Viewing log data by using displayers

The IBM® Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer contains displayers for presenting data as a report, table or line plot.

About this task

Displays data as a formatted HTML report. Tuple data is shown as a line plot, structured data is shown as tables, and unstructured data is presented as text. The report contains observations and recommendations based on the parsed data.
Displays data as a table.
Line plot
Displays tuple data as a line plot. Use the controls in the Axes pane to modify the units and range of the axes.


  1. In the hosting product, open a log file for analysis as described in Starting the tool and opening log files in the GUI.
  2. Use the tabs within the Data set tab to display the data in your preferred format.
  3. If the displayer that you require is not visible as a tab, modify the preferences to include it.
    1. Click the Preferences menu item. This item might be under the Window or File menu, depending on your hosting product.
    2. Expand the GCMV section.
    3. Click Displayers.
    4. On the Displayers page, select the check boxes next to the displayers that you want to open.
    By default all displayers are available when you open a file for analysis.
  4. Optional: Save the data in the displayed format by right-clicking within the data and clicking Save.... The file extension of the saved data depends on the display format. Reports are saved as .html files, tables as .csv files, and line plots as .jpg files. For .csv files, the default separator is a comma (,). You can change the separator to another string in the Table data displayer preferences page.

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