IBM Endpoint Manager, Version 9.0

Before upgrading

Before upgrading follow the steps below:

  1. Close all IBM Endpoint Manager consoles.
  2. Back up your IBM Endpoint Manager server and database.
  3. Upgrade SQL Databases. SQL 2000 database is no longer supported.
  4. Back up your license.pvk and license.crt to a separate location on the Endpoint Manager server or to a USB key.
  5. Increase the replication interval to prevent the replication from failing repeatedly during the upgrade. For additional information, see Changing the replication interval on Windows systems.
  6. Upgrade the Endpoint Manager components according to the following order:
    1. Servers and consoles. These components must match their versions and must be upgraded at the same time.
    2. Relays
    3. Clients
    Servers, relays, and clients do not need to match versions and the upgrade of these components can occur at different times. Older clients can continue to report to newer relays or servers, but they might not have all the functionality of the new release.
  7. For DSA servers, upgrade first one DSA server to ensure the upgrade is successful and then the other DSA servers.
  8. After the upgrade, run the Endpoint Manager Administration Tool to update a remote database.
  • For large deployments, the server upgrade might take several minutes.
  • Post-upgrade your deployment might be slow because the upgrade downtime can create a backlog of client reports, and it can take several hours for the IBM Endpoint Manager server to process this backlog after the upgrade has completed.
