Special characters

Data sent to the agent must not contain any newline characters except at the end of each event or data sample. Newline characters that occur inside of attribute values must be replaced with a different character or encoded using the table below. You must also be careful to not break the XML syntax with your attribute values. The following table shows the characters that occur in your attribute values that you should encode:

Table 26. Characters to encode in attribute values
Character Header
& &
< &lt;
> &gt;
' &apos;
\n &#10;
The agent uses the newline character to separate responses received from a client. Unexpected newline characters will prevent data from being parsed correctly.

The agent does not contain a full-featured XML parser so you should not use special encoding for characters not in Table 26. For example, do not encode &#162; or &cent in place of a cent sign ¢.