Record type 03 data queue entry format

The Record type 03 data queue entry format table shows the format of a DTA2 entry for creating a spooled file.

Table 1. Record type 03 data queue entry format
Decimal Offset Hex Offset Type Description
0 0 CHAR(10) Function

Identifies the function that created the data queue entry. The value for a spooled file is *SPOOL.

10 A CHAR(2) Record type
Identifies the record type within the function. The valid value is:
A spooled file has been created and placed on the output queue.
12 C CHAR(26) Qualified job name

Identifies the qualified job name of the job that owns the spooled file placed on the output queue.

Job name
User name
Job number
38 26 CHAR(10) Spooled file name

Identifies the name of the spooled file placed on the output queue.

48 30 BINARY(4) Spooled file number

Identifies the unique number of the spooled file placed on the output queue.

52 34 CHAR(20) Qualified output queue name

Identifies the qualified name of the output queue on which the spooled file was placed.

Output queue name
Library of the output queue
72 48 CHAR(26) Creating qualified job name

Identifies the qualified job name of the job that created the spooled file.

Job name
User name
Job number
98 62 CHAR(10) User data

Identifies the user-specified data for the spooled file that was created.

108 6C BINARY(4) Auxiliary storage pool

Identifies the auxiliary storage pool where the spooled file was created.

112 70 CHAR(8) Thread ID

Identifies the thread of the job that created the spooled file.

120 78 CHAR(10) System name

Identifies the name of the system on which the spooled file was generated.

130 82 CHAR(7) Creation date in UTC

Identifies the date in UTC on which the spooled file was created in CYYMMDD format.

137 89 CHAR(6) Creation time in UTC

Identifies the time that the spooled file was created in HHMMSS format.

143 8F CHAR(57) Reserved