DSNA691I   csect-name THE ADMIN SCHEDULER scheduler-name CANNOT GENERATE A PASSTICKET FOR TASK task-name, USER user-name


The administrative task scheduler could not generate a PassTicket to switch the security environment. This PassTicket is required for the administrative task scheduler to be able to execute the specified task under the authority of the specified user.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the administrative task scheduler.
The unique name of the scheduled administrative task.
The user name that must execute the task. This user is not always indicated in the task, and could be the default ID, which is set in the DFLTUID parameter.

System action

The administrative task scheduler does not execute the specified task.

System programmer response

Check the security configuration and make sure that the administrative task scheduler is allowed to create PassTickets for any user.


12 (severe error)