
Use this resource to retrieve process details, such as milestones, activities, and activity properties.

Method summary

HTTP Method Path Description
GET /scr/api/ProcessData Retrieves details about a process.

GET /scr/api/ProcessData

Use this method to retrieve process details, such as milestones, activities, and activity properties.
Resource information
Requirements Description
Response format JSON
Requires authentication Yes. The user must have at least participant access to the process.
Supports OAuth 2 client credentials Yes using a User Service ID containing Artifact Reporting Category
Rate limited Not yet
Name Location Description Required Type
X-On-Behalf-Of Header The user context. The value must be a username in the account. The user must have permission to perform the action in the account and in the specified parent space, if any. Required if Service ID OAuth credentials are used. Not required when using User Service ID OAuth credential. String
processId Query The ID of the process to retrieve. Yes String
The data is returned as a map of items. Each item in an account has a unique ID; the ID values link all items in the account together.
Example input
  • Using OAuth 2 client credentials:
    curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" 
Example output
         "textAnnotation": "5d1f04",
         "name":"Generate Conterct Document",
         "attachedEvents": [
               "val": "5f500e57b6202"
               "val": "5f500e57b6206"
               "val": "5f500e57b620a"
         "name":"Prequalify Vehicle",
         "policyAbrvDesc":"This policy describes the special considerations for handling relocations of military families. Unlike other policyholders, military personnel and their families are often allowed to keep their insurance when moving out of the area.",
         "name":"Legal Handling of Military Family Moves out of State",
         "name":"Validate Vehicle",
         "name":"Test Playback",
         "name":"Alternate Start Event",
         "name":"Activity Output 1",
         "name":"Make final decisions",
         "name":"Activity Customer Search API",
   "5d1f04": {
      "association": "5d1f06",
      "itemType": "TEXT_ANNOTATION",
      "name": "Activity text Annotation"
   "5d1f06": {
      "associationFrom": "5d00c9",
      "associationTo": "5d1f04",
      "itemType": "ASSOCIATION",
      "name": ""
   "5d1f0a": {
      "itemType": "TEXT_ANNOTATION",
      "name": "Process text annotation",
      "textAnnotationLaneId": "default_lane",
      "textAnnotationPosition": "2-3"
   "5f500e57b6202": {
      "attachedEventPort": "2-4",
      "isPinned": "false",
      "itemType": "ACTIVITY",
      "majorType": "intermediateEventAttached",
      "name": "Message",
      "positionFlowsRight": "false",
      "uiTaskIncludeAttach": "false",
      "uiTaskIncludeDoc": "false"
   "5f500e57b6206": {
      "attachedEventPort": "2-0",
      "isPinned": "false",
      "itemType": "ACTIVITY",
      "majorType": "intermediateEventAttached",
      "name": "Timer",
      "positionFlowsRight": "false",
      "uiTaskIncludeAttach": "false",
      "uiTaskIncludeDoc": "false"
   "5f500e57b620a": {
      "attachedEventPort": "1-2",
      "isPinned": "false",
      "itemType": "ACTIVITY",
      "majorType": "intermediateEventAttached",
      "name": "Error",
      "positionFlowsRight": "false",
      "uiTaskIncludeAttach": "false",
      "uiTaskIncludeDoc": "false"
Response properties
The access properties that the requesting user has for the process.
The array that contains IDs of sub activities of an activity. For the root activity, sub activities are milestones.
The array that contains IDs of attached events of an activity.
The association between the activity and the annotation for a linked text annotation.
The ID of the activity that has the text annotation.
The ID of the text annotation.
The array that contains IDs of any business owners who are linked to the activity. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds ID of the business owner ACTOR item.
The array that contains IDs of replies to the comment. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds the ID of the COMMENT item.
The array that contains IDs of any comments that are linked to the activity. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds the ID of the COMMENT item.
A number that represents the cost.
The name of the user who created the comment.
The ID of the user who created the comment.
The millisecond value that represents when the comment was created.
The array that contains the IDs of customers associated with the activity. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds the ID of the SUPPLIERCUSTOMER item.
The cycle time value that is expressed with a number followed by a character unit marker.
Character unit marker Description
m minutes
h hours
d days
w weeks
M months
The indication of whether the data for the file was deleted. The possible values are true or false.
The ID of the diagram, if the process has one. The diagram item itself is not present in the data.
The array with the IDs of any experts that are linked to the activity. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds the ID of the expert ACTOR item.
The files map. The key is the ID of the file, and the value is the object with the file's properties.
The ID of the file in the files map. This property can be used with the FileDownload to download contents of the file.
The array with the IDs of file items that are linked to the activity. Each entry is an object with a val property that holds the ID of the fileItem item and the fileItemId property that holds the ID of an entry in the files map. The files map entry contains information about the file.
The frequency with which the problem occurs. The values are classified in the following way:
  • Less than 3 is Low
  • Less than 9 and more than 3 is Medium
  • 9 or more is High
IBM Blueworks Live sets the values in the following way:
  • 1 for Low
  • 3 for Medium
  • 9 for High
Indicates whether the user chose to hide the item from the map view in Blueworks Live.
The array with the IDs of any inputs linked to the activity. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds the ID of the INPUTOUTPUT item.
This boolean access control property indicates whether the user who makes the request has author access to the process.
The value of true is set if the comment was read.
The items map that has one entry for each item. The key is the item ID, and the value is the object with the item's properties.
The type of item.
Item type value Description Item type properties
ACTIVITY Any item, including milestones, is an activity on the map or the diagram. The majorType property distinguishes between different subtypes of an activity.
ACTOR A person or a role. Actors are used for participants, business owners, and experts. itemType and Name
COMMENT A comment The name property of the comment is the comment text.
FILEITEM A file No properties. Information about the file is in the files map. Look at the documentation for the fileItems property.
INPUTOUTPUT Something that can be used as an input or an output. itemType and Name
PROBLEM A problem itemType and Name
PROCESS A process itemType and Name
PROJECT A project itemType and Name
SYSTEM A system itemType and Name
SUPPLIERCUSTOMER An item that can be used as a supplier or a customer itemType and Name
TEXT_ANNOTATION A text annotation itemType, Name, associationFrom, associationTo
The type of activity that the item represents. This property is present only for ACTIVITY items.
Activity type Description
activity Normal activity
endEvent End event in the diagram
gateway Gateway in the diagram
intermediateEvent Intermediate event (such as message, error, or timer event) in the diagram
intermediateEventAttached Intermediate event (such as message, error, or timer event) attached to an activity in the diagram
linkedprocess Link to another process
milestone Milestone
startEvent Start event in the diagram
subprocess Subprocess
The name of the item.
  • For a comment item, the name is the actual comment text.
  • For a process item, the name of the process is in the name of the root activity in the rootActivityId property.
The array with the IDs of any outputs linked to the activity. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds the ID of the INPUTOUTPUT item.
The value is the ID of a single participant ACTOR item associated with an activity.
The array of links to PROBLEM items. Each entry in the array is an object with a val property, which is the ID of the linked problem item and optional frequency and severity properties.
The property of a comment with the ID of the process that the comment is associated with.
The ID of the process. The items map contains an entry for this ID.
The property of the PROCESS item with the ID of the PROJECT item that represents the project that the process is in.
The amount of risk the activity introduces to the process. The risk is represented with one of the following numeric values.
Risk value Description
1 Controlled
2 Low
3 Medium
4 High
The ID of the top-level activity in the process. This property is not displayed on the map or diagram. Its children are the milestones.
The severity of a problem. The values are classified in the following way:
  • Less than 3 is Low
  • More than 3 and less than 9 is Medium
  • 9 or more is High
Blueworks Live sets the values in the following way:
  • 1 for Low
  • 3 for Medium
  • 9 for High
The property of an item in the files array holding the size of the file in bytes.
The array that contains the IDs of any suppliers associated with the activity. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds the ID of the SUPPLIERCUSTOMER item.
The array of links to SYSTEM items. Each entry in the array is an object with a single val property that holds the ID of the SYSTEM item.
The property of the item in the files array that defines the type of the file.
Type value Description
1 Generic document. Used if the file doesn't fall under one of the other values.
2 Microsoft Excel file
3 Image
4 PDF document
5 Microsoft PowerPoint document
6 Microsoft Project document
7 Microsoft Visio document
8 Microsoft Word document
The ID of another item.
One of the following numeric values represents whether the activity adds value to the process.
Numeric value Description
1 Yes
2 No
3 Required
Response messages
HTTP code Reason

The request was completed successfully.


The user isn't authorized to make the request.

403 The user does not have access to the process.