DSNA679I   csect-name THE ADMIN SCHEDULER scheduler-name CANNOT ACCESS TASK LIST task-list, REASON = reason-indicator


The specified administrative task scheduler cannot access the task list.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the administrative task scheduler.
The task list, which can be either a VSAM data set that contains the task list or the DB2® table SYSIBM.ADMIN_TASKS that contains the redundant task list.
An indicator of the reason for the failure, which can be a VSAM access error, an SQL error code, or a DB2 error code.

System action

The administrative task scheduler continues running with access to the other task list only.

System programmer response

Verify the name of the VSAM data set and modify the administrative task scheduler started task procedure, if necessary. Stop and restart the administrative task scheduler with this new configuration.

Verify that DB2 is up and running and that the scheduler can connect to it and has access to the DB2 task list.

According to the reason specified, make sure the following conditions are met.

  • The VSAM data set exists.
  • The VSAM data is allocated.
  • The VSAM data can be accessed from this system.
  • The user who started the administrative task scheduler is allowed to access it for read and write.
  • The DB2 system is up and running.
  • The administrative task scheduler packages are correctly bound in DB2.
  • The DB2 table SYSIBM.ADMIN_TASKS containing the task list exists.
  • The user who started the administrative task scheduler is allowed to access it for read and write.


12 (severe error)