
Use this resource to determine the processes that the user is following.

Method summary

HTTP Method Path Description
GET /scr/api/FollowedProcesses Retrieves a list of processes that the user is following.

GET /scr/api/FollowedProcesses

Use this method to determine the processes that the user is following.
Resource information
Requirements Description
Response format JSON
Requires authentication Yes
Supports OAuth 2 client credentials Yes using a User Service ID containing Artifact Reporting Category
Rate limited Not yet
Name Location Description Required Type
X-On-Behalf-Of Header The user context. The value must be a username in the account. The user must have permission to perform the action in the account and in the specified parent space, if any. Required if Service ID OAuth credentials are used. Not required when using User Service ID OAuth credential. String
Example input
  • Using User Service ID OAuth 2 client credentials:
    curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token
  • Using Service ID OAuth 2 client credentials:
    curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" -H "" 
Example output
  "followedProcesses": [
      "processId": "1eeabc7ee8",
      "name": "process name 1",
      "modifiedUserName": "username",
      "modifiedDate": "8/28/15"
      "processId": "1deabcc2aa",
      "name": "process name 2",
      "modifiedUserName": "username",
      "modifiedDate": "9/10/15"
      "processId": "deabc338f",
      "name": "process name 3",
      "modifiedUserName": "username",
      "modifiedDate": "7/27/15"
Response properties
The key for the array that contains information about the processes that the user follows.
The date when the process was last modified.
The name of the user who last modified the process.
The name of the process.
The ID of the process.
Response messages
HTTP code Reason

The request was completed successfully.


The user isn't authorized to make the request.

404 The specified processes were not found.