space or partition being reorganized or replaced will be converted to or remain in reorder row format.
Indicates whether records are to be loaded into an empty or non-empty table space. For nonsegmented table spaces, space is not reused for rows that have been marked as deleted or for rows of dropped tables.
Important: Specifying LOAD RESUME (rather than PART integer RESUME) tells LOAD to serialize on the entire table space, which can inhibit concurrent processing of separate partitions. If you want to process other partitions concurrently, specify PART integer RESUME.
Loads records into an empty table space. If the table space is not empty, and you have not used REPLACE, a message is issued and the utility job step terminates with a job step condition code of 8.

For nonsegmented table spaces that contain deleted rows or rows of dropped tables, using the REPLACE keyword provides increased efficiency.

The default value is NO, unless you override it with PART integer RESUME YES.

Loads records into a non-empty table space. If the table space is empty, a warning message is issued, but the table space is loaded. Loading begins at the current end of data in the table space. Space is not reused for rows that are marked as deleted or for rows of dropped tables.

LOAD RESUME YES SHRLEVEL CHANGE activates the before triggers and after triggers for each row that is loaded.

Start of changeBACKOUTEnd of change
Start of change
Start of changeSpecifies that all rows loaded by the current LOAD should be deleted if any input record would leave the object unavailable. The table space is available at the completion of the LOAD. If BACKOUT is specified alone, the value is YES.

BACKOUT or BACKOUT YES is allowed only with SHRLEVEL NONE. BACKOUT or BACKOUT YES is not allowed with INCURSOR.

End of change
Specifies that updates made by LOAD will not be rolled back if an error record is found. This is the default behavior when the BACKOUT keyword is not specified.
End of change
Specifies the extent to which applications can concurrently access the table space or partition during the LOAD utility job. The following parameter values are listed in order of increasing extent of allowed concurrent access.
Specifies that applications have no concurrent access to the table space or partition.
Specifies that applications can concurrently read from and write to the table space or partition into which LOAD is loading data.

A LOAD SHRLEVEL CHANGE job functions like a mass INSERT. Whereas a regular LOAD job drains the entire table space, LOAD SHRLEVEL CHANGE functions like an INSERT statement and uses claims when it accesses an object.

If you specify SHRLEVEL CHANGE, you cannot specify any of the following parameters:
  • LOG NO
  • PART integer REPLACE

If you are loading individual partitions and specify SHRLEVEL CHANGE, RESUME YES must also be specified. You can either specify RESUME YES on the individual PART clauses or inherit it from the main LOAD statement.

LOAD RESUME YES SHRLEVEL CHANGE does not perform the SORT, BUILD, SORTBLD, INDEXVAL, or ENFORCE phases, and the compatibility and concurrency considerations differ.

Normally, a LOAD RESUME YES job loads the records at the end of the already existing records. However, for a LOAD RESUME YES job with the SHRLEVEL CHANGE option, the utility tries to insert the new records in available free space as close to the clustering order as possible. This LOAD job does not create any additional free pages. If you insert many records, these records are likely to be stored out of clustering order. In this case, you should run the REORG TABLESPACE utility after the LOAD utility loads the records.

Recommendation: If the LOAD utility loads many records, run RUNSTATS SHRLEVEL CHANGE UPDATE SPACE and then a conditional REORG.

When an identity column exists in the table that is being loaded, performance can be improved by specifying the CACHE attribute for the identity column.

Lock escalation is disabled on XML table spaces for LOAD RESUME YES SHRLEVEL CHANGE.

Log records that DB2 creates during LOAD RESUME YES SHRLEVEL CHANGE can be used by DB2 DataPropagator, if the tables that are being loaded are defined with DATA CAPTURE CHANGES.

LOAD jobs with the SHRLEVEL CHANGE option do not insert any records into SYSIBM.SYSCOPY.

Before and after row triggers are activated only for SHRLEVEL CHANGE. Statement triggers for each row are also activated for LOAD RESUME YES SHRLEVEL CHANGE.

Indicates whether the table space and all its indexes need to be reset to empty before records are loaded. With this option, the newly loaded rows replace all existing rows of all tables in the table space, not just those of the table that you are loading. ForDB2 STOGROUP-defined data sets, the data set is deleted and redefined with this option, unless you also specified the REUSE option. You must have LOAD authority for all tables in the table space where you perform LOAD REPLACE. If you attempt a LOAD REPLACE without this authority, you get an error message.

You cannot use REPLACE with the PART integer REPLACE option of INTO TABLE; you must either replace an entire table space by using the REPLACE option or replace a single partition by using the PART integer REPLACE option of INTO TABLE.

Specifying LOAD REPLACE (rather than PART integer REPLACE) tells LOAD to serialize at the table space level. If you want to serialize at the partition level, specify PART integer REPLACE. See the information about specifying REPLACE at the partition level under the keyword descriptions for INTO TABLE.

Restriction: Start of changeLOAD REPLACE is not allowed on a table that is defined with data versioning.End of change
COPYDDN (ddname1,ddname2)
Specifies the DD statements for the primary (ddname1) and backup (ddname2) copy data sets for the image copy.

ddname is the DD name.

The default value is SYSCOPY for the primary copy. No default exists for the backup copy.

The COPYDDN keyword can be specified only with REPLACE. A full image copy data set (SHRLEVEL REFERENCE) is created for the table or partitions that are specified when LOAD executes. The table space or partition for which an image copy is produced is not placed in COPY-pending status.

Image copies that are taken during LOAD REPLACE are not recommended for use with RECOVER TOCOPY because these image copies might contain unique index violations, referential constraint violations, or index evaluation errors.

If you specify COPYDDN when loading a table with XML data, an inline copy is taken only of the base table space, not the XML table space.

If you specify COPYDDN when loading a table with LOB columns, DB2 does not create a copy of any index, LOB table space, or XML table space. You must perform these tasks separately.

The COPYDDN keyword specifies either a DD name or a TEMPLATE name specification from a previous TEMPLATE control statement. If utility processing detects that the specified name is both a DD name in the current job step and a TEMPLATE name, the utility uses the DD name.

RECOVERYDDN ddname3,ddname4
Specifies the DD statements for the primary (ddname3) and backup (ddname4) copy data sets for the image copy at the recovery site.

ddname is the DD name.

You cannot have duplicate image copy data sets. The same rules apply for RECOVERYDDN and COPYDDN.

The RECOVERYDDN keyword specifies either a DD name or a TEMPLATE name specification from a previous TEMPLATE control statement. If utility processing detects that the specified name is both a DD name in the current job step and a TEMPLATE name, the utility uses the DD name.

Start of changeFLASHCOPYEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies whether FlashCopy® technology is used to create a copy of the object. Valid values are YES, NO, or CONSISTENT. When FlashCopy is used, a separate data set is created for each partition or piece of the object.

Specify YES or CONSISTENT only if the DB2 data sets are on FlashCopy Version 2 disk volumes.

The FlashCopy specifications on the utility control statement override any specifications for FlashCopy that are defined by using the DB2 subsystem parameters. If the FlashCopy subsystem parameters specify the use of FlashCopy as the default behavior of this utility, the FLASHCOPY option can be omitted from the utility control statement.

Important: If the input data set is less than one cylinder, FlashCopy technology might not be used for copying the objects regardless of the FLASHCOPY settings. The copy is performed by IDCAMS if FlashCopy is not used.
Specifies that no FlashCopy is made. NO is the default value for FLASHCOPY.
Specifies that FlashCopy technology is used to copy the object.
Important: Under the following circumstances, the COPY utility might not use FlashCopy even though YES is specified:
  • FlashCopy Version 2 disk volumes are not available
  • The source tracks are already the target of a FlashCopy operation
  • The target tracks are the source of a FlashCopy operation
  • The maximum number of relationships for the copy is exceeded
In the event that FlashCopy is not used, the LOAD utility uses traditional I/O methods to copy the object, which can result in longer than expected execution time.
When SHRLEVEL CHANGE is specified, specifies that FlashCopy technology is used to copy the object and that any uncommitted work included in the copy is backed out of the copy to make the copy consistent. If SHRLEVEL NONE is specified, the image copy is already consistent and you do not need to specify CONSISTENT.

A consistent FlashCopy image copy can by used for recovery without also requiring a sequential format image copy.

Specifying FLASHCOPY CONSISTENT requires additional time and system resources during utility processing, because the utility must read the logs and apply the changes to the image copy. Similarly, recovering from a consistent FlashCopy image copy also requires additional time and system resources to read the logs and reapply work that was previously backed out.

Restriction: CONSISTENT cannot be specified when copying objects that have been defined with the NOT LOGGED attribute. If CONSISTENT is specified for an object that is defined with the NOT LOGGED attribute, the utility does not make a copy of the object and issues message DSNU076I with return code 8.
End of change
Start of changeFCCOPYDDNEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the template to be used to create the FlashCopy image copy data set names. If a value is not specified for FCCOPYDDN on the LOAD control statement when FlashCopy is used, the value specified on the FCCOPYDDN subsystem parameter determines the template to be used.
The data set names for the FlashCopy image copy are allocated according to the template specification. For table space or index space level FlashCopy image copies, because a data set is allocated for each partition or piece, ensure that the data set naming convention in the template specification is unique enough. Use the &DSNUM variable, which resolves to a partition number or piece number at execution time.
End of change
Specifies the gathering of statistics for a table space, index, or both; the statistics are stored in the DB2 catalog.

If you specify the STATISTICS keyword with no other statistics-spec or correlation-stats-spec options, the utility gathers only table space statistics. Statistics are collected on a base table space, but not on a LOB table space or XML table space.

  • If you specify STATISTICS for encrypted data, DB2 might not provide useful statistics on this data.
  • You cannot specify STATISTICS if the named table is a table clone.

All tables identified by the STATISTICS TABLE keyword must belong to the table space of the specified table or tables in the INTO TABLE option of the LOAD utility control statement.

Specifies the table for which column information is to be gathered.

Do not specify STATISTICS TABLE table-name with the LIST keyword. Instead, specify STATISTICS TABLE (ALL).

Specifies that information is to be gathered for all columns of all tables in the table space.
Specifies the tables for which column information is to be gathered. If you omit the qualifier, the user identifier for the utility job is used. Enclose the table name in quotation marks if the name contains a blank.

If you specify more than one table, you must repeat the TABLE option. Multiple TABLE options must be specified entirely before or after any INDEX keyword that may also be specified. For example, the INDEX keyword may not be specified between any two TABLE keywords.

SAMPLE integer
Start of changeIndicates the percentage of rows to be sampled when collecting statistics on non-leading-indexed columns of an index or non-indexed columns. You can specify any value from 1 through 100.

The default value is 25. The SAMPLE option is not allowed for LOB table spaces.

End of change
Specifies columns for which column information is to be gathered.
You can specify this option only if you specify a particular table for which statistics are to be gathered (TABLE (table-name)). If you specify particular tables and do not specify the COLUMN option, the default, COLUMN(ALL), is used. If you do not specify a particular table when using the TABLE option, you cannot specify the COLUMN option; however, COLUMN(ALL) is assumed.
Specifies that statistics are to be gathered for all columns in the table.
(column-name, …)
Specifies the columns for which statistics are to be gathered.

You can specify a list of column names; the maximum is 10. If you specify more than one column, separate each name with a comma.

Specifies indexes for which information is to be gathered. Column information is gathered for the first column of the index. All the indexes must be associated with the same table space, which must be the table space that is specified in the TABLESPACE option.

Do not specify STATISTICS INDEX index-name with the LIST keyword. Instead, specify STATISTICS INDEX (ALL).

Specifies that the column information is to be gathered for all indexes that are defined on tables that are contained in the table space.
Specifies the indexes for which information is to be gathered. Enclose the index name in quotation marks if the name contains a blank.
Start of changeThe KEYCARD option is deprecated in the utility control statement and no longer needs to be specified to collect cardinality statistics on the values in the key columns of an index.

When the STATISTICS and INDEX options are specified, the utility always collects all of the distinct values in all of the 1 to n key column combinations in an index.n is the number of columns in the index. With the deprecation of KEYCARD, this functionality cannot be disabled.

The utility tolerates the specification of the KEYCARD option. The utility does not issue any messages if the control statement includes or excludes the KEYCARD option when STATISTICS and INDEX are specified.

End of change
Controls the collection of frequent-value statistics.If you specify FREQVAL, it must be followed by the following additional keywords:
Indicates the number of key columns that are to be concatenated together when collecting frequent values from the specified index. Specifying '3' means that frequent values are to be collected on the concatenation of the first three key columns. The default value is 1, which means that DB2 collects frequent values on the first key column of the index.
Indicates the number of frequent values that are to be collected. Specifying '15' means that DB2 collects 15 frequent values from the specified key columns. The default value is 10.
Specifies whether a set of messages is to be generated to report the collected statistics.
Indicates that the set of messages is not to be sent as output to SYSPRINT.
Indicates that the set of messages is to be sent as output to SYSPRINT. The generated messages are dependent on the combination of keywords (such as TABLESPACE, INDEX, TABLE, and COLUMN) that are specified with the RUNSTATS utility. However, these messages are not dependent on the specification of the UPDATE option. REPORT YES always generates a report of SPACE and ACCESSPATH statistics.
Indicates whether the collected statistics are to be inserted into the catalog tables. UPDATE also allows you to select statistics that are used for access path selection or statistics that are used by database administrators.
Indicates that all collected statistics are to be updated in the catalog.
Indicates that only the catalog table columns that provide statistics that are used for access path selection are to be updated.
Indicates that only the catalog table columns that provide statistics to help database administrators assess the status of a particular table space or index are to be updated.
Indicates that no catalog tables are to be updated with the collected statistics. This option is valid only when REPORT YES is specified.
Specifies that all catalog table inserts or updates to the catalog history tables are to be recorded.

The default value is whatever value is specified in the STATISTICS HISTORY field on panel DSNTIP6.

Indicates that all collected statistics are to be updated in the catalog history tables.
Indicates that only the catalog history table columns that provide statistics that are used for access path selection are to be updated.
Indicates that only space-related catalog statistics are to be updated in catalog history tables.
Indicates that no catalog history tables are to be updated with the collected statistics.
Specifies whether aggregation or rollup of statistics is to take place when RUNSTATS is executed even if statistics have not been gathered on some partitions; for example, partitions have not had any data loaded. Aggregate statistics are used by the optimizer to select the best access path.
Indicates that forced aggregation or rollup processing is to be done, even though some partitions might not contain data.
Indicates that aggregation or rollup is to be done only if data is available for all partitions.
If data is not available for all partitions, DSNU623I message is issued if the installation value for STATISTICS ROLLUP on panel DSNTIP6 is set to NO.
Prevents the LOAD utility from building a new compression dictionary. LOAD retains the current compression dictionary and uses it for compressing the input data. This option eliminates the cost that is associated with building a new dictionary.

The KEEPDICTIONARY keyword is ignored for XML table spaces. If you specify REPLACE, any existing dictionary for the XML table space or partition is deleted. If you do not specify REPLACE, any existing dictionary for the XML table space or partition is saved.

DB2 ignores the KEEPDICTIONARY option during execution of a REORG or LOAD REPLACE that changes the table space from basic row format to reordered row format.

This keyword is valid only if the table space that is being loaded has the COMPRESS YES attribute.

If the table space or partition is empty, DB2 performs one of these actions:

  • Start of changeDB2 builds a dictionary if a compression dictionary does not exist, but only if the table space is not a simple table space. End of change
  • DB2 keeps the dictionary if a compression dictionary exists.

If RESUME NO and REPLACE are specified when the table space or partition is not empty, DB2 performs the same actions as it does when the table space or partition is empty.

If the table space or partition is not empty and RESUME YES is specified, DB2 performs one of these actions:

  • DB2 does not build a dictionary if a compression dictionary does not exist.
  • DB2 keeps the dictionary if a compression dictionary exists.
Note: You must use KEEPDICTIONARY to ensure that the compression dictionary is maintained.
Specifies (when used with REPLACE) that LOAD is to logically reset and reuse DB2-managed data sets without deleting and redefining them. If you do not specify REUSE, DB2 deletes and redefines DB2-managed data sets to reset them.

REUSE must be accompanied by REPLACE to do the logical reset for all data sets. However, if you specify REUSE for the table space and REPLACE only at the partition level, only the replaced partitions are logically reset.

If a data set has multiple extents, the extents are not released if you specify the REUSE parameter.

Indicates whether logging occurs during the RELOAD phase of the load process.
Specifies normal logging during the load process. All records that are loaded are logged. If the table space has the NOT LOGGED attribute, DB2 does the LOAD with no logging.
Specifies no logging of data during the load process. If the table space has the LOGGED attribute, the NO option sets the COPY-pending restriction against the table space or partition that the loaded table resides in. No table or partition in the table space can be updated by SQL until the restriction is removed. For ways to remove the restriction, see Resetting COPY-pending status.

If you load a single partition of a partitioned table space and the table space has a secondary index, some logging might occur during the build phase as DB2 logs any changes to the index structure. This logging allows recoverability of the secondary index in case an abend occurs, and it also allows concurrency.

DB2 treats table spaces that were created as NOT LOGGED as if you specified LOG NO. If you specify LOG NO without specifying COPYDDN, the base table space is placed in COPY-pending status. If XML columns are nullable and not loaded, only the base table space is placed in COPY-pending status.

A LOB table space affects logging while DB2 loads a LOB column regardless of whether the LOB table space was defined with LOG YES or LOG NO.

Specifies that LOAD is not to set the table space in the COPY-pending status, even though LOG NO was specified. A NOCOPYPEND specification does not turn on or change any informational COPY-pending (ICOPY) status for indexes. A NOCOPYPEND specification will not turn off any COPY-pending status that was set prior to the LOAD. Normal completion of a LOAD LOG NO NOCOPYPEND job returns a 0 code if no other errors or warnings exist.

DB2 ignores a NOCOPYPEND specification if you also specified COPYDDN to make a local-site inline image copy during the LOAD. If the table space has the NOT LOGGED attribute, NOCOPYPEND is ignored.

Attention: Specify the NOCOPYPEND option only if the data in the table space can be easily re-created by another LOAD job if the data is lost. If you do not take an image copy following the LOAD, you cannot recover the table space by using the RECOVER utility, and you might lose data.
WORKDDN (ddname1,ddname2)
Specifies the DD statements for the temporary work file for sort input and sort output. Temporary work files for sort input and output are required if the LOAD involves tables with indexes.

ddname1 is the DD name for the temporary work file for sort input. The default value is SYSUT1.

ddname2 is the DD name for the temporary work file for sort output. The default value is SORTOUT.

The WORKDDN keyword specifies either a DD name or a TEMPLATE name specification from a previous TEMPLATE control statement. If utility processing detects that the specified name is both a DD name in the current job step and a TEMPLATE name, the utility uses the DD name. For more information about TEMPLATE specifications, see TEMPLATE.

Specifies that index keys are to be sorted in parallel during the SORTBLD phase to improve performance.
Specifies an integer to provide an estimate of the number of index keys that are to be sorted. Integer must be a positive integer between 0 and 562 949 953 421 311. The default value is 0 if any of the following conditions are true:
  • The target table has no index and SHRLEVEL is NONE.
  • The target table has one index.
  • The input is on tape, a cursor, a PDS member, or for SYSREC DD *.
Indicates that the SORTKEYS default is to be turned off.

For sequential data sets on disk, LOAD computes the default value for SORTKEYS based on the input data set size.

Start of changeIf the NUMRECS keyword is specified at the table level in the same LOAD statement, you cannot specify an integer value on the SORTKEYS keyword. To turn off parallel sorts, you can specify SORTKEYS NO when the NUMRECS keyword is specified. The NUMRECS keyword is specified at the table level to improve the estimation of work file data set sizes when loading data into multi-table table spaces with uneven distribution of rows between the tables.End of change

Related information:
Start of changeIdentifies the format of the input record. If you use FORMAT UNLOAD, FORMAT INTERNAL, or FORMAT SQL/DS, it uniquely determines the format of the input, and no field specifications are allowed in an INTO TABLE option.
If you omit FORMAT, the format of the input data is determined by the rules for field specifications.If you specify FORMAT DELIMITED, the format of the input data is determined by the rules that are described in Delimited file format.
Specifies that the input record format is compatible with the DB2 unload format. (The DB2 unload format is the result of REORG with the UNLOAD ONLY option.)

Input records that were unloaded by the REORG utility are loaded into the tables from which they were unloaded, if an INTO TABLE option specifies each table. Do not add columns or change column definitions of tables between the time you run REORG UNLOAD ONLY and LOAD FORMAT UNLOAD.

Any WHEN clause on the LOAD FORMAT UNLOAD statement is ignored; DB2 reloads the records into the same tables from which they were unloaded. Not allowing a WHEN clause with the FORMAT UNLOAD clause ensures that the input records are loaded into the proper tables. Input records that cannot be loaded are discarded.

If the DCB RECFM parameter is specified on the DD statement for the input data set, and the data set format has not been modified since the REORG UNLOAD (ONLY) operation, the record format must be variable (RECFM=V).

Specifies that the input record format is compatible with the SQL/DS unload format. The data type of a column in the table that is to be loaded must be the same as the data type of the corresponding column in the SQL/DS table.

If the SQL/DS input contains rows for more than one table, the WHEN clause of the INTO TABLE option indicates which input records are to be loaded into which DB2 table.

LOAD cannot load SQL/DS strings that are longer than the DB2 limit.

SQL/DS data that has been unloaded to disk under DB2 Server for VSE & VM resides in a simulated z/OS®-type data set with a record format of VBS. Consider this format when transferring the data to another system that is to be loaded into a DB2 table (for example, the DB2 Server for VSE & VM. FILEDEF must define it as a z/OS-type data set). Processing the data set as a standard CMS file puts the SQL/DS record type field at the wrong offset within the records; LOAD is unable to recognize them as valid SQL/DS input.

Start of changeINTERNALEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies that the input record format is DB2 internal format. DB2 internal format is the format that is produced by running UNLOAD with the FORMAT INTERNAL option. LOAD does no validation of the data to ensure that it is in DB2 internal format.
When FORMAT INTERNAL is specified:
  • LOAD ignores any field specifications in the LOAD control statement.
  • LOAD does no data conversion.
  • The input data must be in decompressed format.
  • LOAD can load only one table at a time when FORMAT INTERNAL is specified.
  • LOAD does not populate LOB or XML columns when FORMAT INTERNAL is specified. LOAD puts the base table space in advisory CHECK-pending status.
  • FORMAT INTERNAL cannot be specified with any of the following options:
    • ASCII
    • CCSID
    • EBCDIC
    • FLOAT
    • NOSUBS
    • WHEN
End of change
Specifies that the input data file is in a delimited format. When data is in a delimited format, all fields in the input data set are character strings or external numeric values. In addition, each column in a delimited file is separated from the next column by a column delimiter character.

For each of the delimiter types that you can specify, you must ensure that the delimiter character is specified in the code page of the source data. The delimiter character can be specified as either a character or hexadecimal constant. For example, to specify '#' as the delimiter, you can specify either COLDEL '#' or COLDEL X'23'. If the utility statement is coded in a character type that is different from the input file, such as a utility statement that is coded in EBCDIC and input data that is in Unicode, you should specify the delimiter character in the utility statement as a hexadecimal constant, or the result can be unpredictable.

You cannot specify the same character for more than one type of delimiter (COLDEL, CHARDEL, and DECPT). For more information about delimiter restrictions, see Loading delimited files.

Unicode input data for FORMAT DELIMITED must be UTF-8, CCSID 1208.

If you specify the FORMAT DELIMITED option, you cannot use any of the following options:

  • Multiple INTO TABLE statements
  • WHEN

Also, LOAD ignores any specified POSITION statements within the LOAD utility control statement.

For more information about using delimited output and delimiter restrictions, see Loading delimited files. For more information about delimited files see Delimited file format.

Start of change
COLDEL coldel
Specifies the column delimiter that is used in the input file. The default value is a comma (,). For most ASCII and UTF-8 data, this value is X'2C', and for most EBCDIC data, this value is a X'6B'.
CHARDEL chardel
Specifies the character string delimiter that is used in the input file. The default value is a double quotation mark (). For most ASCII and UTF-8 data, this value is X'22', and for most EBCDIC data, this value is X'7F'.

To delimit character strings that contain the character string delimiter, repeat the character string delimiter where it is used in the character string. LOAD interprets any pair of character delimiters that are found between the enclosing character delimiters as a single character. For example, the phrase “what a ““nice warm”” day” is interpreted as what a “nice warm” day. The LOAD utility recognizes these character delimiter pairs for only CHAR, VARCHAR, and CLOB fields.

Character string delimiters are required only when the string contains the CHARDEL character. However, you can put the character string delimiters around other character strings. Data that has been unloaded in delimited format by the UNLOAD utility includes character string delimiters around all character strings.

Specifies the decimal point character that is used in the input file. The default value is a period (.). For most ASCII and UTF-8 data, this value is X'2E', and for most EBCDIC data, this value is X'4B'.
End of change
Note: Start of changeIf you use an application defaults load module (either DSNHDECP, which is the default, or a user-specified application defaults load module), ensure that the specified decimal value is the same as the decimal value that is used in the input data. You must specify the decimal value to match the decimal value that is used in the input data.End of change
Start of changeSPANNEDEnd of change
Start of changeIndicates whether records are to be loaded from a VBS data set in spanned record format.
Indicates that the LOAD utility is to load data from spanned records.

The input data set must be in spanned record format and all LOB and XML data must be at the end of the record.

You must provide a field specification list with all LOB and XML fields at the end of the record. For LOB and XML columns, specify POSITION(*).

Start of changeIf you specify FORMAT SPANNED YES, do not reference LOB or XML data in the field-selection-criterion of a WHEN clause. End of change

Start of changeYou cannot specify the INCURSOR option with SPANNED YES.End of change

If you specify FORMAT SPANNED YES, the LOAD utility does not use parallel processing.

Indicates that the LOAD utility is not to load data in spanned record format.
End of change
End of change
Specifies that LOAD is to expect the designated format for floating point numbers.
Specifies that LOAD is to expect that floating point numbers are provided in System/390® hexadecimal floating point (HFP) format. (S390) is the format that DB2 stores floating point numbers in. It is also the default value if you do not explicitly specify the FLOAT keyword.
Specifies that LOAD is to expect that floating point numbers are provided in IEEE binary floating point (BFP) format.

When you specify FLOAT(IEEE), DB2 converts the BFP data to HFP format as the data is being loaded into the DB2 table. If a conversion error occurs while DB2 is converting from BFP to HFP, DB2 places the record in the discard file.

FLOAT(IEEE) is mutually exclusive with any specification of the FORMAT keyword. If you specify both FLOAT(IEEE) and FORMAT, DB2 issues message DSNU070I.

BFP format is sometimes called IEEE floating point.

Specifies that the input data file is EBCDIC. The default is EBCDIC.
Specifies that the input data file is ASCII. Numeric, date, time, and timestamp internal formats are not affected by the ASCII option.
Specifies that the input data file is Unicode. The UNICODE option does not affect the numeric internal formats.
Specifies up to three coded character set identifiers (CCSIDs) for the input file. The first value specifies the CCSID for SBCS data that is found in the input file, the second value specifies the CCSID for mixed DBCS data, and the third value specifies the CCSID for DBCS data. If any of these values is specified as 0 or omitted, the CCSID of the corresponding data type in the input file is assumed to be the same as the installation default CCSID. If the input data is EBCDIC, the omitted CCSIDs are assumed to be the EBCDIC CCSIDs that are specified at installation, and if the input data is ASCII, the omitted CCSIDs are assumed to be the ASCII CCSIDs that are specified at installation. If the CCSIDs of the input data file do not match the CCSIDs of the table that is being loaded, the input data is converted to the table CCSIDs before being loaded.

integer is any valid CCSID specification.

If the input data is Unicode, the default CCSID values are the Unicode CCSIDs that are specified at system installation.

Specifies that LOAD is not to accept substitution characters in a string.

Place a substitution character in a string when that string is being converted from ASCII to EBCDIC, or when the string is being converted from one CCSID to another. For example, this substitution occurs when a character (sometimes referred to as a code point) that exists in the source CCSID (code page) does not exist in the target CCSID (code page).

When you specify the NOSUBS option and the LOAD utility determines that a substitution character has been placed in a string as a result of a conversion, it performs one of the following actions:

  • If discard processing is active: DB2 issues message DSNU310I and places the record in the discard file.
  • If discard processing is not active: DB2 issues message DSNU334I, and the utility abnormally terminates.
Specifies whether LOAD is to enforce check constraints and referential constraints, except informational referential constraints, which are not enforced.
Indicates that constraints are to be enforced. If LOAD detects a violation, it deletes the errant row and issues a message to identify it. If you specify this option and referential constraints exist, sort input and sort output data sets must be defined.
Indicates that constraints are not to be enforced. This option places the target table space in the CHECK-pending status if at least one referential constraint or check constraint is defined for the table.
ERRDDN ddname
Specifies the DD statement for a work data set that is being used during error processing. Information about errors that are encountered during processing is stored in this data set. A SYSERR data set is required if you request discard processing.

ddname is the DD name.

The default value is SYSERR.

The ERRDDN keyword specifies either a DD name or a TEMPLATE name specification from a previous TEMPLATE control statement. If utility processing detects that the specified name is both a DD name in the current job step and a TEMPLATE name, the utility uses the DD name. For more information about TEMPLATE specifications, see TEMPLATE.

MAPDDN ddname
Specifies the DD statement for a work data set that is to be used during error processing. The work data set is used to correlate the identifier of a table row with the input record that caused an error. A SYSMAP data set is required if you specify ENFORCE CONSTRAINTS and the tables have a referential relationship, or if you request discard processing when loading one or more tables that contain unique indexes or extended indexes.

ddname is the DD name.

The default value is SYSMAP.

The MAPDDN keyword specifies either a DD name or a TEMPLATE name specification from a previous TEMPLATE control statement. If utility processing detects that the specified name is both a DD name in the current job step and a TEMPLATE name, the utility uses the DD name. For more information about TEMPLATE specifications, see TEMPLATE.

Specifies the DD statement for a discard data set that is to hold copies of records that are not loaded (for example, if they contain conversion errors). The discard data set also holds copies of records that are loaded and then removed (because of unique index errors, referential or check constraint violations, or index evaluation errors). Flag input records for discarding during RELOAD, INDEXVAL, and ENFORCE phases. However, the discard data set is not written until the DISCARD phase when the flagged records are copied from the input data set to the discard data set. The discard data set must be a sequential data set that can be written to by BSAM, with the same record format, record length, and block size as the input data set.

ddname is the DD name.

The default value is SYSDISC.

If you omit the DISCARDDN option, the utility application program saves discarded records only if a SYSDISC DD statement is in the JCL input.

The DISCARDDN keyword is not supported if you use a BatchPipes® file as an input to LOAD, using INDDN name for TEMPLATE SUBSYS.

The DISCARDDN keyword specifies either a DD name or a TEMPLATE name specification from a previous TEMPLATE control statement. If utility processing detects that the specified name is both a DD name in the current job step and a TEMPLATE name, the utility uses the DD name.

DISCARDS integer
Specifies the maximum number of source records that are to be written on the discard data set. integer can range from 0 to 2147483647. If the discard maximum is reached, LOAD abnormally terminates, the discard data set is empty, and you cannot see which records were discarded. You can either restart the job with a larger limit, or terminate the utility.

DISCARDS 0 specifies that you do not want to set a maximum value. The entire input data set can be discarded.

The default value is 0.

SORTDEVT device-type
Specifies the device type for temporary data sets that are to be dynamically allocated by the external sort program. You can specify any disk device type that is acceptable to the DYNALLOC parameter of the SORT or OPTION options for the sort program. Start of change Tape devices are not supported by the sort program.End of change

If you omit SORTDEVT and a sort is required, you must provide the DD statements that the sort application program needs for the temporary data sets.

A TEMPLATE specification does not dynamically allocate sort work data sets. The SORTDEVT keyword controls dynamic allocation of these data sets.

SORTNUM integer
Specifies the number of temporary data sets that are to be dynamically allocated by the sort application program.

integer is the number of temporary data sets that can range from 2 to 255.

If you omit SORTDEVT, SORTNUM is ignored. If you use SORTDEVT and omit SORTNUM, no value is passed to the sort program. In this case, the sort program uses its own default.

You need at least two sort work data sets for each sort. The SORTNUM value applies to each sort invocation in the utility. For example, if three indexes, SORTKEYS is specified, there are no constraints that limit parallelism, and SORTNUM is specified as 8, a total of 24 sort work data sets are allocated for a job.

Each sort work data set consumes both above-the-line and below-the-line virtual storage, so if you specify a value for SORTNUM that is too high, the utility might decrease the degree of parallelism due to virtual storage constraints, and possibly decreasing the degree down to one, meaning no parallelism.

Important: The SORTNUM keyword is ignored if the UTSORTAL subsystem parameter is set to YES and the IGNSORTN subsystem parameter is set to YES.
Indicates that you want to be able to treat each input record as a portion of a larger record. After CONTINUEIF, write a condition in one of the following forms:
(start:end) = X'byte-string'
(start:end) = 'character-string'

If the condition is true in any record, the next record is concatenated with it before loading takes place. You can concatenate any number of records into a larger record, up to a maximum size of 32767 bytes.

Character-string constants should be specified in LOAD utility control statements in the character set that matches the input data record. Specify EBCDIC constants in the LOAD control statement if your data is in EBCDIC and specify UNICODE constants if your data is in UNICODE. You may also code the CONTINUEIF condition using the hexadecimal form. For example, use (1:1)=X'31' rather than (1:1)='1'.
Specifies column numbers in the input record; the first column of the record is column 1. The two numbers tell the starting and ending columns of a continuation field in the input record.

Other field position specifications (such as those for WHEN, POSITION, or NULLIF) refer to the field position within the final assembled load record, not within the input record.

The continuation field is removed from the input record and is not part of the final load record.

If you omit :end, DB2 assumes that the length of the continuation field is the length of the byte string or character string. If you use :end, and the length of the resulting continuation field is not the same as the length of the byte string or character string, the shorter string is padded. Character strings are padded with blanks. Hexadecimal strings are padded with zeros.

Specifies a string of hexadecimal characters. This byte-string value in the continuation field indicates that the next input record is a continuation of the current load record. Records with this byte-string value are concatenated until the value in the continuation field changes. For example, the following CONTINUEIF specification indicates that for any input records that have a value of X'FF'in column 72, LOAD is to concatenate that record with the next input record.
Specifies a string of characters that has the same effect as X'byte-string'. For example, the following CONTINUEIF specification indicates that for any input records that have the string CC in columns 99 and 100, LOAD is to concatenate that record with the next input record.
CONTINUEIF (99:100) = 'CC'
Start of changeIGNOREEnd of change
Start of change

Specifies that the LOAD utility ignores records that it rejects for the specified reasons. If discarding is specified, no ignored rows are loaded or written to the DISCARD data set. If discarding is not specified, ignored records do not cause the LOAD utility to terminate.

Use the record count messages in the Utility output to determine the number of records ignored.

Specifies that records that do not satisfy the WHEN clause are ignored.

Use the record count messages in the Utility output to determine the number of records ignored.

End of change
Specifies the rounding mode to use when DECFLOATs are manipulated. The following rounding modes are supported:
Round toward +infinity. The discarded digits are removed if they are all zero or if the sign is negative. Otherwise, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up).
Round toward 0 (truncation). The discarded digits are ignored.
Round toward -infinity. The discarded digits are removed if they are all zero or positive. Otherwise, the sign is negative and the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up).
Round to the nearest number. If equidistant, round down. If the discarded digits are greater than 0.5, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up). The discarded digits are ignored if they are 0.5 or less.
Round to the nearest number. If equidistant, round so that the final digit is even. If the discarded digits are greater than .05, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up). The discarded digits are ignored if they are less than 0.5. If the result coefficient is .05 and the rightmost digit is even, the result coefficient is not altered. If the result coefficient is .05 and the rightmost digit is odd, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up).
Round to nearest. If equidistant, round up. If the discarded digits are greater than or equal to 0.5, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up). Otherwise the discarded digits are ignored.
Round away from 0. If all of the discarded digits are 0, the result is unchanged. Otherwise, the result coefficient should be incremented by 1 (rounded up).

Start of changeIf you do not specify DECFLOAT_ROUNDMODE, the LOAD statement uses the DFPDEFDM value in the application defaults load module as the default value. The application defaults load module is either DSNHDECP, which is the default, or a user-specified application defaults load module.End of change

Allows unloaded data to be reloaded into a GENERATED ALWAYS identity column of the same table by using LOAD REPLACE or LOAD RESUME. When this option is used and input field specifications are coded, the identity column must be specified and NULLIF or DEFAULTIF is not allowed.

Specifying this option allows LOAD INTO TABLE PART when an identity column that is defined as GENERATED ALWAYS or GENERATED BY DEFAULT is part of the partitioning index.

Start of changeIMPLICIT_TZEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies the implicit time zone to use when the timestamp value that is being loaded does not contain a time zone, and the data type of the target column is TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
Specifies the implicit time zone value. The time zone is the difference (in hours and minutes) between local time and UTC. The range of the hour component is -12 to 14, and the minute component is 00 to 59. The time zone is specified in the form ±th:tm, with values ranging from -12:59 to +14:00.

Start of changeIf you do not specify the IMPLICIT_TZ option, LOAD uses the value from the IMPLICIT_TIMEZONE DECP value. For more information about this DECP value, see IMPLICIT TIME ZONE field (IMPLICIT_TIMEZONE DECP value).End of change

End of change


The INTO-TABLE-spec control statement, with its multiple options, defines the function that the utility job performs. More than one table or partition for each table space can be loaded with a single invocation of the LOAD utility. At least one INTO TABLE statement is required for each table that is to be loaded. Each INTO TABLE statement:

  • Identifies the table that is to be loaded
  • Describes fields within the input record
  • Defines the format of the input data set

All tables that are specified by INTO TABLE statements must belong to the same table space.

If the data is already in UNLOAD or SQL/DS format, and FORMAT UNLOAD or FORMAT SQL/DS is used on the LOAD statement, no field specifications are allowed.

Related information:

Start of changeWhen loading XML or LOB columns from a VBS data set, the LOB and XML values need to be at the end of the record as specified by a field specification list.End of change



   |                                            .-INDDN -SYSREC------------------------. |   
                    '-PREFORMAT-'               +-INDDN -ddname--+-------------------+-+     
                                                |                '-DISCARDDN--ddname-' |     


          '-field selection criterion-'     

   |   .-,-------------------.   |   
   |   V                     |   |   
   '-(---field specification-+-)-'   


   |                    '-REPLACE--+-------+--+-----------+-' |   
   |                               '-REUSE-'  '-copy-spec-'   |   


  1. The value specified in the INTO TABLE for RESUME or REPLACE overrides the default value for LOAD RESUME.

field selection criterion:

   '-(start-+------+-)-'     +-'character-string'-+   
            '-:end-'         +-G'graphic-string'--+   

field specification:


   |       +-BIT-(length)-strip-spec---------------------+                |   
   |       +-MIXEDstrip-spec-----------------------------+                |   
   |       +-BLOBF-+---------------------+-+-----------+-+                |   
   |       |       '-PRESERVE WHITESPACE-' '-BINARYXML-' |                |   
   |       +-CLOBF-+-------+-+---------------------+-----+                |   
   |       |       '-MIXED-' '-PRESERVE WHITESPACE-'     |                |   
   |       '-DBCLOBF-+---------------------+-------------'                |   
   |                 '-PRESERVE WHITESPACE-'                              |   
   |          +-BIT-----------------------------------------+             |   
   |          +-MIXED---------------------------------------+             |   
   |          +-BLOBF-+---------------------+-+-----------+-+             |   
   |          |       '-PRESERVE WHITESPACE-' '-BINARYXML-' |             |   
   |          +-CLOBF-+-------+-+---------------------+-----+             |   
   |          |       '-MIXED-' '-PRESERVE WHITESPACE-'     |             |   
   |          '-DBCLOBF-+---------------------+-------------'             |   
   |                    '-PRESERVE WHITESPACE-'                           |   
   |         '-EXTERNAL-' '-(length)-'                                    |   
   |         '-EXTERNAL-+----------+-'                                    |   
   |                    '-(length)-'                                      |   
   |        '-(length)-'                                                  |   
   | '-BINARY VARYING-'                                                   |   
   |       '-EXTERNAL-' '-(length)-'                                      |   
   |                 '-(length)-'                                         |   
   |                 '-(length)-'                                         |   
   |                      '-(length)-'                                    |   
   |                                     '-(length)-'                     |   
   |      '-MIXED-'                                                       |   
   |           .-(34)-------------------.                                 |   
   |           +-(16)-------------------+                                 |   
   |           '-EXTERNAL--+----------+-'                                 |   
   |                       '-(length)-'                                   |   
          '-PRESERVE WHITESPACE-'  '-BINARYXML-'                              

   +-NULLIF--field selection criterion----+   
   '-DEFAULTIF--field selection criterion-'   

field name spec:

               |                '-:end-'           |   
                           +-CURRENT DATE------+       
                           +-CURRENT TIME------+       
                           +-CURRENT TIMESTAMP-+       

strip spec:

   |        .-BOTH ----.                       |   
            +-TRAILING-+  |              (1) |     
            '-LEADING--'  +-'strip-char'-----+     


  1. If you specify GRAPHIC, BINARY, VARBINARY, or VARGRAPHIC, you cannot specify 'strip-char'. You can specify only X'strip-char'.

decimal spec:

                      |         .-,0-----.   |     

Option descriptions for INTO TABLE

Specifies the name of the table that is to be loaded. The table must be described in the catalog.

The table must not be a catalog table or a system-maintained materialized query table.

If the table name is not qualified by a schema name, the authorization ID of the invoker of the utility job step is used as the schema qualifier of the table name. Enclose the table name in quotation marks if the name contains a blank.

Data from every LOAD record in the data set is loaded into the specified table unless:

  • A WHEN clause is used, and the data does not match the field selection criterion.
  • The FORMAT UNLOAD option is used on the LOAD statement, and the data comes from a table that is not specified in an INTO TABLE statement.
  • A certain partition is specified, and the data does not belong to that partition.
  • Data conversion errors occur.
  • Any errors occur that are not generated by data conversion.
Start of changePERIODOVERRIDEEnd of change
Start of changeAllows unloaded data to be reloaded into a GENERATED ALWAYS row-begin or row-end column. Row-begin and row-end columns are intended to be used in the definition of a system period, but the period does not need to exist when the PERIODOVERRIDE keyword is specified.

If you specify PERIODOVERRIDE and include input field specifications in the LOAD statement, both the row-begin and row-end columns that can be used to define a system period must be specified. When this option is used, the NULLIF and DEFAULTIF options are not allowed.

PERIODOVERRIDE is allowed only once per LOAD statement. It applies to all INTO TABLE specifications, regardless of which INTO TABLE specification contains the keyword.

End of change
Start of changeTRANSIDOVERRIDEEnd of change
Start of changeAllows unloaded data to be reloaded into a GENERATED ALWAYS column that is defined as a transaction-start-ID column.

TRANSIDOVERRIDE is allowed only once per LOAD statement. It applies to all INTO TABLE specifications, regardless of which INTO TABLE specification contains the keyword.

End of change
Indicates whether LOAD is to skip fields in the input data set that do not correspond to columns in the target table. Examples of fields that do not correspond to table columns are the DSN_NULL_IND_nnnnn, DSN_ROWID, DSN_IDENTITY, and DSN_RCTIMESTAMP fields that are generated by the REORG utility.
Specifies that the LOAD process is not to skip any fields.
Specifies that LOAD is to skip fields in the input data set that do not correspond to columns in the target table.

Specifying YES can be useful if each input record contains a variable-length field, followed by some variable-length data that you do not want to load and then some data that you want to load. Because of the variable-length field, you cannot use the POSITION keyword to skip over the variable-length data that you do not want to load. By specifying IGNOREFIELDS, you can give a field specification for the variable-length data that you do not want to load; and by giving it a name that is not one of the table column names, LOAD skips the field without loading it.

Use this option with care, because it also causes fields to be skipped if you intend to load a column but have misspelled the name.

Start of changeNUMRECSEnd of change
Start of changeStart of changeIndicates the number of input records for the specified table or table partition.
A positive integer that is used as an estimate of the number of complete input records that are to be loaded into the specified table. The specified number refers to fully assembled input records when CONTINUEIF is used.

Use the NUMRECS keyword for multi-table table spaces to indicate the number of input records that will be loaded into each of the tables or table partitions.

Specifying the number of records improves the sizing of the sort work data sets that the utility requires when indexes are built in parallel. If the LOAD utility underestimates the size of the sort work data sets, the execution of the LOAD utility could fail.

You can also use the NUMRECS keyword when the input data set is located on tape or if only a fraction of the input records will be loaded.

If an integer value is specified on the SORTKEYS keyword at the table-space level, the NUMRECS keyword cannot be specified in the same LOAD statement.

If multiple tables or partitions are loaded in the same LOAD statement, the NUMRECS keyword must be specified either for all of the tables or partitions or for none of the tables or partitions.

End of changeEnd of change
PART integer
Specifies that data is to be loaded into a partition of a partitioned table space. This option is valid only for partitioned table spaces, not including partition-by-growth table spaces.

Start of changeinteger is the physical partition number for the partition into which records are to be loaded. The same partition number cannot be specified more than once if partition parallelism has been requested. Any data that is outside the range of the specified partition is not loaded. The maximum is 4096.End of change

LOAD INTO PART integer is not allowed if:

  • An identity column is part of the partitioning index, unless IDENTITYOVERRIDE is specified for the identity column GENERATED ALWAYS
  • A row ID is part of the partitioning index
  • The table space is partition-by-growth

For nonpartitioned secondary indexes, LOAD PART:

  • Does not set the page set REBUILD-pending (PSRBD) status
  • Does not consider PCTFREE or FREEPAGE attributes when inserting keys
Specifies that the remaining pages are to be preformatted up to the high-allocated RBA in the partition and its corresponding partitioning index space. The preformatting occurs after the data is loaded and the indexes are built.
Start of changeINDEXDEFEREnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies whether index builds are done during the BUILD phase of LOAD, or are deferred until REBUILD INDEX is run manually. Deferring index builds is a way to improve LOAD performance, especially for LOAD with PART. If indexes are not built during LOAD, LOAD places the affected indexes in the REBUILD-pending state.
Specifies that indexes are built during the BUILD phase of LOAD.
Specifies that no indexes are built as part of a BUILD phase of the LOAD utility. Index builds are deferred until REBUILD INDEX is run manually. ALL is valid only if SHRLEVEL NONE is also specified.
Specifies that building of nonpartitioned indexes is not done as part of a BUILD phase of the LOAD utility. Nonpartitioned index builds are deferred until REBUILD INDEX is run manually. NPI is valid only if SHRLEVEL NONE is also specified.
Specifies that building of only nonunique indexes is deferred. NONUNIQUE is valid only if ALL or NPI is also specified. If NONUNIQUE is not specified, building of unique and nonunique indexes is deferred. If unique indexes are defined on the tables that are being loaded, specify NONUNIQUE unless the data really is unique. REBUILD INDEX does not resolve duplicate keys for unique indexes.


  • If ENFORCE CONSTRAINTS is also specified, building of indexed foreign keys is not deferred.
  • If RESUME is also specified, building of indexes that were created with DEFINE NO and are still undefined is not deferred. Building of undefined indexes is deferred only when REPLACE is specified.
End of change
Specifies whether records are to be loaded into an empty or non-empty partition. For nonsegmented table spaces, space is not reused for rows that have been marked as deleted or by rows of dropped tables is not reused. If the RESUME option is specified at the table space level, the RESUME option is not allowed in the PART clause.

If you want the RESUME option to apply to the entire table space, use the LOAD RESUME option. If you want the RESUME option to apply to a particular partition, specify it by using PART integer RESUME.

Loads records into an empty partition. If the partition is not empty, and you have not used REPLACE, a message is issued, and the utility job step terminates with a job step condition code of 8.

For non-segmented table spaces that contains deleted rows or rows of dropped tables, using the REPLACE keyword provides increased efficiency.

Loads records into a non-empty partition. If the partition is empty, a warning message is issued, but the partition is loaded.
Indicates that you want to replace only the contents of the partition that is cited by the PART option, rather than the entire table space.

You cannot use LOAD REPLACE with the PART integer REPLACE option of INTO TABLE. If you specify the REPLACE option, you must either replace an entire table space, using LOAD REPLACE, or a single partition, using the PART integer REPLACE option of INTO TABLE. You can, however, use PART integer REPLACE with LOAD RESUME YES.

Specifies, when used with the REPLACE option, that LOAD should logically reset and reuse DB2-managed data sets without deleting and redefining them. If you do not specify REUSE, DB2 deletes and redefines DB2-managed data sets to reset them.

If you specify REUSE with REPLACE on the PART specification (and not for LOAD at the table space level), only the specified partitions are logically reset. If you specify REUSE for the table space and REPLACE for the partition, data sets for the replaced parts are logically reset.

Specifies that the LOAD utility is not to build a new dictionary. LOAD retains the current dictionary and uses it for compressing the input data. This option eliminates the cost that is associated with building a new dictionary.

This keyword is valid only if a dictionary exists and the partition that is being loaded has the COMPRESS YES attribute.

If the partition has the COMPRESS YES attribute, but no dictionary exists, one is built and an error message is issued.

INDDN ddname
Specifies the data definition (DD) statement or template that identifies the input data set for the partition. The record format for the input data set must be fixed or variable. The data set must be readable by the basic sequential access method (BSAM).

The ddname is the name of the input data set.

The default value is SYSREC. INDDN can be a template name.

When loading LOB data using file reference variables, this input data set should include the names of the files that contain the LOB column values. Each file can be either a sequential file, PDS member, PDSE member, or separate HFS file.

If you specify INDDN, with or without DISCARDDN, in one INTO TABLE PART specification and you supply more than one INTO TABLE PART clause, you must specify INDDN in all INTO TABLE PART specifications.

Specifying INDDN at the partition level and supplying multiple PART clauses, each with their own INDDN, enables load partition parallelism, which can significantly improve performance. Loading all partitions in a single job with load partition parallelism is recommended instead of concurrent separate jobs whenever one or more nonpartitioned secondary indexes are on the table space.

The field specifications apply separately to each input file. Therefore, if multiple INTO TABLE PART INDDN clauses are used, field specifications are required on each one.

Specifies the DD statement for a discard data set for the partition. The discard data set holds copies of records that are not loaded (for example, if they contain conversion errors). The discard data set also holds copies of records that were loaded and then removed (due to unique index errors, or referential or check constraint violations).

Start of changeIf DISCARDS n is specified in the LOAD statement and LOAD partition parallelism is enabled, specifying DISCARDDN in an INTO TABLE PART clause is recommended. See Loading partitions.End of change

Flag input records for discarding during the RELOAD, INDEXVAL, and ENFORCE phases. However, the utility does not write the discard data set until the DISCARD phase when the utility copies the flagged records from the input data set to the discard data set.

The discard data set must be a sequential data set, and it must be write-accessible by BSAM, with the same record format, record length, and block size as the input data set.

The ddname is the name of the discard data set. DISCARDDN can be a template name.

If you omit the DISCARDDN option, LOAD does not save discarded records.

INCURSOR cursor-name
Specifies the cursor for the input data set. You must declare the cursor before it is used by the LOAD utility. Use the EXEC SQL utility control statement to define the cursor. You cannot load data into the same table on which you defined the cursor.

The specified cursor can be used as part of the DB2 family cross loader function, which enables you to load data from any DRDA-compliant remote server. For more information about using the cross loader function, see Loading data by using the cross-loader function.

cursor-name is the cursor name. Cursor names that are specified with the LOAD utility cannot be longer than eight characters.

You cannot use the INCURSOR option with the following options:

  • WHEN
  • Start of changeSPANNED YESEnd of change

In addition, you cannot specify field specifications with the INCURSOR option.

Indicates which records in the input data set are to be loaded. If no WHEN clause is specified (and if FORMAT UNLOAD was not used in the LOAD statement), all records in the input data set are loaded into the specified tables or partitions. (Data that is beyond the range of the specified partition is not loaded.)

The option following WHEN describes a condition; input records that satisfy the condition are loaded. Input records that do not satisfy any WHEN clause of any INTO TABLE statement are written to the discard data set, if one is being used and the IGNORE(WHEN) option is not specified.

Character-string constants should be specified in LOAD utility control statements in the character set that matches the input data record. Specify EBCDIC constants in the LOAD control statement if your data is in EBCDIC and specify UNICODE constants if your data is in UNICODE. You may also code the WHEN condition using the hexadecimal form. For example, use (1:1)=X'31' rather than (1:1)='1'.
Is valid only when the FORMAT SQL/DS option is used on the LOAD statement.

table-name is the name of a table that has been unloaded into the unload data set. The table name after INTO TABLE tells which DB2 table the SQL/DS table is loaded into. Enclose the table name in quotation marks if the name contains a blank.

If no WHEN clause is specified, input records from every SQL/DS table are loaded into the table that is specified after INTO TABLE.

Describes a field and a character constant. Only those records in which the field contains the specified constant are to be loaded into the table that is specified after INTO TABLE.

A field in a selection criterion must:

  • Contain a character or graphic string. No data type conversions are performed when the contents of the field in the input record are compared to a string constant.
  • Start at the same byte offset in each assembled input record. If any record contains varying-length strings, which are stored with length fields, that precede the selection field, they must be padded so that the start of the selection field is always at the same offset.
The field and the constant do not need to be the same length. If they are not, the shorter of the two is padded before a comparison is made. Character and graphic strings are padded with blanks. Hexadecimal strings are padded with zeros.
Specifies the name of a field that is defined by a field-specification. If field-name is used, the start and end positions of the field are given by the POSITION option of the field specification.
Identifies column numbers in the assembled load record; the first column of the record is column 1. The two numbers indicate the starting and ending columns of a selection field in the load record.

If :end is not used, the field is assumed to have the same length as the constant.

Identifies the constant as a string of hexadecimal characters. For example, the following WHEN clause specifies that a record is to be loaded if it has the value X'FFFF' in columns 33 through 34.
WHEN (33:34) = X'FFFF'
Identifies the constant as a string of characters. For example, the following WHEN clause specifies that a record is to be loaded if the field DEPTNO has the value D11.
Identifies the constant as a string of double-byte characters. For example, the following WHEN clause specifies that a record is to be loaded if it has the specified value in columns 33 through 36.
WHEN (33:36) = G'<**>'
In this example, < is the shift-out character,* is a double-byte character, and > is the shift-in character.

If the first or last byte of the input data is a shift-out character, it is ignored in the comparison. Specify G as an uppercase character.

Identifies the constant as a string of double-byte characters. N and G are synonymous for specifying graphic string constants. Specify N as an uppercase character.
(field-specification, …)
Describes the location, format, and null value identifier of the data that is to be loaded.

If no field specifications are used:

  • The fields in the input records are assumed to be in the same order as in the DB2 table.
  • The formats are set by the FORMAT option on the LOAD statement, if that option is used.
  • Fixed strings in the input are assumed to be of fixed maximum length. VARCHAR and VARGRAPHIC fields must contain a valid 2-byte binary length field preceding the data; no intervening gaps are allowed between the VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC fields and the field that follows.
  • BINARY fields are assumed to be of fixed maximum length.
  • VARBINARY fields must contain a valid 2-byte binary length field preceding the data.
  • ROWID fields are varying length, and must contain a valid 2-byte binary length field preceding the data; no intervening gaps are allowed between ROWID fields and the fields that follow.
  • LOB fields are varying length, and require a valid 4-byte binary length field preceding the data; no intervening gaps are allowed between them and the LOB fields that follow.
  • Numeric data is assumed to be in the appropriate internal DB2 number representation.
  • The NULLIF or DEFAULTIF options cannot be used.

If any field specification is used for an input table, a field specification must exist for each field of the table that does not have a default value. Any field in the table with no corresponding field specification is loaded with its default value.

If any column in the output table does not have a field specification and is defined as NOT NULL, with no default, the utility job step is terminated.

Identity columns or row change timestamp columns can appear in the field specification only if you defined them with the GENERATED BY DEFAULT attribute.

Start of changeIf you are loading application or system temporal data and you include field specifications, you must specify both the start and end time column fields.End of change

Specifies the name of a field, which can be a name of your choice. If the field is to be loaded, the name must be the name of a column in the table that is named after INTO TABLE unless IGNOREFIELDS is specified. You can use the field name as a vehicle to specify the range of incoming data. See Example 4: Loading data of different data types for an example of loading selected records into an empty table space.

The starting location of the field is given by the POSITION option. If POSITION is not used, the starting location is one column after the end of the previous field.

LOAD determines the length of the field in one of the following ways, in the order listed:

  1. If the field has data type VARCHAR, VARGRAPHIC, VARBINARY, ROWID, or XML the length is assumed to be contained in a 2-byte binary field that precedes the data. For VARCHAR, VARBINARY, and XML fields, the length is in bytes; for VARGRAPHIC fields, the length field identifies the number of double-byte characters.

    If the field has data type CLOB, BLOB, or DBCLOB, the length is assumed to be contained in a 4-byte binary field that precedes the data. For BLOB and CLOB fields, the length is in bytes; for DBCLOB fields, the length field identifies the number of double-byte characters.

  2. If :end is used in the POSITION option, the length is calculated from start and end. In that case, any length attribute after the CHAR, GRAPHIC, INTEGER, DECIMAL, FLOAT, or DECFLOAT specifications is ignored.
  3. The length attribute on the CHAR, GRAPHIC, INTEGER, DECIMAL, FLOAT, or DECFLOAT specifications is used as the length.
  4. The length is taken from the DB2 field description in the table definition, or it is assigned a default value according to the data type. For DATE and TIME fields, the length is defined during installation. For variable-length fields, the length is defined from the column in the DB2 table definition, excluding the null indicator byte, if it is present. The following table shows the default length, in bytes, for each data type.
    Table 1. Default length of each data type (in bytes)
    Data type Default length in bytes
    BIGINT 8
    BINARY Length that is used in column definition
    BLOB Varying
    CHARACTER Length that is used in column definition
    CLOB Varying
    DATE 10 (or installation default)
    DBCLOB Varying
    DECFLOAT(16) 8
    DECFLOAT(34) 16
    DECIMAL EXTERNAL Decimal precision for output columns that are decimal, otherwise the length that is used in column definition
    DECIMAL PACKED Length that is used in column definition
    DECIMAL ZONED Decimal precision for output columns that are decimal, otherwise the length that is used in column definition
    FLOAT (single precision) 4
    FLOAT (double precision) 8
    GRAPHIC 2 multiplied by (length that is used in column definition)
    MIXED Mixed DBCS data
    ROWID Varying
    TIME 8 (or installation default)
    VARBINARY Varying
    VARCHAR Varying
    VARGRAPHIC Varying
    XML Varying
    Start of changeTIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONEEnd of change Start of change33End of change

If a data type is not given for a field, its data type is assumed to be the same as that of the column into which it is loaded, as given in the DB2 table definition.

Indicates where a field is in the assembled load record.

start and end are the locations of the first and last columns of the field; the first column of the record is column 1. The option can be omitted.

Column locations can be specified as:

  • An integer n, meaning an actual column number
  • *, meaning one column after the end of the previous field
  • *+n, where n is an integer, meaning n columns after the location that is specified by *

Do not enclose the entire POSITION option specification in parentheses; enclose only the start:end description in parentheses. Valid and invalid specifications are shown in the following table.

Table 2. Example of valid and invalid POSITION specifications
Valid Invalid
POSITION (10:20) (POSITION (10:20))
Start of changeCONSTANT(...)End of change
Start of changeSpecifies that the column that matches the field name should be loaded with a constant value. The field name that is associated with the CONSTANT keyword must match a column name of the specified table. The length and type of the CONSTANT field is derived from the specified value and must be valid for the target column.

For a CONSTANT field, no other field specification options are allowed. A CONSTANT field cannot be specified for LOB or XML columns.

If a record is discarded because of an invalid value specified with the CONSTANT keyword, the record in the discard data set reflects the original record from SYSREC, not the record as loaded with the constant value(s).

Specifies the character string that is to be inserted in the target column. If the specified string is in the form 'string', it is assumed to be in the encoding scheme of SYSIN even if the encoding scheme of SYSREC is not the same. Conversion might be applied before inserting the string into the target column.
Specifies the hexadecimal value that is to be inserted in the target column. The hexadecimal value must be specified in the format X'hex-string'.
Specifies the integer that is to be inserted into the target column. Valid values are between -2147483648 and 2147483647.
Specifies that the current date is to be inserted into the target column.
Specifies that the current time is to be inserted into the target column.
Specifies that the current timestamp is to be inserted into the target column.
Specifies that the target column should be set to NULL. The target column must be nullable.
End of change

Data types in a field specification: The data type of the field can be specified by any of the keywords that follow. Except for graphic fields, length is the length in bytes of the input field.

All numbers that are designated EXTERNAL are in the same format in the input records.

Specifies a fixed-length character string. If you do not specifylength, the length of the string is determined from the POSITION specification. If you do not specifylength or POSITION, LOAD uses the default length for CHAR, which is determined from the length of the column in the table. You can also specify CHARACTER and CHARACTER(length).

When you specify CHAR as the type for the file name for CLOBF, BLOBF, or DBCLOBF, you must also provide the length so that the LOAD utility can determine the correct file name. Otherwise message DSNU338I will be issued for an invalid column specification.

Specifies that the input field contains BIT data. If BIT is specified, LOAD bypasses any CCSID conversions for the input data. If the target column has the BIT data type attribute, LOAD bypasses any code page translation for the input data.
Specifies that the input field contains mixed SBCS and DBCS data. If MIXED is specified, any required CCSID conversions use the mixed CCSID for the input data. If MIXED is not specified, any such conversions use the SBCS CCSID for the input data.
Indicates that the input field contains the name of a BLOB file which is going to be loaded to a specified BLOB/XML column.

Start of changeBINARYXML Specifies that the XML document to be loaded using file reference variables is in Extensible Dynamic Binary XML DB2 Client/Server Binary XML Format (binary XML) format.End of change

Indicates that the input field contains the name of a CLOB file which is going to be loaded to a specified CLOB/XML column.
Indicates that the input field contains the name of a DBCLOBF file which is going to be loaded to a specified DBCLOB/XML column.
Specifies that the white space in the XML column is preserved. The default is not to preserve the white space.
Specifies that LOAD is to remove zeros (the default) or the specified characters from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data. LOAD pads the CHAR field, so that it fills the rest of the column.

LOAD applies the strip operation before performing any character code conversion or padding.

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies a single-byte or double-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data.

Specify this character value in EBCDIC. Depending on the input encoding scheme, LOAD applies SBCS CCSID conversion to the strip-char value before it is used in the strip operation.

If the subtype of the column to be loaded is BIT or you want to specify a strip-char value in an encoding scheme other than EBCDIC, use the hexadecimal form (X'strip-char'). LOAD does not perform any CCSID conversion if the hexadecimal form is used.

Specifies in hexadecimal form a single-byte or double-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data. For single-byte characters, specify this value in the form X'hh', where hh is two hexadecimal characters. For double-byte characters, specify this value in the form X'hhhh', where hhhh is four hexadecimal characters.

Use the hexadecimal form to specify a character in an encoding scheme other than EBCDIC. When you specify the character value in hexadecimal form, LOAD does not perform any CCSID conversion.

If you specify a strip character in the hexadecimal format, you must specify the character in the input encoding scheme.

Indicates that LOAD is to truncate the input character string from the right if the string does not fit in the target column. LOAD performs the truncation operation after any CCSID translation.

If the input data is BIT data, LOAD truncates the data at a byte boundary. If the input data is SBCS or MIXED data, LOAD truncates the data at a character boundary. (Double-byte characters are not split.) If a MIXED field is truncated to fit a column, the truncated string can be shorter than the specified column size. In this case, blanks in the output CCSID are padded to the right. If MIXED data is in EBCDIC, truncation preserves the SO (shift-out) and SI (shift-in) characters around a DBCS string.

Specifies a character field of varying length. The length in bytes must be specified in a 2-byte binary field preceding the data. (The length does not include the 2-byte field itself.) The length field must start in the column that is specified as start in the POSITION option. If :end is used, it is ignored.
Specifies that the input field contains BIT data. If BIT is specified, LOAD bypasses any CCSID conversions for the input data. If the target column has the BIT data type attribute, LOAD bypasses any code page translation for the input data.
Specifies that the input field contains mixed DBCS data. If MIXED is specified, any required CCSID conversions use the mixed CCSID for the input data. If MIXED is not specified, any such conversions use the SBCS CCSID for the input data.
Indicates that the input field contains the name of a BLOB file which is going to be loaded to a specified BLOB/XML column.

Start of changeBINARYXML Specifies that the XML document to be loaded using file reference variables is in binary XML format.End of change

Indicates that the input field contains the name of a CLOB file which is going to be loaded to a specified CLOB/XML column.
Indicates that the input field contains the name of a DBCLOBF file which is going to be loaded to a specified DBCLOB/XML column.
Specifies that the white space in the XML column is preserved. The default is not to preserve the white space.
Specifies that LOAD is to remove zeros (the default) or the specified characters from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data. LOAD adjusts the VARCHAR length field to the length of the stripped data.

LOAD applies the strip operation before performing any character code conversion or padding.

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies a single-byte or double-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data.

Specify this character value in EBCDIC. Depending on the input encoding scheme, LOAD applies SBCS CCSID conversion to the strip-charvalue before it is used in the strip operation.

If the subtype of the column to be loaded is BIT or you want to specify a strip-char value in an encoding scheme other than EBCDIC, use the hexadecimal form (X'strip-char'). LOAD does not perform any CCSID conversion if the hexadecimal form is used.

Specifies in hexadecimal form a single-byte or double-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data. For single-byte characters, specify this value in the form X'hh', where hh is two hexadecimal characters. For double-byte characters, specify this value in the form X'hhhh', where hhhh is four hexadecimal characters.

Use the hexadecimal form to specify a character in an encoding scheme other than EBCDIC. When you specify the character value in hexadecimal form, LOAD does not perform any CCSID conversion.

If you specify a strip character in the hexadecimal format, you must specify the character in the input encoding scheme.

Indicates that LOAD is to truncate the input character string from the right if the string does not fit in the target column. LOAD performs the truncation operation after any CCSID translation.

If the input data is BIT data, LOAD truncates the data at a byte boundary. If the input data is character type data, LOAD truncates the data at a character boundary. If a mixed-character type data is truncated to fit a column of fixed size, the truncated string can be shorter than the specified column size. In this case, blanks in the output CCSID are padded to the right.

Specifies a fixed-length graphic type. You can specify both start and end for the field specification.

If you use GRAPHIC, the input data must not contain shift characters. start and end must indicate the starting and ending positions of the data itself.

length is the number of double-byte characters. The length of the field in bytes is twice the value of length. If you do not specify length, the number of double-byte characters is determined from the POSITION specification. If you do not specify length or POSITION, LOAD uses the default length for GRAPHIC, which is determined from the length of the column in the table.

For example, let *** represent three double-byte characters. Then, to describe ***, specify either POS(1:6) GRAPHIC or POS(1) GRAPHIC(3). A GRAPHIC field that is described in this way cannot be specified in a field selection criterion.

Specifies that LOAD is to remove zeros (the default) or the specified characters from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data.

LOAD applies the strip operation before performing any character code conversion or padding.

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies the hexadecimal form of the double-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data. Specify this value in the form X'hhhh', where hhhh is four hexadecimal characters.

You must specify the character in the input encoding scheme.

Indicates that LOAD is to truncate the input character string from the right if the string does not fit in the target column. LOAD performs the truncation operation after any CCSID translation.

LOAD truncates the data at a character boundary. Double-byte characters are not split.

Specifies a fixed-length field of the graphic type with the external format. You can specify both start and end for the field specification.

If you use GRAPHIC EXTERNAL, the input data must contain a shift-out character in the starting position, and a shift-in character in the ending position. Other than the shift characters, this field must have an even number of bytes. The first byte of any pair must not be a shift character.

length is the number of double-byte characters. length for GRAPHIC EXTERNAL does not include the number of bytes that are represented by shift characters. The length of the field in bytes is twice the value of length. If you do not specify length, the number of double-byte characters is determined from the POSITION specification. If you do not specify length or POSITION, LOAD uses the default length for GRAPHIC, which is determined from the length of the column in the table.

For example, let *** represent three double-byte characters, and let < and > represent shift-out and shift-in characters. Then, to describe <***>, specify either POS(1:8) GRAPHIC EXTERNAL or POS(1) GRAPHIC EXTERNAL(3).

Specifies that LOAD is to remove zeros (the default) or the specified characters from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data.

LOAD applies the strip operation before performing any character code conversion or padding.

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies the hexadecimal form of the double-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data. Specify this value in the form X'hhhh', where hhhh is four hexadecimal characters.

You must specify the character in the input encoding scheme.

Indicates that LOAD is to truncate the input character string from the right if the string does not fit in the target column. LOAD performs the truncation operation after any CCSID translation.

LOAD truncates the data at a character boundary. Double-byte characters are not split.

Identifies a graphic field of varying length. The length, in double-byte characters, must be specified in a 2-byte binary field preceding the data. (The length does not include the 2-byte field itself.) The length field must start in the column that is specified as start in the POSITION option. :end, if used, is ignored.

VARGRAPHIC input data must not contain shift characters.

Specifies that LOAD is to remove zeros (the default) or the specified characters from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data. LOAD adjusts the VARGRAPHIC length field to the length of the stripped data (the number of DBCS characters).

LOAD applies the strip operation before performing any character code conversion or padding.

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies the hexadecimal form of the double-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data. Specify this value in the form X'hhhh', where hhhh is four hexadecimal characters.

You must specify the character in the input encoding scheme.

Indicates that LOAD is to truncate the input character string from the right if the string does not fit in the target column. LOAD performs the truncation operation after any CCSID translation.

LOAD truncates the data at a character boundary. Double-byte characters are not split.

Specifies a 2-byte binary number. Negative numbers are in two's complement notation.
Specifies a 4-byte binary number. Negative numbers are in two's complement notation. You can also specify INT.
A string of characters that represent a number. The format is that of an SQL numeric constant. If you do not specify length, the length of the string is determined from the POSITION specification. If you do not specify length or POSITION, LOAD uses the default length for INTEGER, which is 4 bytes. You can also specify INT EXTERNAL.
Specifies an 8-byte binary number. Negative numbers are in two's complement notation.
Specifies a fixed-length binary string. If you do not specify length, the length of the string is determined from the POSITION specification. If you do not specify length or POSITION, LOAD uses the default length for BINARY, which is determined from the length of the column in the table. The default for X'strip-char' is hexadecimal zero (X'00'). No data conversion is applied to the field.
Specifies that LOAD is to remove binary zeros (the default) or the specified X'strip-char' from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data. LOAD pads the BINARY field, so that it fills the rest of the column.

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of binary zeros or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of blank or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies, in hexadecimal form, a single-byte or double-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data. For single-byte characters, specify this value in the form X'hh', where hh is two hexadecimal characters.
Indicates that LOAD is to truncate the input character string from the right if the string does not fit in the target column.

LOAD truncates the data at a character boundary.

Specifies a varying length binary string. The length in bytes must be specified in a 2-byte binary field preceding the data (the length does not include the 2-byte field itself). The length field must start in the column that is specified as start in the POSITION option. If :end is used, it is ignored. The default for X'strip-char' is hexadecimal zero (X'00'). No data conversion is applied to the field.
Specifies that LOAD is to remove binary zeros (the default) or the specified characters from the beginning, the end, or both ends of the data. LOAD pads the VARBINARY field, so that it fills the rest of the column.

The effect of the STRIP option is the same as the SQL STRIP scalar function.

Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of binary zeros or the specified strip character from the beginning and end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of binary zeros or the specified strip character from the end of the data.
Indicates that LOAD is to remove occurrences of binary zeros or the specified strip character from the beginning of the data.
Specifies, in hexadecimal form, a single-byte character that LOAD is to strip from the data. For single-byte characters, specify this value in the form X'hh', where hh is two hexadecimal characters.
Indicates that LOAD is to truncate the input character string from the right if the string does not fit in the target column.

LOAD truncates the data at a character boundary.

Specifies a number of the form ddd...ds, where d is a decimal digit that is represented by four bits, and s is a 4-bit sign value. The plus sign (+) is represented by A, C, E, or F, and the minus sign (-) is represented by B or D. The maximum number of ds is the same as the maximum number of digits that are allowed in the SQL definition. You can also specify DECIMAL, DEC, or DEC PACKED.
Specifies a number in the form znznzn...z/sn, where z, n, and s have the following values:
A decimal digit represented by the right 4 bits of a byte (called the numeric bits)
That digit's zone, represented by the left 4 bits
The right-most byte of the decimal operand; s can be treated as a zone or as the sign value for that digit
The plus sign (+) is represented by A, C, E, or F, and the minus sign (-) is represented by B or D. The maximum number of zns is the same as the maximum number of digits that are allowed in the SQL definition. You can also specify DEC ZONED.
DECIMAL EXTERNAL(length,scale)
Specifies a string of characters that represent a number. The format is that of an SQL numeric constant.
Overall length of the input field, in bytes. If you do not specify length, the length of the input field is determined from the POSITION specification. If you do not specify length or POSITION, LOAD uses the default length for DECIMAL EXTERNAL, which is determined by using decimal precision.
Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. scale must be an integer greater than or equal to 0, and it can be greater than length. The default value is 0.

If scale is greater than length, or if the number of provided digits is less than the specified scale, the input number is padded on the left with zeros until the decimal point position is reached. If scale is greater than the target scale, the source scale locates the implied decimal position. All fractional digits greater than the target scale are truncated. If scale is specified and the target column has a data type of small integer or integer, the decimal portion of the input number is ignored. If a decimal point is present, its position overrides the field specification of scale.

Specifies either a 64-bit floating-point number or a 32-bit floating-point number. If length is between 1 and 21 inclusive, the number is 32 bits in the s390 (HFP) format:
Bit 0
Represents a sign (0 for plus and 1 for minus)
Bits 1-7
Represent an exponent
Bits 8-31
Represent a mantissa

If length is between 1 and 24 inclusive, the number is 32 bits in the IEEE (BFP) format:

Bit 0
Represents a sign (0 for plus and 1 for minus)
Bits 1-8
Represent an exponent
Bits 9-31
Represent a mantissa

If length is not specified, or is between 22 and 53 inclusive, the number is 64 bits in the s390 (HFP) format:

Bit 0
Represents a sign (0 for plus and 1 for minus)
Bits 1-7
Represent an exponent
Bits 8-63
Represent a mantissa.

If length is not specified, or is between 25 and 53 inclusive, the number is 64 bits in the IEEE (BFP) format:

Bit 0
Represents a sign (0 for “plus”, and 1 for “minus”)
Bits 1-11
Represent an exponent
Bits 12-63
Represent a mantissa.
You can also specify REAL for single-precision floating-point numbers and DOUBLE PRECISION for double-precision floating-point numbers.
Specifies a string of characters that represent a number. The format is that of an SQL floating-point constant.

A specification of FLOAT(IEEE) or FLOAT(S390) does not apply for this format (string of characters) of floating-point numbers.

If you do not specify length, the length of the string is determined from the POSITION specification. If you do not specify length or POSITION, LOAD uses the default length for FLOAT, which is 4 bytes for single precision and 8 bytes for double precision.

Specifies a character string representation of a date.
The length, if unspecified, is the specified length on the LOCAL DATA LENGTH installation option, or, if none was provided, the default is 10 bytes. If you specify a length, it must be within the range of 8 - 254 bytes.
Dates can be in any of the following formats. You can omit leading zeros for month and day. You can include trailing blanks, but no leading blanks are allowed.
  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • Any local format that was defined when DB2 was installed
Specifies a character string representation of a time.
The length, if unspecified, is the specified length on the LOCAL TIME LENGTH installation option, or, if none was provided, the default is 8 bytes. If you specify a length, it must be within the range of 4 - 254 bytes.
Times can be in any of the following formats:
  • hh:mm AM
  • hh:mm PM
  • hh:mm:ss
  • Any local format that was defined when DB2 was installed

You can omit the mm portion of the hh:mm AM and hh:mm PM formats if mm is equal to 00. For example, 5 PM is a valid time, and can be used instead of 5:00 PM.

Start of changeTIMESTAMP EXTERNALEnd of change
Start of changeSpecifies a character string representation of a time.
The default for length is 26 bytes. If you specify a length, it must be within the range of 19 - 32 bytes.
Timestamps can be in any of the following formats. nnnnnn represents the number of microseconds, and can be 0 - 12 digits. You can omit leading zeros from the month, day, or hour parts of the timestamp; you can omit trailing zeros from the microseconds part of the timestamp.
  • yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn
  1. If the format includes separators, the separator can be any single-byte character that can be converted to a single-byte EBCDIC character.
  2. If a two-digit year is specified, it is expanded to a four-digit year. If the two-digit year is less than the sum of the two-digit current year plus 50, then the current century is used in the four-digit year. For example, assume that the current year is 2017. If the two-digit year is 67, 1967 is used. However, if the two-digit year is 66, 2066 is used.
End of change
Start of changeTIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE EXTERNAL(length) End of change
Start of changeSpecifies a character string representation of a timestamp with time zone. The default for length is 33 bytes. If you specify a length, it must be within the range of 26 to 39 bytes.
Timestamp with time zone can be in any of the following formats. nnnnnn represents the number of digits in the fractional seconds, and can be 0 - 12 digits. You can omit leading zeros from the month, day, or hour parts of the timestamp; you can omit trailing zeros from the fractional seconds part of the timestamp.
  • ±th:tm
  • yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn±th:tm
  • yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn ±th:tm
End of change
Specifies a row ID. The input data must be a valid value for a row ID; DB2 does not perform any conversions.

A field specification for a row ID column is not allowed if the row ID column was created with the GENERATED ALWAYS option.

If the row ID column is part of the partitioning key, LOAD INTO TABLE PART is not allowed; specify LOAD INTO TABLE instead.

Specifies a BLOB field. You must specify the length in bytes in a 4-byte binary field that precedes the data. (The length does not include the 4-byte field itself.) The length field must start in the column that is specified as start in the POSITION option. If :end is used, it is ignored.
Specifies a CLOB field. You must specify the length in bytes in a 4-byte binary field that precedes the data. (The length does not include the 4-byte field itself.) The length field must start in the column that is specified as start in the POSITION option. If :end is used, it is ignored.
Specifies that the input field contains mixed SBCS and DBCS data. If MIXED is specified, any required CCSID conversions use the mixed CCSID for the input data; if MIXED is not specified, any such conversions use the SBCS CCSID for the input data.
Specifies a DBCLOB field. You must specify the length in double-byte characters in a 4-byte binary field that precedes the data. (The length does not include the 4-byte field itself.) The length field must start in the column that is specified as start in the POSITION option. If :end is used, it is ignored.
DECFLOAT (length)
Specifies either a 128-bit decimal floating-point number or a 64-bit decimal floating-point number. The value of the length must be either 16 or 34. If the length is 16, the number is in 64 bit decimal floating-point number format. If the length is 34, the number is in 128 bit decimal floating-point format. If the length is not specified, the number is in 128 bit decimal floating-point format.
Specifies a string of characters that represent a number. The format is an SQL numeric constant. If you do not specify a length, the length of the string is determined from the POSITION specification. If you do not specify a length or POSITION, LOAD uses the default length for DECFLOAT.
Specifies the input field type is XML. Field type XML can only be loaded to a XML column. Specify XML when loading the XML value directly from the input record. If the format of the input record is in nondelimited, you must specify a 2 byte length field precedes the actual data value.

Start of changeBINARYXML Specifies that the XML document to be loaded using the file reference variables is in binary XML format.End of change

Specifies that the white space in the XML column is preserved. The default is not to preserve the white space.
DEFAULTIF field-selection-criterion
Describes a condition that causes the DB2 column to be loaded with its default value. You can write the field-selection-criterion with the same options as described under field-selection-criterion. If the contents of the DEFAULTIF field match the provided character constant, the field that is specified in field-specification is loaded with its default value.

If the DEFAULTIF field is defined by the name of a VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC field, DB2 takes the length of the field from the 2-byte binary field that appears before the data portion of the VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC field.

Character-string constants should be specified in LOAD utility control statements in the character set that matches the input data record. Specify EBCDIC constants in the LOAD control statement if your data is in EBCDIC and specify UNICODE constants if your data is in UNICODE. You may also code the DEFAULTIF condition using the hexadecimal form. For example, if the input data is in EBCDIC and the control statement is in UTF-8, use (1:1)=X'31' in the condition rather than (1:1)='1'.

You can use the DEFAULTIF attribute with the ROWID keyword. If the condition is met, the column is loaded with a value that DB2 generates.

You cannot specify the DEFAULTIF option for XML columns.

NULLIF field-selection-criterion
Describes a condition that causes the DB2 column to be loaded with NULL. You can write the field-selection-criterion with the same options as described under field-selection-criterion. If the contents of the NULLIF field match the provided character constant, the field that is specified in field-specification is loaded with NULL.

If the NULLIF field is defined by the name of a VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC field, DB2 takes the length of the field from the 2-byte binary field that appears before the data portion of the VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC field.

To load a null value into a BLOBF, CLOBF, or DBCLOBF field, use a null input file name.

Character-string constants should be specified in LOAD utility control statements in the character set that matches the input data record. Specify EBCDIC constants in the LOAD control statement if your data is in EBCDIC and specify UNICODE constants if your data is in UNICODE. You may also code the NULLIF condition using the hexadecimal form. For example, if the input data is in EBCDIC and the control statement is in UTF-8, use (1:1)=X'31' in the condition rather than (1:1)='1'.

The fact that a field in the output table is loaded with NULL does not change the format or function of the corresponding field in the input record. The input field can still be used in a field selection criterion. For example, assume that a LOAD statement has the following field specification:


Assume also that LOAD is to process the following source record:


In this example, the record is loaded as follows:

Has the value 'SKIP'.
Is NULL (not ' ' as in the source record).
Has the value 'FLD03'.

You cannot use the NULLIF parameter with the ROWID keyword because row ID columns cannot be null.

Field selection criterion

Describes a condition that causes the DB2 column to be loaded with NULL or with its default value.