Accessing IBM UrbanCode Build

To run IBM® UrbanCode™ Build, start the server and then use a web browser to open the URL that was specified when the server was installed.

Before you begin

Install the server and database. For information about installing the server, see Installing. For information about installing the database, see Installing the database.

If you are using an Oracle or MySQL database, make sure that you have installed and configured the appropriate driver.

You need to know the URL that was configured during server installation to access the IBM UrbanCode Build. Ensure that the server is running. The server must be started before you can access IBM UrbanCode Build.


  1. Open a web browser and go to the host name that you configured during installation. The installation log shows the complete URL for the server. The default URL is https://hostname:8443, where hostname is the host name of the machine on which the server is running.
  2. Log on to the server by using the appropriate credentials. The default user name is admin and the default password is admin.

    You can change these credentials later by using the Teams > Users tabs.


If you set the server to use secure connections, your web browser might show a security warning that says that the connection is not secure. This warning is displayed because the server does not have a trusted certificate; see Configuring SSL security on Apache Tomcat.
