Interface OperatorContext

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Get the name of the operator.

        The operator name is unique across the application. For operators in a parallel region, the name includes the channel they are in.

        the name of the operator.
        See Also:
      • getNumberOfStreamingInputs

        int getNumberOfStreamingInputs()
        Get the number of streaming input ports.
        number of streaming input ports.
      • getStreamingInputs

        java.util.List<StreamingInput<Tuple>> getStreamingInputs()
        Get the list of input ports. The order of the list will match the order of the ports in the SPL application.
        list of input ports
      • getNumberOfStreamingOutputs

        int getNumberOfStreamingOutputs()
        Get the number of output ports.
        number of output ports.
      • getStreamingOutputs

        java.util.List<StreamingOutput<OutputTuple>> getStreamingOutputs()
        Get a list of output ports. The order of the list will match the order of the ports in the SPL application.
        list of output ports.
      • getParameterValues

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getParameterValues(java.lang.String parameterName)
        Returns the list of parameter values for the given parameter name. If no values were supplied for the parameter name then an empty list is returned.
        The recommended mechanism for handling operator parameters is using the Parameter annotation. The annotation is applied to a setter method on the operator's class, and then at runtime the setter method will be called with the appropriate value for the SPL parameter. See the documentation for @Parameter for full details.

        Supported SPL types for parameters are ustring, rstring (using UTF-8 encoding), boolean, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, decimal32, decimal64 and decimal128, operator custom literals and stream attributes.
        Parameter values set in SPL source are converted to String values by this method. For example an SPL int32 parameter set as follows:

         threshold: 42;
        can be converted into a Java primitive int using:
         int threshold = Integer.valueOf(context.getParameterValues("threshold").get(0));

        For an stream attribute parameter, this method returns each attribute value as a string in the form of InputPortName.AttributeName

        parameterName - name of parameter
        list of values, an empty list is returned if the parameter was not defined
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 4.0 - Support for custom literals and attributes parameter types.
        See Also:
        @Parameter is the recommended mechanism for parameters
      • getScheduledExecutorService

        java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutorService()
        Return a scheduler to execute background tasks. Operators should utilize this service or getThreadFactory() rather than creating their own threads to ensure that the SPL runtime will wait for the operator's background work before completing the operator.

        The scheduler will be shutdown when the operator is to be shutdown and the scheduler shutdown will occur before Operator.shutdown() is called. Once the scheduler is shutdown no new tasks will be accepted. Existing scheduled tasks will remain in the scheduler's queue but periodic tasks will canceled. Once the Operator.shutdown() returns ExecutorService.shutdownNow() will be called on the scheduler to cancel any outstanding tasks.
        Operator implementations that wish to complete any outstanding tasks at shutdown time can call ExecutorService.awaitTermination() to wait for outstanding tasks to complete or wait on the specific Future reference for a task.

        The Operator will not be seen as complete by the SPL runtime until all of its outstanding scheduled tasks have completed.

        The returned scheduler service is guaranteed to be an instance of java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor and initially has this configuration:

        • corePoolSize Set to Runtime.availableProcessors() with a minimum of 2 and maximum of 8.
        • allowsCoreThreadTimeOut() set to true
        • keepAliveTime set to 5 seconds
        Threads are created on demand to execute tasks, so that even if the corePoolSize is eight, eight threads will only be created if there are eight concurrent tasks scheduled. Threads will be removed if they are not needed for the keepAliveTime value and allowsCoreThreadTimeOut() returns true.
        Operators may modify these settings, typically during Operator.initialize(OperatorContext).

        Scheduler service for the operator.
        See Also:
        Operator.shutdown(), ExecutorService.awaitTermination(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit), ExecutorService.shutdown(), ExecutorService.shutdownNow(), Future, ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
      • getThreadFactory

        java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory getThreadFactory()
        Return a ThreadFactory specific to the Operator with the thread context class loader set correctly. Operators should utilize the returned factory to create Threads.

        Threads returned by the ThreadFactory have not been started and are set as daemon threads. Operators may set the threads as non-daemon before starting them. The SPL runtime will wait for non-daemon threads before terminating a processing element in standalone mode.

        Any uncaught exception thrown by the Runnable passed to the ThreadFactory.newThread(Runnable) will cause the processing element containing the operator to terminate.

        The ThreadFactory will be shutdown when the operator is to be shutdown and the ThreadFactory shutdown will occur before Operator.shutdown() is called. Once the ThreadFactory is shutdown a call to newThread() will return null.

        A ThreadFactory specific to the Operator.
      • getPE

        ProcessingElement getPE()
        Get the processing element hosting this Operator
        ProcessingElement hosting this Operator instance.
      • getMetrics

        OperatorMetrics getMetrics()
        Get the OperatorMetrics object for access to metrics specific to this operator.
        OperatorMetrics instance for this operator.
      • getKind

        java.lang.String getKind()
        Get the SPL primitive operator kind that is executing the this operator. For a Java primitive operator the name of the operator will be returned, otherwise spl.utility::JavaOp will be returned.

        The return will be null if the SPL application executing the Operator has not been recompiled using InfoSphere Streams 3.0 or later.

        SPL primitive operator kind that is executing the this operator.
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 3.0
      • addClassLibraries

        void addClassLibraries(java.lang.String[] libraries)
        Add class libraries to the operator's class loader. The operator's class loader is set as the thread context class loader for the operator's thread factory, executor and any method invocation on the operator instance, such as initialize and process.

        Operators use this method to add class libraries specific to the invocation of an operator in an SPL application in a consistent manner. An example is defining the jar files that contain the JDBC driver to be used by the application. Typically an operator parameter of type rstring with cardinality greater than one that maps to a Java bean of type String[], for example:

         private String[] driverLibrary;
         public void setDriverLibrary(String[] driverLibrary) {
             this.driverLibrary = driverLibrary;
         public String[] getDriverLibrary() {
         public void initialize(OperatorContext context) throws Exception {
           // Add JDBC drivers to the class context loader

        Each element of libraries is trimmed and then converted into a If the element cannot be converted to a URL then it is assumed to represent a file system path and is converted into an URL representing that path. If the file path is relative it is taken as relative to the toolkit directory that declares the operator being invoked. In an SPL application an invocation of an operator may use the SPL function getThisToolkitDir() to locate jars in the toolkit of the SPL file, for example with the above operator parameter example the SPL invocation would include:

            param driverLibrary: getThisToolkitDir() + "/opt/derby/lib/derby.jar";

        If a file path ends with /* then it is assumed to be a directory and all jar files in the directory with the extension .jar or .JAR are added to the operator's class loader.

        Note: To support the changes to relocatable application bundles in InfoSphere® Streams Version 4.0, the root for relative paths was changed to the toolkit directory from the data directory.

        libraries - String representations of URLs and file paths to be added into the operator's class loader. If null then no libraries are added to the class loader.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - Method is being called at SPL compile time.
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 3.2
      • getChannel

        int getChannel()
        Get the index of the parallel channel the operator is on.

        If the operator is in a parallel region, this method returns a value from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of channels in the parallel region; otherwise it returns -1.

        the index of the parallel channel this operator is on, if the operator is in a parallel region, or -1 if the operator is not in a parallel region.
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 3.2
      • getMaxChannels

        int getMaxChannels()
        Get the total number of parallel channels for the parallel region that the operator is in. If the operator is not in a parallel region, this method returns 0.
        the number of parallel channels for the parallel region that this operator is in, or 0 if the operator is not in a parallel region.
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 3.2
      • getLogicalName

        java.lang.String getLogicalName()
        Get the logical name of the operator.
        the logical name of the operator.
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 3.2
      • getOptionalContext

        <O extends OptionalContext> O getOptionalContext(java.lang.Class<O> contextType)
        Get an optional context for this operator invocation. An invocation of an operator may have optional contexts, that provide information specific to a particular environment, such as a consistent region.
        contextType - Type of the context the operator might be invoked in.
        Optional context of type contextType if this invocation supports that context, otherwise null.
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 4.0
        See Also:
      • registerStateHandler

        void registerStateHandler(StateHandler handler)
        Register a StateHandler to manage state for this operator. The SPL Runtime will call the handler's methods to make the operator's state consistent or to reset it to a previous consistent state.
        Multiple state handlers may be registered by an operator either explicitly using this method or implicitly by: Operators must ensure that instances of StateHandler and StreamWindowListener are registered in a consistent order to ensure the order of information written to a checkpoint and read from a checkpoint upon reset is consistent.
        handler - State handler for this operator.
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 4.0
        See Also:
        StreamWindow.registerListener(, boolean), StreamWindowListener
      • getToolkitDirectory getToolkitDirectory()
        Get the root directory of the toolkit that declares the getKind() of this operator invocation.
        At SPL compile time this is the location of the toolkit specified to the SPL compiler sc.
        At runtime this is the location of the toolkit in the application landing zone that has been unpacked from the application's bundle (sab file).
        the absolute path of the toolkit root directory
        InfoSphere® Streams Version 4.0