Annotation Type InputPorts

  • @Target(value=TYPE)
    public @interface InputPorts
    Declare a set of input port sets for an operator. The set of input ports are specified as an array of InputPortSet annotations.

    The order in which the InputPortSet annotations are specified is the order of the port sets in the operator model XML file. If the operator consists of only one input port set then the InputPortSet annotation can be used instead of the InputPorts annotation. However, note that these annotations are mutually exclusive and cannot be used at the same time.

    The annotation is also inherited from super classes unless the subclass specifies the same annotation.
    For example, consider the snippet below:

            @InputPorts({@InputPortSet(...), @InputPortSet(...)})
            class BaseOperator extends AbstractOperator {...}
            public class MyOperator extends BaseOperator {...}
    The MyOperator class will inherit the 2 input port sets that are specified using the InputPorts annotation from the BaseOperator class. However, if MyOperator specifies the same annotation then that would take effect instead of the one specified on BaseOperator

    If the InputPorts annotation is not specified or inherited on the operator class and no InputPortSet annotation is present on the operator class, then the operator has no input ports.

    InfoSphere® Streams Version 3.2
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element and Description
      InputPortSet[] value
      A list of input port sets for an operator.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        public abstract InputPortSet[] value
        A list of input port sets for an operator.
        A set of InputPortSet annotations