What’s new

Read about the new features in this release of the product. Documentation for new features is indicated by the following graphic images: Start of changeexample of new contentEnd of change.

Start of change

What’s new in version 2.8.5

Support for Node.js Version 7
The latest release of the community version of Node.js is now supported.
End of change

What’s new in version 2.8.4

Support for Node.js Version 6
The latest release of the community version of Node.js is now supported.

What’s new in version 2.8.3

Support for IBM® SDK for Node.js Version 4
The latest release of the IBM SDK for Node.js is now supported.

What’s new in version 2.8.2

Delete templates
You can now delete individual templates. In previous versions, the only way to delete templates was to restore the list of templates to the default setting, which deleted all customized templates. For more information, see The Templates view.

What’s new in version 2.8.1

Change to template format
The template format changed in this release. As a result, earlier templates are removed from the Templates view when you upgrade. You cannot import templates that you created in earlier releases, instead you must re-create them. For more information about templates, see The Templates view.
Change to selection of verbose garbage collection data items
In earlier releases, you selected the types of verbose garbage collection data to display by using menus such as the VCG menu. These menus are replaced in this release by the new Data selector view. This view simplifies the selection of multiple data items. For more information about the data items, see Verbose garbage collection data items.
More information is retrieved from Node.js log files
Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer can obtain more information about the reason for a garbage collection and the type of garbage collection.
Log file name is displayed in report
The Report tab now includes the name of the log file. When you have many reports, you can use this information to relate each report to the log file from which it was generated. For more information about the Report tab, see Viewing log data by using displayers.

What’s new in version 2.8

Support for IBM SDK for Node.js
Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer can parse logs that are generated by the IBM SDK for Node.j.

What’s new in version 2.7

Additional support for Solaris Java™ virtual machine information

Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer can parse time stamps that are generated when you use the -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps parameter.

Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer can now also parse logs that are generated by the G1 garbage collector. For more information, see Solaris operating system and IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition.

New views for verbose garbage collection data
You can view graphs for the following data:
  • Garbage collection (GC) rate (per millisecond)
  • Interval between allocation failure garbage collections
  • Interval between allocation taxation garbage collections
  • Interval between concurrent garbage collections
  • Interval between garbage collection triggers
For more information, see Verbose garbage collection data items.

Selection of multiple files to compare

You can select multiple files to be compared, instead of selecting and opening each file individually.

Support for compressed files

You can open compressed files as well as text files. By using this function, you can open large log files that have been compressed, without first having to extract them. You can also store multiple log files in the compressed file, for example those generated by using the -Xverbosegclog:filename,number_of_files,number_of_gc_cycles parameter in the Java command. For more information, see Starting the tool and opening log files in the GUI.

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