Retrieve Nonprogram Message Queue Attributes (QMHRMQAT) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Retrieve Nonprogram Message Queue Attributes (QMHRMQAT) API provides information about the attributes of a nonprogram message queue. For more information on the attributes of nonprogram message queues, see the Create Message Queue (CRTMSGQ) command and the Change Message Queue (CHGMSGQ) command documentation in the online help.

Authorities and Locks

Message queue
Message queue library

Required Parameter Group

Message queue information

The parameter to receive the message queue information. The format of the returned data is specified in RMQA0100 Format.

Length of message queue information

The size of the area to contain the message information, in bytes. If the length specified is larger than the actual size of the message queue information parameter, the results may not be predictable. The minimum length is 8 bytes.

Format name

The format of the information to be returned. You must use the following format name:

Qualified message queue name

The message queue and the library in which the message queue is located. The first 10 characters contain the message queue name, and the second 10 characters contain the message queue library. You can use these special values for the library name:

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

RMQA0100 Format

The following table shows the information returned in the message queue information parameter for the RMQA0100 format. For a detailed description of each field, see Field Descriptions.

Field Descriptions

Allow alerts. Whether this message queue allows alerts to be generated from alert messages sent to it. The values are:

See the Alerts Support Link to PDF manual for information on alerts.

Allow other jobs to reply. Whether other jobs can reply to messages on the message queue when it is in *BREAK delivery mode with a break-handling program other than *DSPMSG specified.

The field is set to *ALWRPY if the queue is in break mode and *DSPMSG is the break-handling program.

The field is set to blanks if the queue is not in break mode.

The possible values follow:

Break-handling program library. The library that is specified for the break-handling program.

If the message queue is not in break mode or the break-handling program name is specified as *DSPMSG, this field is set to blanks.

The following special values or a specific library may be returned:

Break-handling program name. The program that is called when messages are sent to this message queue. The delivery field must be set to *BREAK. The severity of the message sent to the queue must be equal to or greater than the value shown in the severity code filter field.

The field is set to *DSPMSG if the queue is in break mode and there is no break-handling program set.

The field is set to blanks if the queue is not in break mode.

Bytes available. The number of bytes of data available to be returned. All available data is returned if enough space is provided.

Bytes returned. The number of bytes of data returned.

Coded character set identifier (CCSID). The coded character set identifier (CCSID) that is associated with this message queue. A special value of 65535 means that no conversions are to occur when sending or receiving messages from this message queue. A special value of 65534 means to use the CCSID associated with the message when conversions are to occur. For more information about message handler and its use of CCSIDs, see CCSID support for messages.

Current storage size. The current storage size of the message queue in bytes.

Delivery. How the messages that are sent to this message queue are delivered. The method of delivery is in effect only as long as the message queue is allocated to a job. When the queue is no longer allocated, the delivery mode is changed to *HOLD for work-station, system-operator, and user message queues. The possible values follow:

Force to auxiliary storage. Whether changes made to the message queue description or messages added to or removed from the queue are immediately forced into auxiliary storage. If the value is *YES and a system failure occurs, the changes to the message queue are not lost.

One of the following modes is returned:

Increment storage size. The number of bytes added each time the message queue is increased in size.

Maximum increments. The maximum number of times the message queue can be incremented. If *NOMAX is specified for this attribute when the message is created, the value determined by the system as the maximum number of times that the message queue can be incremented is returned.

Message queue full action. The action to take when the message queue becomes full. The possible values follow:

Message queue library used. The actual library name that contains the message queue.

Message queue used. The name of the message queue whose attributes were returned.

Number of increments. The number of times that the message queue has been increased in size.

Number of messages on queue. The number of messages currently on the message queue.

Severity code filter. The lowest severity level that a message can have and still be delivered to a user in break or notify mode. Messages arriving at the message queue whose severities are lower than that specified here do not interrupt the job or turn on the message waiting light. Valid values are 0 through 99.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Text description. Text that briefly describes the message queue.

Error Messages

API introduced: V2R3

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