
Use this resource to get a list of open tasks assigned to the current user and a list of the user's completed tasks.

Method summary

HTTP Method Path Description
GET /scr/api/TaskList Gets a list of open tasks assigned to the current user and a list of the user's completed tasks.

GET /scr/api/TaskList

Use this method to get a list of open tasks assigned to the current user and a list of the user's completed tasks.
Resource information
Requirements Description
Response format JSON
Requires authentication Yes
Supports OAuth 2 client credentials Yes using a User Service ID containing Work Management Category
Rate limited Not yet
Name Location Description Required Type
X-On-Behalf-Of Header The user context. The value must be a username in the account. The user must have permission to perform the action in the account and in the specified parent space, if any. Required if Service ID OAuth credentials are used. Not required when using User Service ID OAuth credential. String
type Query The type of list to return. The following values are supported: assigned or completed. If the value is not supported, the 400 response code is returned. Yes String
version Query The version of the requested API. The only allowed value is 20110917. Yes String
limit Query The maximum number of tasks to return. If this parameter is not provided, the default value of 100 is used. No Integer
startFrom Query If this parameter is provided, then the returned list starts with the task at this index in the list (zero based). Use this parameter if the number of available tasks is higher than the number of the returned tasks in an earlier call limit. No Integer
Example input
  • Using User Service ID OAuth 2 client credentials:
    curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token"
  • Using Service ID OAuth 2 client credentials with user context:
    curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" -H "X-On-Behalf-Of:user_name@domain.com"
Example output
            "name":"ProcessApp 1 - Multiple process apps.",        
            "name":"ProcessApp 2 - Multiple process apps.",        
Response properties
The version of the API that was used to create a response.
Contains one of the following possible values:
  • true if there are more tasks on the server
  • false if the task entry includes all of the tasks available
The type of tasks in the list. The possible values are assigned or completed. These values match the one that can be passed for the type parameter.
The array of tasks. The tasks are listed in reverse chronological order of dueDate. Items with the same dueDate are sorted by instance ID and task ID.
The name of the task.
The ID of the task.
The ID of the associated work. This property matches the ID property of one of the entries in the work array. More than one task can reference the same work entry.
Optional parameter. The due date for the task. If the task has no due date, this field is not present. The due date is listed in milliseconds since epoch, that is 1 January 1970 at midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
The array of work items. The work items are in no particular order. There is an entry in the array for every unique value of workId in the tasks array.
The name that was given to the work instance when it was started.
The ID of the work instance.
Response messages
HTTP code Reason

The request was completed successfully.


There was an error processing the request. Required parameters were missing or contained invalid values.


The user isn't authorized to make the request.