Using the console service functions (65+21)

Console service functions (65+21) are the emergency console recovery functions.

Note: This is a service function that requires familiarity of control panel functions. Improper use of this service function can cause the system to become unstable. Call your local support for assistance if you have concerns about making your system unstable.

The following functions are available using the console service functions (65+21):

  • Start of changeChange the console type value (01-04)

    You can use the console service functions (65+21) to change the console type from its current value to another. For example, assume that you ordered your system with Operations Console LAN, but you are having trouble getting it to work.

    End of change
  • Start of changeDisplay current IP addresses used by LAN console (A1)

    This option will display IPv4 addresses in Word 13. Multiple IP addresses may exist, so additional console service functions (65+21) are required to see the next values. When Words 13 - 17 are zero, option (C3) will start.

    End of change
  • Clear the resource and configuration for the LAN adapter used by Operations Console (C3)

    With this option, you can disassociate the current LAN adapter used for Operations Console. You might use this option to overcome a mistake in the configuration. For example, assume that you made a typing error and entered another device's IP address. At connection time, the client configured the system's LAN adapter for use by the console, but the console fails to connect because the other device is active. This option clears the system's network data for the console and allows you to delete the client's configuration so that you can start over and make the BOOTP work again.

    Depending on your intent to clear the LAN adapter configuration you might also want to stop and restart the LAN adapter. The example here would benefit from following the clear function with a deactivate and activate (A3) function to save time from having to do an IPL.

  • Start of changeSet the server configuration IP address to a known address (C4)

    This option is used when DHCP or BOOTP fails to set the server IP address.

    This option sets the sever IP address to a known address of

    This option requires the configuration to be cleared first with function C3.

    Option C3 must be performed with a function 21. Then immediately perform a function 65+21.

    Option C4 is displayed. Then use function 21 to perform the set function.

    The A3 option is required after the C4 option. Before using option A3, you might want to set other configuration options using these options (E1,E2,D1,D2).

    End of change
  • Deactivate followed by an activate of the LAN adapter used by Operations Console (A3)

    With this option, you can reset the LAN adapter used by Operations Console, when some network problem causes the system to get into a bad state and the console cannot become active. This forces the LAN adapter to deactivate, and then start back up again. This might clear up the problem, providing the original problem that caused the connection failure has been solved.

    This option may be used in place of an IPL for some circumstances, such as after a clear of the LAN adapter configuration.

  • Dump Operations Console flight recorders to vlogs (DD)
    Note: This option will not work if the system performs IPL in D-mode.

    This option will allow you to capture valuable debug information regarding a console connection failure for support personnel. This method is less intrusive than performing a main storage dump which would force an IPL. By using the console service functions (65+21) an attempt is made to gather all the flight recorder logs from the many parts of the code used by Operations Console. A set of vlogs is created for major code 4A00 and minor code 0500. These vlogs can then be sent to your service provider for analysis.

    Note: When possible, perform an IPL on the system to guarantee all vlogs get created even if the IPL will fail. The intent is that LIC has started the vlog tasks prior to performing the dump of flight recorders.

Start of changeThe following functions are available when not managed by an HMC. The values displayed depend on the model and code level.End of change

Start of change
  • Enabling or disabling the embedded Ethernet port and add-on LAN adapters (E1, E2, D1, D2)
    Note: For a list of supported adapters, go to the Operations Console hardware requirements topic. All the adapters in the table are available for add-on LAN adapter. The HEA is controlled by embedded Ethernet port value and VLAN is controlled by the management console.
  • Selecting an individual LAN adapter location (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, BA)
  • Selecting an individual asynchronous adapter location (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, FA)
End of change

How console service functions work

The following is an overview of how console service functions works:

Note: If your system is not in manual mode, and the extended functions are not activated, or both, follow these steps:
  1. If your system uses a keystick, insert it in the key slot.
  2. Place the system into manual mode by using the system's control panel.
  3. Using Up and Down, select function 25. Press Enter.
  4. Use Up to select function 26. Press Enter.

The following codes will allow you to track your progress:

A6nn 500x

Where nn means:

  • 00 = No console defined
  • 01 = Twinax console
  • Start of change02 = Direct attached Operations Console (obsolete in 7.1)End of change
  • 03 = LAN Operations Console
  • Start of change04 = Hardware Management Console (HMC)End of change
  • Start of changeA1 = Display current IP addresses used by LAN consoleEnd of change
  • C3 = Clear LAN configuration
  • Start of changeC4 = Set the server configuration IP address to a known addressEnd of change
  • A3 = Deactivate followed by an activate of the LAN Operations Console adapter
  • DD = Dump all console related flight recorder into a set of vlogs
  • Start of changeE1 = Enable Ethernet embedded portEnd of change
  • Start of changeE2 = Enable add-on LAN adaptersEnd of change
  • Start of changeD1 = Disable Ethernet embedded portEnd of change
  • Start of changeD2 = Disable add-on LAN adaptersEnd of change
  • Start of changeBn = Enable LAN adapter in slot (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, CA)End of change
  • Start of changeFn = Enable asynchronous adapter in slot (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, CA)End of change
  1. Selecting 03 may also require a function A3 to activate the LAN adapter in rare cases. Also, if a LAN connected console is connected, the emulator may go to a Disconnected state. If so, you can start it again by clicking Communication and selecting Connect.

Where x means:

A6nn 500A
You are displaying the current console type setting.
A6nn 500B
You did a second 65+21 pair so you are in edit mode.
A6nn 500C
You executed a second 21 to cause an action, such as setting the console to another value.
A6nn 500D
You waited too long after entering edit mode to cause an action so you will have to enter edit mode again if you intended to make a change. A 21 at this time will force the console to DST, not cause an action.

An example of a console change would be:

The console type is 01 (twinaxial) and you want to use LAN (03).

65 - 21 = A601 500A  You are in display mode and the console type is 01
65 - 21 = A602 500B  You entered edit mode and incremented the counter
65 - 21 = A603 500B  You incremented the counter again
       21 = A603 500C  You invoked the action (set the console type to 03)