Map widget

A Map widget displays status information and location for various systems on a background map. Supported maps include Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, and local GeoJSON format maps.

A map widgets displays systems by their geographic location. Depending on the zoom level selected, more or less detail may be displayed. For example, if you zoom out fully, individual systems may not be displayed depending on how your administrator has configured the map widget. As you zoom in, more detail may be revealed and you can check the status of associated systems for particular areas on the map. Status information can be displayed as simple status icons or can be configured to show more detailed information.

The Map widget features the following UI elements:

Title bar
The title bar includes the following elements:
  • Widget title - The title bar displays a title for map widget, that is, if an administrator configured a title for the Map widget. An administrator can also choose to hide the title bar.
  • The Edit options drop-down arrow icon (Edit options icon) to provide access to edit mode for administrators.
  • The widget help icon (widget help icon). Click the help icon to view help for the Map widget.
Navigation tools
The navigation tools provide zooming and panning functionality. You can also click and drag to pan around the map and double click to zoom in. Click the globe icon (Globe icon) to zoom out fully.
Content pane
The content pane displays the map and the status of its associated systems.

Extra Map widget information

Real-time data
If the data provider sends dynamic updates, the Map widget display updates to show real-time data. The Map widget also responds to the Refresh Timer widget events and it then displays the latest data.
Events - A Map widget can publish events to which other widgets can subscribe and react accordingly. Similarly, Map widgets can subscribe to events published by other widgets and update based on the published event information. An event is triggered when a user clicks a widget. The widget that is clicked publishes an event that sends the current context for the publishing widget. Widgets that subscribe to the clicked event may or may not update depending on the information that is contained in the event. For example, if you select a system from a list widget, then the map widget can refresh to show only details of that system's location and status.
Page Launch - In edit mode, an administrator can configure the Map widget to open a discrete Dashboard Application Services Hub dashboard or page, when the widget is clicked.
Note: The Page Launch function overrides the standard "clicked on" function. That is, if the widget is configured to launch another page or dashboard when it is clicked, then it does not create an event that sends data to other widgets.