Integrating with a version control system (VCS)

Beginning with version 5.2.1 Fix Pack 3, you can integrate IBM® Case Manager with a version control system (VCS) such as IBM Rational Team Concert or PTC Integrity. You can then keep a record in the VCS of the changes made to a solution over time.

Start of change

About this task

Whenever you click Commit on the Manage Solutions page in Case Manager Builder, the server saves new and updated solution assets to the design object store. If you integrate with a VCS, the server also copies the changed solution files to the directory that you designated to act as the sandbox. This sandbox provides a staging area for the solution files that are to be stored in the VCS. Solution files are copied to the appropriate sandbox subdirectory according to the solution and the user. The server then runs your commit script to check in the changes from the sandbox to the VCS. The commit script creates a change set that contains all new or modified solution assets, associates comments with each asset, and checks the change set into the VCS.

Figure 1. Committing new and changed solution assets
This figure provides an overview of the VCS integation.

After a solution is committed, you can click Deliver to check in the solution as a whole to the VCS. After the server copies all solution files and a solution manifest file to the sandbox, the server runs your deliver script to check in the files from the sandbox to the VCS. The script then creates and labels a baseline or snapshot of the solution and delivers it to the VCS.

Figure 2. Delivering the entire solution
This figure provides an overview of delivering the entire solution.

After you deliver the files, you can deploy an IBM Case Manager solution from the VCS into another environment, such as a production environment or a different development environment. You first extract the solution assets and solution manifest from the VCS according to a specific delivery label. You then use the solution manifest file to import the solution into the design object store in the new environment before you deploy the solution.

Figure 3. Deploying the solution into another environment
This figure provides an overview of deploying the solution into another environment.

You can use the graphical user interface of your VCS to export the solution assets and solution manifest from the VCS according to a delivery label and then use the IBM Case Manager administration client to import and deploy the solution to the new environment. Alternatively, you can create a custom script to automatically extract, import, and deploy the solution.

End of change