Planning authorization lists

You can group objects with similar security requirements by using an authorization list.

Look at the group and individual authorities on your Library description forms. Decide if using authorization lists is appropriate. If so, prepare Authorization list forms and update your Library description forms with the authorization list information.

Authorization list security
From a security management view, an authorization list is the preferred method to manage objects that have the same security requirements. Even when there are only a few objects that are secured by the list, there is still an advantage to using an authorization list instead of using private authorities to the objects. It is also easier to secure any new objects with the same authorities as the existing objects.
Advantages of using an authorization list
You can make full use of the advantages of authorization lists to protect objects on your system.
Creating an authorization list
Use the Create Authorization List (CRTAUTL) command to create an authorization list.
Securing objects with an authorization list
To secure an object with an authorization list, you must own the object, have *ALL authority to it, or have *ALLOBJ special authority.