Enqueueing Users for a Collection Data Store

If the user entity is populated by a collection data store, when users are authenticated by WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile, they are enqueued in the search collection by default. If you disable that option in the user entity configuration, you need to manually enqueue the users in the search collection.

Before you begin

About this task

This task is optional unless you disable the default setting that automatically adds users to the search collection that populates the user entity. For more information, see Entity User Options


  1. Log in to the Watson Explorer Engine administration tool as the default administrator user, data-explorer-admin, on the server that contains the search collection that you will use. The password is: TH1nk1710
  2. Gather the user names and passwords that you will add as users for Application Builder.
  3. In Watson Explorer Engine in the search collection that populates the user entity, select Live Status > Enqueue.
  4. Click the XML Mode link and enter the following XML for each user, supplying a value for unique_string and user_name. You can use any unique value for unique_string. The string is used as the vse-key and URL of the document that is added to the search collection for the user.
    <crawl-url url="unique_string"
      <crawl-data encoding="xml" content-type="application/vxml">
          <content name="title" indexed-fast-index="set">user_name</content>
    To add additional content elements, which are visible as fields in the user entity in Application Builder, add more content nodes. You can configure the user entity to require users to log in with fields that you add, such as email addresses or other fields that contain other unique values. For example, the following code adds additional fields for the user, rick-user:
    <crawl-url url="id15217"
               enqueue-type="reenqueued" status="complete">
      <crawl-data encoding="xml" content-type="application/vxml">
          <content name="title" indexed-fast-index="set">rick-user</content>
          <content name="email" indexed-fast-index="set">rick@green-search.org</content>
          <content name="position" indexed-fast-index="set">manager</content>
          <content name="group" indexed-fast-index="set">engineering</content>
          <content name="employee" indexed-fast-index="set">matt-user</content>
          <content name="employee" indexed-fast-index="set">jessica-user</content>
          <content name="employee" indexed-fast-index="set">nicky-user</content>
          <content name="employee" indexed-fast-index="set">leslie-user</content>
  5. Click Enqueue it.
    After the XML enqueues successfully, you can test that the results looks correct by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Test with project project_name field, enter the user name or any other value that you added for a content node. Alternatively, you can leave the field blank to see all the content in the search collection.
    2. Click Search.
    3. In the tab or window that opens, click the turn debugging on link, which is available at the top of the page.
    4. To view the XML for the results, click the xml button that is available in each result.
  6. Repeat the previous two steps for each user name that you want to add to the collection.
    Important: Ensure that you enqueue your user name in the search collection. If you do not enqueue your user name, you will not be able to use it to log in to the Application Builder administration tool after you delete the default administrator user. The default administrator user, data-explorer-admin, is a special user that has already been added to the user collection. The data-explorer-admin user can access the Application Builder administration tool if it is authenticated by WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile, and if it is listed in the Admins field of the user entity.