
The execution of an SPL directed flow graph that contains Java primitive operators.

See: Description

Package Description

The execution of an SPL directed flow graph that contains Java primitive operators.


ExecutableGraph supports execution of an arbitrary graph that contains Java primitive operators.

The execution environment for the graph simulates an InfoSphere Streams standalone application.

Execution Example

The following code shows a simple example of how an OperatorGraph is executed after it has been declared using Java primitve testing.
   OperatorGraph graph = OperatorGraphFactory.newGraph();

   // Definition of graph omitted.
   // See overview for package for example

   // Creation of factory to create ExecutableGraph instances
   JavaOperatorTester jot = new JavaOperatorTester();

   // JavaTestableGraph extends ExecutableGraph
   JavaTestableGraph executableGraph = jot.executable(graph);

   // Execute the graph and wait for it to complete

Punctuation Final Mark Handling

For source operators that have no input ports, a final mark is submitted to each output port once the operator completes. An operator completes once its threads have completed and all scheduled activity has been completed.

For operators with input ports and output ports a final mark is submitted to each output port once all of its input ports have processed a final mark.

InfoSphere® Streams Version 3.1