Class TAIResult

  • java.lang.Object

  • public final class TAIResult
    extends java.lang.Object

    This is the result returned from method. It contains the result of trust association interceptor negotiation, validation and establishing trust. If the trust is validated and established, then status code with value HttpServletResponse.SC_OK and the authenticated principal must be set in the TAIResult. The JAAS Subject is optionally, this is only used if trust association interceptor wants to pass additional security information to WebSphere Application Server security runtime (please security attribute propagation documentation for details).

    Please see for details on the status code returned.

    See Also:
    Subject, TrustAssociationInterceptor
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static TAIResult create(int status)
      Create an instance of the result with status code other than HttpServletResponse.SC_OK.
      static TAIResult create(int status, java.lang.String principal)
      Create an instance of the result with status, if trust is validated and established (should return status HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, if any other status code is return, WebSphere Application Server will stop the normal processing and send status code back to caller.) and the authenticated principal.
      static TAIResult create(int status, java.lang.String principal, subject)
      Create an instance of the result with status, if trust is validated and established (should return status HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, if any other status code is return, WebSphere Application Server will stop the normal processing and send status code back to caller.), the authenticated principal and JAAS Subject contains additional security information from third party security service.
      java.lang.String getAuthenticatedPrincipal()
      If trust is validated and established and status is HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, then this method return the authenticated principal.
      int getStatus()
      If trust is validated and established, then HttpServletResponse.SC_OK should be returned. getSubject()
      If trust is validated and established and status is HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, then this return the JAAS Subject that contains the other security information that can be used to create the WebSphere Application Server credential.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static TAIResult create(int status,
                       java.lang.String principal,
                                throws WebTrustAssociationFailedException

        Create an instance of the result with status, if trust is validated and established (should return status HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, if any other status code is return, WebSphere Application Server will stop the normal processing and send status code back to caller.), the authenticated principal and JAAS Subject contains additional security information from third party security service.

        status - status code, please use HttpServletResponse.SC_OK if trust is validated and established
        principal - authenticated principal
        subject - JAAS Subject contains additional security information
        WebTrustAssociationFailedException - Thrown if there is no authenticated principal when status is HttpServletResponse.SC_OK
        See Also:
      • create

        public static TAIResult create(int status,
                       java.lang.String principal)
                                throws WebTrustAssociationFailedException

        Create an instance of the result with status, if trust is validated and established (should return status HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, if any other status code is return, WebSphere Application Server will stop the normal processing and send status code back to caller.) and the authenticated principal.

        status - status code, please use HttpServletResponse.SC_OK if trust is validated and established
        principal - authenticated principal
        WebTrustAssociationFailedException - Thrown if there is no authenticated principal when status is HttpServletResponse.SC_OK
      • getStatus

        public final int getStatus()

        If trust is validated and established, then HttpServletResponse.SC_OK should be returned. If any other status code is return, WebSphere Application Server will stop the normal processing and send status code back to caller.

        The status of the trust association interceptor processing.
      • getAuthenticatedPrincipal

        public final java.lang.String getAuthenticatedPrincipal()

        If trust is validated and established and status is HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, then this method return the authenticated principal.

        The authenticated principal.
      • getSubject

        public final getSubject()

        If trust is validated and established and status is HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, then this return the JAAS Subject that contains the other security information that can be used to create the WebSphere Application Server credential. Please refer to the security token propagation documentation for details.

        This is optional and null could be return if there is no additional security information.

        The JAAS Subject contains additional security information. null could be returned.
        See Also:
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 8.5