
Use this resource to export a Microsoft Excel representation of a space, process, or decision.

Method summary

HTTP Method Path Description
GET /scr/api/ExcelExport Retrieves an Excel representation of a space, process, or decision.

GET /scr/api/ExcelExport

Use this method to export an Excel representation of a space, process, or decision.
Resource information
Requirements Description
Response format Microsoft Excel
Requires authentication Yes. The user must have at least participant access to the item.
Supports OAuth 2 client credentials Yes using a User Service ID containing Artifact Reporting Category
Rate limited Not yet
Name Location Description Required Type
decisionID Query The ID of the decision to export. Only one of spaceID, processID, and decisionID must be specified. No String
excludeData Query The list of data to exclude. Options are specified as comma-separated values. Valid values are blueprints, processItems, processDetails, processPolicies, processComments, decisions, decisionItems, decisionDetails, decisionPolicies, decisionComments, documentation and attachments.

If blueprints are excluded, then processItems, processDetails, processPolicies and processComments are also excluded. Similarly, if decisions are excluded, then decisionItems, decisionDetails, decisionPolicies and decisionComments are also excluded.

No String
exportToSingleFile Query If this value is true and the value of includeSubspaces is true, the space and all subspaces are exported to a single XLSX file. A spaceID is required . No Boolean
includeSubspaces Query If the value is true, subspaces are also exported. Each space is exported to a separate XLSX file. This parameter is only applicable when a spaceID is specified. No Boolean
processID Query The ID of the process to export. Only one of spaceID, processID, and decisionID must be specified. No String
spaceID Query The ID of the space to export. Only one of spaceID, processID, and decisionID must be specified. No String
X-On-Behalf-Of Header The user context. The value must be a username in the account. The user must have permission to perform the action in the account and in the specified parent space, if any. Required if Service ID OAuth credentials are used. Not required when using User Service ID OAuth credential. String
The Excel export for the space, process, or decision that was exported. The format is either a single Excel (.xlsx) file, or an archive when includeSubspaces is true. If both includeSubspaces and exportToSingleFile are true, the space and all its subspaces are exported to a single file.
Example input

This example shows how to use the ExcelExport and Search APIs to export a space and its subspaces given a space name.

The sample uses the json4j library from the Apache Wink project to decode the JSON responses sent back by the Search API.

  1. Download the Java file SpaceExcelExportExample.java.
  2. Download the JAR file json4j.
  3. Compile the sample.
    • For Windows operating systems:
      javac -cp .;wink-json4j-1.3.0.jar SpaceExcelExportExample.java
    • For Linux operating systems:
      javac -cp ./wink-json4j-1.3.0.jar SpaceExcelExportExample.java
  4. Run it.

    Then the system downloads an Excel file for each of the spaces returned from search for "Process Examples" and puts each file in \Temp\.

    • For Windows operating systems:
      java -cp .;wink-json4j-1.3.0.jar SpaceExcelExportExample "Process Examples" \Temp\
    • For Linux operating systems:
      java -cp .:./wink-json4j-1.3.0.jar SpaceExcelExportExample "Process Examples" \Temp\
Example output
Excel file
Response properties
Response messages
HTTP code Reason

The request was completed successfully.


The user isn't authorized to make the request.

403 The user does not have access to the process. The process requires at least participant access.