Maximo Archiving with InfoSphere Optim Data Growth Solution, Version 7.6

Archive process

The archiving process is controlled by archive policies, which are called access definitions. Access definitions identify the tables and related data (from other objects) to be included in the archived information so as to preserve a complete view of the business objects.

Maximo® Archiving provides access definitions that can be used to archive historical data from the following business objects:
  • Purchase requisitions
  • Purchase orders
  • Invoices
  • Work orders
  • Assets
  • Service request tickets
  • Workflows

These business objects are typically high-growth objects that collect quantities of data over time. Much of that data is historical data and is not needed for day-to-day business operations.

The access definitions are contained in files that get copied to your computer when you run the launchpad installation program. The files that contain the access definitions are called templates. Templates contain the access definitions and relationships. Templates also contain the archive and restore requests, and database connection information that is needed to archive or restore the supported objects. You can modify the access definitions to suit your business needs.

When you submit an archive request, you can configure it to both archive and delete data from the database in a single operation. A combined archive and delete operation is typically done only after you have successfully performed an archive operation. You must be confident that all required data is being archived. When you initially create archive requests, it is common to accept the default settings on an archive request. The default settings defer the deletion until later, where you remove data by submitting a separate delete request.
