chvlog command


Changes the configuration of a virtual log.


To change the properties of a virtual log by specifying the device name:

chvlog -dev DeviceName [-client ClientName] [-name LogName] [-lf FileCount] [-lfs FileSize] [-sf FileCount] [-sfs FileSize]

To change the properties of a virtual log by specifying its UUID:

chvlog {-uuid UUID | -u UUID} [-client ClientName] [-name LogName] [-lf FileCount] [-lfs FileSize] [-sf FileCount] [-sfs FileSize] [-state VirtualLogState]


The chvlog command changes the properties of a virtual log device.

The virtual log can be specified by its universal unique Identifier (UUID) (by using the -uuid parameter), or by its device name (by using the -dev parameter) if it is attached to a virtual SCSI (VSCSI) host adapter.

The UUID of virtual logs can be discovered by using the lsvlog command to display the properties of virtual logs.

The state property of a virtual log cannot be changed if the virtual log is attached to a VSCSI host adapter because virtual logs must be in the enabled state to be attached. To change the state of an attached virtual log, first use the rmvlog -d command to detach it from the VSCSI host adapter.

If the specified virtual log is shared across a VIOS cluster by using a shared storage pool, no changes can be made to it unless it is disconnected from VSCSI host adapters on all virtual I/O servers (VIOS) in the cluster.


Flag name Description
-c, -client Sets the client name, up to 96 characters.
-dev Changes the virtual log with the specified device name.
-lf Sets the maximum number of log files, in the range 1 - 1000.
-lfs Sets the maximum size of each log file, in bytes, or suffixed with K, M, or G.
-n, -name Sets the log name, up to 12 characters.
-s, -state Sets the state of the virtual log to disabled, enabled, or migrated.
-sf Sets the maximum number of state files, in the range 1 - 1000.
-sfs Sets the maximum size of each state file, in bytes, or suffixed with K, M, or G.
-u, -uuid Changes the virtual log with the specified UUID.

Exit Status

Table 1. Command specific return codes
Return code Description
0 The virtual log configuration was updated successfully.
>0 An error occurred.


  1. To change the log file size on a running virtual log device named vtlog0 to 2 MB, type the command as follows:
    chvlog -dev vtlog0 -lfs 2M
    The system displays the output as follows:
    Updated device.
  2. To change the state of the virtual log that has UUID 00000000000000003cee6408c885d677 to disabled, type the command as follows:
    chvlog -uuid 00000000000000003cee6408c885d677 -state disabled
    The system displays the output as follows:
    Updated device.
  3. To attempt to change the state of the virtual log that has UUID 00000000000000003cee6408c885d677 to disabled when it is connected to a VSCSI host adapter, type the command as follows:
    chvlog -uuid 00000000000000003cee6408c885d677 -state disabled
    The system displays the output as follows:
    To change the state, the virtual log must not be connected to a device.

Last updated: Wed, November 18, 2020