Installing engines in interactive mode

In interactive mode, you install Heat orchestration engines for the blueprint design server by typing configuration information in a command-line program.

Before you begin

About this task

If you already have an engine, you can extend it for use with the blueprint designer. See Extending Heat orchestration engines.

If you already use a Keystone server, you can use it as your identity service for the blueprint design server. If you do not use a Keystone server, you can install one with the engine.


  1. Download and extract the installation files for the blueprint design server engine. These files are available for download from the IBM Passport Advantage® website. See the IBM UrbanCode Deploy download document.
  2. Change to the ibm-ucd-patterns-install/engine-install/ directory.
  3. From the command line, run ./ to start the installation program.
  4. The first question the installer asks is Have you satisfied these dependencies?. If you configured the system with the prerequisites for the engine, press Y.
  5. Read the license agreements for the software package. Press Space to show one page at a time, or press F to show the entire license.
  6. If you agree to the terms of all of the license agreements, press Y and then press Enter.
  7. Specify the following information as the installation program prompts you. You can accept the default values (displayed within brackets) by pressing Enter. If two options are given, such as [Y/n], the capitalized option is the default value.
    Enter the public host name that clients use to access this Heat orchestration engine.
    Specify the public IP address or host name that other systems, such as the blueprint design server, use to access this system.
    Enter the binding address for the Heat orchestration engine. Accept the default value to listen to all addresses that are available to the system.
    Specify the IP address that the engine listens for requests on. Specify to listen on all addresses that are available to the system.
    Enter the OpenStack Identity endpoint URL to use for authorization for this Heat orchestration engine. Accept the default value to install Keystone.
    Specify the complete URL of the Keystone server that you are using for your identity service, such as Do not include a trailing slash. If you do not have a Keystone server, specify the default location, http://public_host_name:5000/v2.0, to install and configure one.
  8. Optional: After the installation program is complete, add an automated task to remove expired keys from the database. Having too many expired keys in the database can degrade system performance. For example, the following command creates an automated task in the Linux program cron to remove old keys. This command must be written on a single line.
     (crontab -l -u keystone 2>&1 | grep -q token_flush) 
      || echo '@hourly /usr/bin/keystone-manage token_flush 
      >/var/log/keystone/keystone-tokenflush.log 2>&1' 
      >> /var/spool/cron/keystone


The installation program installs the engine.

What to do next

Start the engine services by running the following commands:
  1. service openstack-heat-engine start
  2. service openstack-heat-api start
  3. service openstack-heat-api-cfn start
  4. service openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch start
If you installed a Keystone server when you installed the engine, start it by running the following command:
service openstack-keystone start
This Keystone server's default administrative tenant user name is admin and password is openstack1. The authorization token is listed in the /etc/keystone/keystone.conf and /root/keystonerc file.
The engine installer started backend services that are required by the engine services. You can stop these services if you will not start the engine services now. If you stop these backend services while the engine services are running, you cause them to fail. The following commands terminate the backend services:
service rabbitmq-server stop
service mysqld stop
You can interact with the local identity service and pattern engine by using the prepared credentials files in your user directory:
source ~/clientrc
keystone endpoint-list
heat stack-list
After you start the engine services, you can access the REST API at the following URL: http://host_name:8004.
